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STAGE FRIGHT (2014) and Aberrant’s GHOST LIGHT TRILOGY – Horror in Live Theater – with JORDI McDAEL & MICHAEL KEYLOUN
October 19, 2019

STAGE FRIGHT (2014) and Aberrant’s GHOST LIGHT TRILOGY – Horror in Live Theater – with JORDI McDAEL & MICHAEL KEYLOUN

Play Episode
This episode is part of the EVERY DAY IS HALLOWEEN Fundraiser Benefiting New Alternatives for Homeless LGBT Youth. Help save a life this holiday season. Donate to New Alternatives at bit.ly/sqpodna or via Facebook at bit.ly/sqpodfb 

It's Pod-a-Thon time again, Screamerz, and Day One is going to slay you in aisles!

We're going to my favorite (and sometimes, the scariest!) place on Earth....The Theater!

Episode Highlights:


JODI O'DAEL gives us a taste of Toronto's Aberrant Theater Company's socially concious take on horror and their current production, GHOST LIGHT ANTHOLOGY: CATACLSYM.


Actor MICHAEL KEYLOUN and I discuss what worked and what didn't in STAGE FRIGHT, the 2014 genre-defying horror comedy that had the audacity to send the slasher movie to musical theater camp