Responder Resilience

Al Pratts—Succeed in the Need to Lead | S4 E12

Ready to take your career to the next level and achieve that long-awaited promotion? Tune in as we welcome Al Pratts, Deputy Chief and Chief of Special Operations at North Hudson Regional Fire and Rescue and delve deep into the intricate relationship between the first responder promotional process and mental health. Learn valuable insights on preparing for the promotional process and discover the challenges faced by individuals before and after being promoted, shedding light on the prevalent mental health issues affecting members within departments and whether leaders play a pivotal role in shaping the well-being of their subordinates.

We navigate the emotional landscape of leadership, discussing how the increasing responsibilities that come with climbing the ranks impact one's emotional well-being. Don't miss out on this thought-provoking episode that promises to offer a fresh perspective on a crucial aspect of first responder dynamics. What steps are you willing to take to stand out and prove your capabilities to your superiors? How can you showcase your skills, dedication, and potential for growth within your current role?

This episode is made possible by R.E. Lawlor Graphics and Printing, where raising money has never been so easy. Call 203-748-4144 or visit

👁️‍🗨️ Premieres Weds. March 20 at 7pm ET— ⫸ Watch replays anytime thereafter
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#ResponderResilience #FirstResponders #MentalHealthMatters #PromotionalProcess #LeadershipMatters #ChiefAlPratts #Firefighters #FirstResponderPromotion #RELawlorGraphics #PrintingServices #OrganizationFundraising #Pratts #DeputyChief #SpecialOperations #NorthHudson #RegionalRescue