What digital health needs most: Evidence

In this episode of Second Opinion, Christina Farr, Ash Zenooz, and Luba Greenwood discuss the integration and evaluation of digital tools in healthcare with guest Caroline Pearson from the Peterson Health Technology Institute.
In this episode of Second Opinion, Christina Farr, Ash Zenooz, and Luba Greenwood discuss the integration and evaluation of digital tools in healthcare with guest Caroline Pearson from the Peterson Health Technology Institute. They explore the challenges in demonstrating clinical effectiveness and affordability of digital health solutions, using diabetes management tools as a case example. They address the role of evidence in the healthcare system, potential biases in standard evaluation practices, and the need for improved data sharing between digital health companies and traditional healthcare providers.
Peterson Health Technology Institute: https://phti.org/
Peterson Center on Healthcare: https://petersonhealthcare.org/
Nonlinear dynamics of multi-omics profiles during human aging: https://www.nature.com/articles/s43587-024-00692-2
New Report Finds That Digital Diabetes Management Tools Fail to Deliver Meaningful Health Benefits to Patients While Increasing Spending: https://phti.org/announcement/new-report-finds-that-digital-diabetes-management-tools-fail-to-deliver-meaningful-health-benefits-to-patients-while-increasing-spending/
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(00:00) Intro
(01:39) Discussion about super aging
(02:54) Introducing Caroline Pearson
(04:16) Challenges in digital health solutions
(05:58) The role of evidence in digital health
(16:41) Employer-sponsored health insurance concerns
(20:05) Collaboration and data sharing in health tech
(32:05) The future of health tech and patient outcomes
(33:30) Conclusion and final thoughts
(34:37) The debrief