May 23, 2024

Attracting the Right Prospects With Authenticity

Attracting the Right Prospects With Authenticity

What do sales & dating have in common? Well, everything as you’ll see in this episode. 
If you’re trying to marry anyone who will have you - people can feel that just like prospects can smell your commission breath. 
Rita Goodroe, an expert on ma...

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Sales is NOT a Dirty Word

What do sales & dating have in common? Well, everything as you’ll see in this episode. 

If you’re trying to marry anyone who will have you - people can feel that just like prospects can smell your commission breath. 

Rita Goodroe, an expert on making more money with less effort, shares her experience into understanding why she found herself heartbroken in a life she didn’t love as a lawyer.  

It involves going on 35 first dates in 35 days with random strangers and ends with her married and a highly sought-after keynote speaker. 

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll discover when you listen: 

  • All attempts to be appealing make you immediately unappealing - and what to do to actually attract prospects (and dates)
  • The signs your actions are coming from a place of fear - and how to shift out of that place to experience success
  • Winning more with a focus on curiosity instead of the end result 
  • The magic of silence and pausing in a conversation instead of filling it with nonsense

If what Rita had to say resonated with you, I highly recommend checking out her powerful programs that support you in understanding yourself better and methods that will achieve more success at