How Much For A Sprained Ankle? 🩼💸 #shorts #podcast #overdiagnosing #doctoradvice #healthcaretips #dpc
When you hurt your ankle skateboarding, you go straight to the ER, right?
In some cases, yes, but not before calling David Cameron, MD.
This real-world story perfectly demonstrates a problem with fee-for-service healthcare: misaligned incentives. Rather than providing the care level actually needed for the patient, there would be an immediate push for a $3000 ER visit, when he really needed a $200 X-ray to see if his ankle was fractured in the first place.
Thankfully, the skateboarder is okay, and without much financial impact thanks to David's practice operating under DPC (direct primary care).
Tune into today's full episode of Self-Funded with Spencer with David for a deep dive into the world of DPC and why David has become such an advocate. Available now on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and wherever you find your podcasts.
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