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The Road Less Traveled to Love, Laughter, and Little Ones
January 30, 2024

The Road Less Traveled to Love, Laughter, and Little Ones

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When life threw us a curveball, we caught it with open arms, transforming our "no more kids" policy into a heartwarming journey of family expansion. Our latest podcast episode takes you through the intimate decision-making process that led us from the freewheeling days of motorcycle rides and beach outings to embracing the joy and surprise of an unexpected pregnancy. We reveal not just the decision to have more children, but the revelations that come with growing a family when you least expect it.

Our conversation doesn't shy away from the bumps along the road, particularly the comical and challenging moments surrounding our wedding journey. We discuss the societal pressures of marrying out of love versus obligation, and how my string of past relationships and engagements became stepping stones to the ultimate commitment. You'll be privy to the emotional and logistical hurdles we faced, finding humor and wisdom in the choices that led us to a City Hall ceremony.

To wrap things up, we reflect on how we keep our relationship at the forefront amidst the chaos that life and family can bring. This episode is an open book to the moments that have defined our path, full of heart and honesty, and we can't wait to share every chapter with you.


00:00 - Deciding to Marry and Have Kids

10:33 - Controversy Surrounding Wedding Ceremony

20:11 - Wedding Planning Challenges and Overcoming Obstacles

28:29 - The Journey to Marriage

37:30 - Adding Clips to YouTube Videos


Speaker 1:

Our engagement, our wedding.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a good story. Yeah, I think, before we kind of start talking about that, though, we should probably go back to deciding to have kids together, because that plays into it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, absolutely. I remember, like in the beginning, like we were like dead set against it. I remember that we were just like at that point where, like we both had kids, so young right, and obviously that like absolutely I bought a line traumatic right. Obviously having kids young and you know not you know thinking things through and things like that and also kind of like we were over, like we were through, like a rough patch in our life, right. And then kind of like we were now kind of enjoying it, kind of like being with the right person right and kind of enjoying that moment.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think so because, like you know, we would go for rides on your bike and like we would have days of just bar hopping and like right, and going up to the beach and just like enjoying ourselves when we didn't have the kids, and they were, you know, eight, nine and five at that point.

Speaker 1:

So we were past that point of like having little kids, right, kind of starting all over again and and it was definitely like also like there was a fact of, like you and I are there doing math right, like we're figuring it out and we're just like yeah, like it's like by the time that the youngest one, mia, at the time, was like but time she graduates we're gonna be like 40, we're gonna be younger than 40. And it's just like, yeah, like you know, obviously now we're on and off right, like we have money, like we're not living page at the paycheck, like what kind of yeah, we so limited to paycheck, but like it was just a thing of like we kind of had somebody experienced life with right and so it was just kind of like, yeah, let's kind of start doing that. And we kind of held it just like let's just do us type mentality.

Speaker 2:

And then, you know, as time kind of went on and our love grew, it was just yeah like we have to have kids, like we have kids together, yeah, and for me, I think, as A woman, I really wanted to give you kids, like that was something that was.

Speaker 1:

I think it was like. What was even crazier was that, like during that time, like it was how dead set we were prior to that like to send it, like, kind of like, just kind of go back. It was just like I was ready to like lock it up, like oh yeah, you were both kind of a sex me. Yeah, I was in a business. I'm like, yeah, close up shop. I'm like I'm a dangerous weapon.

Speaker 2:

She's like what's not talk about this at dinner?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's true. I'm like, if I don't do it now. What it was, but I think that it was, um, yeah, because it was just so different cuz, like we just, you know, we just held it that moment. It was just of you know, obviously, as time I'm like we got closer, I spent more time with, like, your family is especially more time with grandpa, like we said before, like, like, like you know, your mom's one of nine and it was just kind of like, as I just had spending more time with them, it was just kind of like I Kind of I want this, I want this, and then I remember you know, being in bed with you and we're just kind of just just relaxing in the morning and it was just like I won't almost want to like Buffalo bill. You like that's, that's how. That's how crazy I Want is how crazy I was about you. I'm just like I just want to wear you. And it was just kind of like this, this crazy film, but it was like this love that I'm just like. I think, like you said it before, I was the best thing. It's like a manifestation of that love.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

There's anything like that's absolutely 110% correct.

Speaker 2:

That is like Camila, camila's like the biggest love bug in the world, and she always needs to be between us.

Speaker 1:

Like it, like God forbid that we get close to each other for like one second on the couch. She's just like group hug or just a hop for it in and I know Selena is big with the group hugs too. Yeah, she loves a group hug, yeah, yeah, that's, it's a daily occurrence.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but um but yeah, and I think once we made that decision, like we got pregnant really fast, way faster than I thought we were going to one shot, one kill yeah, but yeah, no, it was just.

Speaker 1:

I never forget, like obviously at this point, like like we decided like all right, we're gonna get married. We decided like all right, we're gonna have kids right away right is really like what? 32, I think yes, and then, like the other thing is too, is that, you know, we didn't obviously think we're gonna get pregnant as fast right.

Speaker 2:

So we kind we kind of thought that we would get pregnant after we got married. That was the original plan. Yeah, didn't work. No right, I think this is right. We decided to get married in like July, early August. Yes, yes, yes and then found out that I was pregnant in September while we were away in Jacksonville with, like my whole family yeah, yeah, literally everybody.

Speaker 1:

And then, like I remember, like I'll never forget that, like you, like you kind of hinted around to it, yeah, remember, like you said to me like you're like I think I might be pregnant and we're both kind of like yeah, like no way, stuff like that, and I think that we ended up we walked to, like we have, we walked from the hotel, went down it was a quick walk, it was a hundred five.

Speaker 2:

It was like, oh, this walk is taking as long as we thought. But yeah, the night before that was Alana's 21st birthday party. Yes, and I wasn't sure if I was pregnant yet. It think it was like kind of too early to take a test. I had a pretty good feeling, right, that I was right, but I knew, because we were big drinkers and partyers at the time, that my family was gonna be like what the fuck's going? on you know, like why are you not drinking? Yeah, so you were like, just when we do the first shot, like just take it, like it's not gonna hurt the baby if you are pregnant, yeah, and then just drink water the rest of the night, cuz I always drink vodka, so it is at that point. So at least the water looks like a vodka soda, right, right.

Speaker 1:

One thing from a tactical perspective we probably should have asked for like the same cup, like I swear, like that absolutely sniffed it out, like she's just saying like oh, why are you drinking?

Speaker 2:

water like 20s, like it was just kind of like oh my god, I can't get anything by my mom or my aunts ever no like this, and I inherited it it's like a laser focus man.

Speaker 1:

But um, you know, I'll just never forget that. And then, exactly, we just kind of like, oh shit, like she's already kind of stiffen on our tails, I do, I deal like that.

Speaker 2:

And then was it the day of the past game that we ended up we tested the day before, right, so the day after the birthday party, but the day before the past game, right, because we were down there for the Pat Jacksonville game, because one of my uncles lives in Jacksonville. Um, so we tested on that day in between. So that was fine because we were meeting, like my dad and one of my uncles, for dinner. But that was my dad's, not one to like pry, so even if I wasn't drinking he wouldn't say anything to me. You know right but I ended up calling my mom to tell her that night, remember, because I was like oh my god, we're tailgating yeah, and I'm not gonna be drinking, be found out, yeah point.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, I remember like that. That was just like oh shit, well, like they're gonna know they're gonna know. And the fact the matter was that we just we just figured it out at that point and like we're just like man, like we're just, we're like we had like no, no way to kind of like prepare for it or anything because we found out like there and I don't forget, we're like, we gotta tell you mom, because exactly you didn't want it coming from somebody else yeah exactly and so obviously I remember, like you know, kind of like the whole test right, like like you took the test. I've been went to the bathroom and I'm kind of like going through to my head. I'm like alright, like she's like that, and then, like I come out and you didn't see it yet, just kind of left, yeah, on the counter, and I'm like I remember like seeing the test and I'm like I never forgot I was, like I said, tearing up like I was just like we have a baby yeah, I was like the craziest thing. You like what?

Speaker 2:

we're gonna have a baby like it was just like the craziness, and it was just one of the greatest times, and then it was definitely a lot nicer of a finding out than when I found out I was pregnant. Selena, so our youngest two kids are 11 months apart. They're the same age every year. For one week, and Camila was like what? Three months old when we found out that I was pregnant with Selena and I had just randomly took a test. He was at work. I called them and I'm like yeah, I'm pregnant again yeah, and so I'm at work.

Speaker 1:

I get this phone call. She's like yeah, I'm pregnant again. The fuck at it. It was like. It was like what is going?

Speaker 2:

on. I was like I'm gonna be just out of laughing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I remember we just had a laughing. We're just like why me? Like we wanted her. We just didn't think it was gonna happen that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we did definitely want another kid, but I just didn't think it would be, you know what I'm pretty sure happened right after we got the go ahead.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was just kind of like doctors like yeah, like you can get back to it and, like I said, I think you know that that was kind of like yeah, but yeah, but I think I'm kind of to get more serious and like towards the wedding.

Speaker 2:

I think us getting pregnant that fast and prior to us getting married kind of made people think that oh, they're just getting married because she's pregnant kind of with the trifecta of wrong reasons, right yeah it's kind of like like we haven't been together that long.

Speaker 1:

You know, probably from from your past, of like you, you got pregnant young, got married young like got married while I was pregnant, right kind of that. And then you know, kind of like all those different things, like all those different reasons, and absolutely it was just kind of like I'm not like telling you like my brother I'm like yeah, like, but you gotta get married, and he's like what? Like it was like the craziest thing, and then same thing. It was like I'm about telling like you know, just, really, just about anybody I talked to, and told me I'm all to get married, you sure yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I'm like me, I'm sure I think for people right like you had been together with the girl's mother on and off for like 12 years.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's another thing too. I was just going to say that, like it was also like three failed engagements, like it was, like you know, which is talk about, like the universe telling you, like Don't do that. Because it was crazy. It was like I had a mentality. I was like I'm only going to get married once in my life and I honestly do think that if I did get married, like what, I remarry again. No, like I. It was just one of those things and it was just you know, but it was obviously just you know the universe. The universe did kept its way of like basically being like dude, like that'll help you out, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But I think that was why people were like really, because even people you worked with and stuff like that were like what You're getting married. Like we didn't even know you would. We didn't even know that it was that serious or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Yes, exactly. And then, like it was just kind of like those things. And then, obviously, I think, when it came time for planning our win because we didn't even want anything even big, like we just kind of wanted something simple, because you know, I think at that point I was so turned off till, like, obviously, everything that I was kind of been through I'm like, you know, I don't want to do anything crazy, I just kind of want something like more intimate things like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I mean I was because I had already been, I had had a wedding, you know, and I didn't feel any need for it. Like both, you and I keep our circles pretty small, like well, as small as I can with my family, but it's basically all my family. Like my sisters are my best friends, my cousins, my aunts, like those are the people that I go to. You know a very small group of friends outside of my family, so we were trying to keep it like we were going to have it in our backyard and win.

Speaker 1:

Right, and I remember that when we started to kind of plan the wedding and things like that and then just started like this absolute, just snowball effect of just like shitty events that basically led us to like deciding to just get married by ourselves, yeah, and like, yeah, I think it all, yeah, like what kind of started it?

Speaker 2:

So we were going to get married in our house, have a party in the backyard, and we wanted Charlie Kyle's brother to marry us.

Speaker 1:

Right Because? Because because you had did that with.

Speaker 2:

I married one of my aunts. Yeah, I married one of my aunts, so I thought that that was the coolest thing.

Speaker 1:

And then, you know, it was just kind of like that, that one moment where, like my brother's, like like my brother means the world to me, he's just everything to me, right.

Speaker 2:

And he had lived with us so he knew our relationship kind of back and forth at that point.

Speaker 1:

Or he knew it, yeah, so it was definitely like one of those things, and so we're like, well, like who better to do this Exactly? Yeah, and in doing that, it kind of created like this chain effect of of you know, my brother in law I'll never forget that we were in Macy's.

Speaker 2:

Macy's. Yeah, we were in.

Speaker 1:

Macy's and we're shopping for dresses for the girls and things like that For the wedding, for the wedding Right and I get a phone call and you know the phone call was basically like hey what's going on, man? And it was, you know, cordial things like that, and I'll never forget he was like oh, he's like, so I heard that your brother is going to marry you guys. I'm like, yeah, like you know, I'm excited and something I think it's so awesome and things like that. And he was like. You know, he was like you know, I think like you're making a joke of marriage and at this point I'm like you know it, almost like like I have the phone and I'm just kind of like. I can distinctly remember that as like in the dressing room with the girls and you kind of walking away to take the phone call and just like your face, yeah, and I'm like what are you talking about? And then you know he kind of goes into it. He's like you know, marriage is sacred and it's in front of God and like I feel like, like you know, you're just getting somebody to just like marry you guys. It's not being blessed by God and all these different things. And you know I'm thinking the same thing. I'm like you got married in my house by just for the peace, it's no different. It's no different, right? And then you know he kind of wanted to start getting into it more. But I knew that, regardless of what the conversation was going to consist of, it was not going to be anything like we were never going to agree, because he started his way, I saw it in my way. It was never going to be any, any point of us coming together.

Speaker 2:

There was no middle ground.

Speaker 1:

There was no middle ground. I knew that out the gate. I'm like you know why? Because I feel the way how I feel about it. He feels the way he feels about it.

Speaker 2:

You handled that really well too, Like I think you just were so respectful to him while stating like, hey, this is what we're going to do.

Speaker 1:

Right, and I remember just saying to him I'm like you know what man I'm like, let's just agree to disagree.

Speaker 2:

But he said that he and his family wouldn't like.

Speaker 1:

I remember asking him. He was like. He was like if, if, this is what you choose to do, and then he was like I'll pay for it just as a piece. I mean, buddy, how is it any different? I remember saying this I was like somebody who you don't know what they do behind closed doors. They're not ordained by God. They. I was like they're, they're, they're, it's a, it's a government appointed official, like you know what I'm saying, like it was only different things. And and then I'm like why wouldn't I want somebody who knows us and knows to do this? And I never forgot Like I was so hurt. I was so hurt by it at the time and you know, I remember him saying he was like you know, if this is how you choose to go, he's like I'm not, he's like I will not be attending your wedding. That's what he said. He said it very strongly no-transcript. I'm like you know I respect that. Thank you for letting me know. Am I to assume that my sister and my nieces and nephews will not become as well, that they will not be there as well? Okay, sounds good. And I was like I'm like it hurts me that you guys won't be there, but I respect your decision. Thank you for letting me know, right.

Speaker 2:

And I was like I gotta let you go.

Speaker 1:

I'm with my family right now we're buying dresses for the both of us. Yeah, and that was it. And I remember like like having to tell you that and it being like like kind of like a what the fuck moment? Like kind of like like where's it coming from? And I'm just like you know what I'm like we're never going to agree on this, and I was just like so that's where I left.

Speaker 2:

No, I mean, and you know they're very religious and that's fine, that's their, you know what I mean Like that's what they believe, like and that's okay, but it was definitely super hurtful. And then I think, all of a sudden, all this shit just started happening. Like we have you know, we're saying, okay, we're going to get married on Saturday, november 3rd, that was it. All of a sudden, like you know, my cousin has a soccer tournament that weekend. And like when I tell you guys, like I'm close to my family I mean close, like we do everything together Sunday dinners, like so for them to say to me, like oh well, she has a soccer tournament, so I don't know if we're going to be there. I'm like what? Like how could you say that to me? This is my wedding, you know. And then my uncle said like oh well, we'll just, you know, we'll just catch you at the next one.

Speaker 1:

And I remember, like what was crazy was that he said it to me and then it got me so sideways. I'll never forget that. Like I'm just like there is no next one, like this is like. But then, like to me it was kind of like well, it kind of made the way. How it made me feel about it at the time was that like I wonder if this has to do with the fact of like how you got married the first time Right, and now I'm pregnant again and we're not married, but we're going to get married. Which is a big deal.

Speaker 2:

It's like here's this thing that starts up all over again, exactly, and I never really thought like if anyone in my family even thought that, you know, but that kind of made me feel that way, Right, and at that point we were continuing to go forward with it. But then I got a text from my sister saying that my nephew was going to come to the wedding but he would be late, and anyone who knows me knows my nephew. This one particular nephew is like my son, like we lived together until he was five. He's like my older daughter's little brother. He was always with me. Even now my kids joke that he's my favorite kid, but yeah, yeah, they send him to do their bidding.

Speaker 1:

He's like ask for pizza. She won't say no to you pizza.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, so that was like a dagger to the heart for me.

Speaker 1:

I remember that.

Speaker 2:

It really was and I was at work when I got that text message. And I also just want to say, like you know, this was over five years ago and at the time I didn't handle confrontation with my family at all and I wish, looking back, that I had spoke to them and said what I wanted to say, in a respectful manner, obviously. But I was so upset At the time, thinking like this is our wedding, like how are you saying that these things are more important? Like a kid's sports game is more important than coming to my wedding, and so I just kind of like I was just like whatever, like I can't even deal with this right. I was so hurt by it. But I remember texting you from work and like screenshotting the text and you just being like really upside, on my behalf too, and both of us just saying like what the fuck is going on. And now, like this time that's supposed to be happy for us. We are like getting dragged down by what other people think about our wedding. I know.

Speaker 1:

And like, don't forget, I'm like, you know our kids, like well, my car and me are because of what was going on with my ex, Like at one point they weren't going to be there either it was like this I'm like, how can I not have my kids there? And you know, there was other things even on top of that, like you know. I remember even like with Charlie finding out if it was okay if he couldn't marry us. And then like like in all of this, like other stuff, and I'm just like, I'm like buddy, I'm like like it's like this is what I'm like, and it was just all this different stuff from like the religious aspect of things too Like, and you know, I'm just like I, it was like the hardest thing. It really was, it really was like a hard thing. And then I remember like, just like how you were just saying, though, too, like there was a lot of moments that I wish I could have, in which we're gonna have another podcast, like another episode about this as well, about overcoming, like those fears of being honest with our family members. We can be honest with a lot of other people. But sometimes being honest with like your family is like the hardest thing and it's because it's fine, it's like from like that place of love and but you feel that it's a you kind of associated with that bad thing. I think that's been something that we really been. Working hard about I think it's gonna be a great Episode, so that one yeah it will definitely. But you know, kind of getting back into this, like it's um, we hit that point. Like we hit that point where we're like Like this has become everything about everyone else. It has nothing to even do with us anymore. Like it, it wasn't about me, it wasn't about you, wasn't about us, it was about everybody else. Yeah, everybody else's shit was more important than then us getting married. And and then we finally got to a point like we're both super upset. I'll never forget I was super upset and we were like fuck this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we were basically texting each other at the same time. Yeah, I want to go to City Hall, and you were like you know what I do too. It was literally like that. I was like I want to go me, and you, I don't want anybody else to be there. Right like we're gonna go, they're gonna marry us in the city clerk's office, yeah, and we're gonna be fucking married because I really think, like that time was so integral to you, helping our relationship grow to the point that it is now because one thing about all of that, like All that shit, your family, my family, like we could have been at each other's throats right, yeah, and we weren't. We were very united, I felt, and how we dealt with everything guys against the world. Yeah, but I really think that that has kind of translated even to how our marriage is now Like we're very, very tight, like you can't get in between us, like no one's gonna say something about the other one. You know they mean like we don't bring other people's opinions into our marriage.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we, yeah, it's honestly so. We protect our marriage, like that's. That's probably the biggest thing. It's like Now I can talk bad about my husband, I can talk bad about my wife, and it's just kind of like we just the way how we protect us, you know, yeah, that's a beautiful thing. And then just a real funny thing I kind of want to get into was like the absolute our procrastination about getting a ring. I Was like, well, like I was like as like, as serious as this all is. I remember that like we finally decided like, oh, we're gonna go to fucking city hall and then really the up to us, and then we're just like, and then like Now I got big hands right and it works. I would that Just say everyone out there. If you ever wonder about you've get an abiding ring. I think was a size 7's part of the smallest you ever get at a store around here. I have a size 14 finger. Didn't know that.

Speaker 2:

There we are in the North Storm all two nights before we're getting there. And we got my ring, which was just this, this middle band right here. He's added these two as the years have gone on, but it was just this band. It was like 300 bucks or something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I remember those, those probably like Like the most that we could get. We're like, we're like we got a book at Japan.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm like the most that we could do, and then we're like running around the mall, going to stores and Putting on rings in there and getting to like.

Speaker 1:

But I don't get that like we went to a poll and you just Maybe they'll have, with the like, the biggest thing we have, the size seven and Not for men, but like something way smaller than a 14.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, it's yeah, no, it's like a seven-year-old rain we definitely like that number sticks out of my head and then like what thing you're like? Oh, you think anybody would have it.

Speaker 1:

They're like God no, and I never forgot. I went on Amazon, we ordered Amazon, and I was like I found a ring and it was like 30 bucks, I think, with like, with like, prime shipping Next day, like.

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty sure that that was for like your actual band and then a bunch of like the rubber bands that you could wear at work.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 12 rings for 30 bucks. We're like an investment for like 350 yeah and so then that Friday we went to City Hall like we just woke up.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if we used to hop on.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, yeah, so then that Friday we just woke up and got ready together.

Speaker 1:

We brought the kids to school. Yeah, we brought the kids to school first, and then we actually have a picture of it. We have a picture. No, I'm thinking of that.

Speaker 2:

No, that's the day Cammy was born. That was Cammy. Yeah, that's the day Cammy was born.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I remember that we dropped the kids off, we went back home and then we got dressed, went to Lynn. City Hall and I remember that we both sat in the car and we're like next time we get in this car we're going to be a married couple. Yeah, it was like a big thing, and I forget we walked in and a bunch of other people there too, like it was actually like a few other people, and then we just walked in and it was just the way to say it. They was like, okay, let's go stand over there. And they were like okay, and I'll just never forget that. I remember that I actually started crying. I started crying as we kind of like started to say in our mouths it was just what they were telling me to say to you. But regardless of like what that scene was, regardless of like everyone that was in that room, regardless of that, it was like this like I have like a bunch of flyers in the office inside of me, there's some newspapers and there's all this stuff. It did not take away how beautiful it was. It was perfect.

Speaker 2:

Honestly, it was like standing across from you and like just like this is just the President dedicated the rest of my life to it and like protecting everything.

Speaker 1:

It was the greatest moment and I remember forgetting like and like you're looking at me too and I'm like you're like crying and shit and it was the greatest, it was the absolute greatest thing. And I think everything that we have been through get leading up to that, especially just all the stuff before that, right Even before the whole engagement, you know all the breakups, the stuff, like all the other things that we're kind of going through with the time too, and then you know, leading up to the wedding, and then it was probably like the thing that really cemented us, like you mentioned before, like it solidified us.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 100%.

Speaker 1:

It was like it goes back to the best advice I ever got from Grandpa and Nana. It's you know, in the beginning it's you too, and in the end it's you too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a little different for us because we brought some kids into it.

Speaker 1:

But marriage wise. Yeah, you know it was, yeah, the kids are going to leave eventually. Right, they're going to have their own story. They're going to have their own family that they're going to kind of go off into, and it's just like that's the biggest thing in marriage that a lot of people like. Like you see all over social media, we talk about it all the time. It's like you see, oh, like the roommate phase and all these different phases. And it's I can honestly say that like I'm proud that we never have gone through that, like it's things that we kind of really prioritize us first. And you know, it's I think, believe it or not, it's ever since we kind of had those moments, like it's been a honeymoon phase for the most part, like it's, it's like you know, five years in and it's probably more happy than ever. Right, Like I'm saying, like it's, it's been more of a honey, it's like it's it's great every day, Like it's not, like I think it's really helped ingrain that, that, um, what's really helped give us that where we our goal every day is to make each other happy.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Right and I know that, like every move that I make is to make you happy and likewise for you. It's like you wake up and like it's like those decisions, and but then, as it happens, naturally, cause it's just, we are right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we want to do it for each other, right, and I really do think so much of it goes back to like literally just being us standing there at city hall and like this is us and it's going to be us forever, right and regardless of the kids, regardless of anybody in either of our families, like this is our relationship, this is our marriage, like we need to take care of it, and I think by going to city hall that's what we did.

Speaker 1:

Right, and so it was kind of like the biggest blessing in disguise, right. Yeah, it was the biggest blessing in disguise, and then you know we left. We're walking out of Lynn city hall, we go sit in the car. So our most epic photo ever Still the best picture ever, one time one time, one time and which, if you don't heard, it's like yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like I can't stand myself on camera.

Speaker 1:

So, but it was like it was our greatest photo, and we went home for a little bit.

Speaker 2:

I remember we went and got hot chocolate at dunks cause I was pregnant and I was drinking coffee and then we went and picked up the girls at school and one of my other uncles was there picking up his kids and he was like no, it's not, you guys are married. No, no, no it was funny yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was odd, I'm gonna forget it. Like he was just like. Like he was like how did you date? Like I remember that he just kind of said he was like we just they shouldn't shift, whether it was a kind of day. He's like oh yeah, wait you guys are married now and I'm like, yeah, and he's like nice, like it's like it's so funny, but it was just like great and I remember it was just like our life just continued on and yeah, we took the kids to dinner that night.

Speaker 2:

We went to takeaway tavern and, yes, that was it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Then the next day we went to dinner at Serena's and Malden. Which RIP. It's gone, yes, but with my parents, me and my grandparents and my parents the kids and your parents, yeah, and I remember that much.

Speaker 1:

that did not exactly go as smoothly as well. It was just weird. I think it was just kind of like seeing like it was kind of like a lot of like the beginning of at the end type deal. I think my dad showed up late but he's sure he was like half in the bag and it was just so much more stuff that happened at that dinner in which I think that I think we're going to have to save that one for the next episode.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because we're going to talk about boundaries. So I think, yeah, I think the next episode will be the spot for that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, do the outro what do you want?

Speaker 2:

to what do you want? Thanks for tuning in.

Speaker 1:

So, so, so for so. What I was thinking about is that, like, whether or not, if we just oh, can you say enough for video for like YouTube, right, yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I was basically going to say like I'm like, if, like, almost like, for like the audio part of it, that if we would just be like, if I record saying on next week's episode, she records it on next week's episode, then you guys add in a clip from the next episode do you know what I'm saying? And then like kind of like, and then that way, depending on which whoever leads with the clip you can, then you just save it and then you just add it in and then you just add in for that, but obviously for YouTube I guess you do the same thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just say on next week's episode, and then they put in a clip, right, yeah?