Welcome to our Podcast

Entrepreneurial Spirit Meets Maternal Instincts

Embarking on the journey of parenthood while launching a business isn't your everyday fairytale, but it's the life I've leapt into headfirst, and what a ride it's been. From the sleepless nights caring for my daughter, Selena, through her health struggles and breastfeeding challenges, to the seismic shift of our family's transition to a single income - our story is one of love, resilience, and relentless support for one another. As my partner and I navigated the waters of professional licensing and embraced a lifestyle change, we discovered the profound impact of shared domestic duties and the importance of recognizing each other's efforts in keeping our ship afloat.

The heart of this episode beats to the rhythm of personal growth and business development. I swap tales of mentorship, like guiding Jake with his unique learning approach, and recount the evolution from individual contributor to a leader who appreciates the value of every task, no matter how small. Hiring our first employee wasn't just a business milestone; it was a lesson in humility and adaptability. Join us as we pull back the curtain on the sacrifices made, the leadership skills honed, and the anticipation for our upcoming "Hard Hat Horizons" podcast.

We close by reflecting on the power of self-care and mutual support, grounding these concepts in the real-life experiences of managing a household and nurturing a marriage. Balancing the all-consuming role of motherhood with the pursuit of individual passions and well-being is a delicate dance—one that we hope will resonate with listeners walking a similar path. As we wrap up, we extend an invitation to join the conversation, share your stories, and become part of our growing community on this remarkable journey.