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How a Small Employer Offered their Employees "Premium Holidays" by Joining a Captive

How a Small Employer Offered their Employees "Premium Holidays" by Joining a Captive

The @SelfFunded with Spencer Podcast went to San Antonio, TX to cover the annual conference for medTRANS Insurance, Ltd, a member-owned and governed medical stop-loss captive insurance company.

This clip below features Kathy Lanier, CEO of Vital Link, Inc., who provides emergency medical services out of Batesville, Arkansas.

Vital Link has been in a captive for over 12 years, and Kathy shares the motivations at that time to leave the fully-insured hamster wheel and take back more control of their health plan via a captive.

Not only was Kathy able to reduce the out-of-pocket costs for her employees, but they were often able to offer "Premium Holidays" during better-than-expected years, where they waived their employee's insurance premiums altogether for a month!

Thank you to Phillip Holowka for the opportunity to cover this great event.