Translating in LATAM, Risk Through the GFC, and ESOPs with Doug Pugliese

In this episode, Brock speaks with Doug Pugliese. Doug is a former naval aviator and translator as well as the former managing director at Bear Stearns, where he rode through the dot com bubble and the GFC. Today he is head of 1042 QRP strategies at Alpha Architect. In this conversation we start with a bit about Doug's time in the Navy. Doug was a translator for an admiral and the president of Paraguay in the late 80s. He gives a bit of a history lesson about the US as involvement in South America during that time, and share some photos of him with some very notable figures, including the general who staged a coup and overthrew that President. We also hear what Doug learned about risk in financial markets working through a few of the most notable time periods in financial history. And we also learned about ESOP's or employee stock ownership programs, what they are, why they're important, and what Alpha Architect is doing in this world today.

Episode Resources:

⁠Alpha Architect website⁠:

Show Notes:
00:00 Episode Introduction
01:56 What Doug is most proud of
06:13 A near aviation mishap landing with a blown engine at night
12:43 Acting differently in the light of recognizing your own mortality
16:32 Sharing a few photos from Doug's time in service - first flight at Martha's Vineyard
19:02 Doug's learning of Spanish early, exchange student, and skills for later in life
30:27 Translating for an admiral in Paraguay in 1993
35:15 The general who staged a coup to overthrow the president of Paraguay
42:42 South America countries and the future of America
46:48 Joining the world of finance, leaving the life of riley
01:02:00 Working at Bear Sterns from the dot com boom & bust through the great financial crisis
01:08:43 Understanding financial cycles and commonalities between them
01:16:20 Meeting Wes Gray and joining Alpha Architect
01:23:37 Head of 1042 Solutions
01:26:37 ESOPs, what they are and why they're important

The Scuttlebutt Podcast - The podcast for service members and veterans building a life outside the military.

The Scuttlebutt Podcast features discussions on lifestyle, careers, business, and resources for service members. Show host, Brock Briggs, talks with a special guest from the community committed to helping military members build a successful life, inside and outside the service.

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