Ryann Dowdy is the co-founder of social sellers academy and has 15 years of experience training boots on the ground salespeople.
Most recently, she's been training up the newest kind of sales role - a social seller.
This type of sales person can take...
Ryann Dowdy is the co-founder of social sellers academy and has 15 years of experience training boots on the ground salespeople.
Most recently, she's been training up the newest kind of sales role - a social seller.
This type of sales person can take soloprenuers from multiple 6 figures to millions - FAST while the salesperson themselves enjoys an average multi 6 figure salary in the process.
Listen in to learn:
If you're interested in hiring a social seller, upgrading your salesperson by sending them through social sellers academy or pursuing a career in this new highly in demand position - click here for more free info: https://dailysalesondemandforceos.com/