Welcome to our Podcast

The Road Less Traveled to Love, Laughter, and Little Ones

When life threw us a curveball, we caught it with open arms, transforming our "no more kids" policy into a heartwarming journey of family expansion. Our latest podcast episode takes you through the intimate decision-making process that led us from the freewheeling days of motorcycle rides and beach outings to embracing the joy and surprise of an unexpected pregnancy. We reveal not just the decision to have more children, but the revelations that come with growing a family when you least expect it.

Our conversation doesn't shy away from the bumps along the road, particularly the comical and challenging moments surrounding our wedding journey. We discuss the societal pressures of marrying out of love versus obligation, and how my string of past relationships and engagements became stepping stones to the ultimate commitment. You'll be privy to the emotional and logistical hurdles we faced, finding humor and wisdom in the choices that led us to a City Hall ceremony, with my brother proudly officiating—proving that even in simplicity, profound love and unity can be found.

To wrap things up, we reflect on how we keep our relationship at the forefront amidst the chaos that life and family can bring. We also venture into the technical side of our podcast, considering how to spice up our content with engaging YouTube clips for our listeners. This episode is an open book to the moments that have defined our path, full of heart and honesty, and we can't wait to share every chapter with you.