New Episodes Every Thursday!
July 28, 2022

Under The Hood Of Beacon And Who Wins When Twitter Sues Elon?

Under The Hood Of Beacon And Who Wins When Twitter Sues Elon?

E-mail server crash, runaway Beacon and Elon running away

Paul and Ed are both struggling with tech this week but in very different ways.  The episode starts with Ed's e-mail server crashing.  Paul waxes nostalgic about the days of setting up a new e-mail server, spam filters and all.  These are truly days nobody misses.

Paul is trying to figure out how to move forward with Beacon.  He wants to do some serious work under the hood and also is facing a question common to many founders, how do I monetize?

Lastly, Twitter is suing Elon Mush to enforce their deal. Paul and Ed wonder what good comes of this?  Are there any winners or just losers?

If you've got a comment or question for the show, you can e-mail us at  You can find Paul and Ed  online @paulsingh and @pizzainmotion.