Why healthcare innovation can't wait for politics

Ash Zenooz and Luba Greenwood interview Andrea Ippolito about her extensive career in healthcare spanning academia, government, and the private sector, as well as her current role as founder and CEO of SimpiFed. They discuss the intricacies of government roles, the importance of women's health, and the evolving landscape of maternal health care and entrepreneurship.
Ash Zenooz and Luba Greenwood interview Andrea Ippolito about her extensive career in healthcare spanning academia, government, and the private sector, as well as her current role as founder and CEO of SimpiFed. They discuss the intricacies of government roles, the importance of women's health, and the evolving landscape of maternal health care and entrepreneurship. For full show notes, visit: https://highlightai.com/share/eb299b65-bec2-4fa9-9358-85f90534e956
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(00:00) Intro
(02:04) Andrea's government experience
(02:41) Impact of political transitions
(03:25) Challenges and opportunities in women's health
(10:52) Simply Fed: A journey in women's health
(14:12) Scaling Simply Fed
(16:43) Fundraising in women's health
(20:55) The future of women's health
(23:09) Impact of abortion regulations on valuations
(23:56) Trends in fertility and IVF
(24:22) High-risk conditions in maternal health
(25:14) Veterans' healthcare benefits
(26:20) Advocating for change through Congress
(29:53) Drug pricing and international policies
(39:37) Encouraging innovation in women's health
(41:11) The Debrief