Welcome to Self Talk, Full of Spirit and Truth
Aug. 11, 2022

Get the Demons Out of Your House

Demons are stealthy and will try to enter your home. But, you can deal with them as long as you understand and practice your Godly authority with Holy Spirit led discernment. Dr. Ray Self will give you clear biblical answers to this potential life...

Demons are stealthy and will try to enter your home. But, you can deal with them as long as you understand and practice your Godly authority with Holy Spirit led discernment. Dr. Ray Self will give you clear biblical answers to this potentially life-threatening problem.


This Month's Special Offer – Download our feature course, Foundations in Spiritual Warfare - https://www.podpage.com/self-talk-with-dr-ray-self-2/store/. This International College of Ministry course is available to you for a donation of only $35. Foundations in Spiritual Warfare guides each student through a training program for Kingdom warriors. This course begins by laying its foundation with a lesson called Blueprint of the Heavens. Building upon that foundation, the course goes on to explore the rise and fall of Lucifer, the character of God's enemy, the creation of Man, the character of God's warriors, the five different battlefields of spiritual warfare, and the weapons, strategies, and techniques available to the Kingdom warrior. This course concludes with a virtual simulation of spiritual warfare to give students the feeling of a "hands-on" experience.

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You can purchase Dr. Self's books - Redeeming Your Past and Finding Your Promised Land and Hear His Voice, Be His Voice at Amazon.com

Author Bio –

Dr. Ray Self is the founder of Spirit Wind Ministries Inc. and the International College of Ministry. He holds a Doctorate in Christian Psychology and a Doctorate in Theology. He currently resides in Winter Park, Florida. He is married to Dr. Christie Self and has three sons and a daughter.



Hello and welcome to Self Talk. I'm your host, Dr. Ray Self. Thank you for listening to today's show. This is a show where I'm going to give you some real answers to very hard issues using the leading of the Holy Spirit. Hey, be sure and check out my website, icmcollege.org/selftalk. I've got a cool website, there's a store there, I got some exciting products, you can rate review and follow, do all kinds of great stuff. I'm excited about today's show, talking about demons in your house so let's get ready.




Welcome to Self Talk. I want to talk to you today about demons in your house, how to get rid of them, are they in there? What do you do? How do they get in? How do you know if they're there?


You know, Jesus talked a lot about demons. As a matter of fact, in the gospel of Mark chapter 16 around verse 17, he said one of the signs of a believer is they will cast out demons. Well, logically we're not going to cast out a demon if there are no demons to cast out so Jesus was warning us that as a Christian, we're going to cast out demons so let's talk about that. Years ago, I got a call. Let me tell you a story, maybe it'll help you. I got a call from a from a single mom who had a, a young boy who just couldn't sleep at night. Every night he just woke up terrified. Um, he would run from his room, jump in his mother's bed, refuse to sleep in his bedroom and so she called me, she said Dr. Self, could you come over and maybe pray through my house, maybe see what's going on? So I said sure.


So I go over to the lady’s home and I begin to pray through the house and when I say pray through the house, I'm literally walking through the home turning on the gift of discernment, discerning the atmosphere, and you can do this with the gift of the Holy Spirit. And I'm walking through the house feeling and discerning and at the same time, praying in the name of Jesus Christ. “This home belongs to Jesus, this home is under the blood covering of Jesus Christ. I rebuke, I renounce anything not of Jesus to get out of this house”. And I'm praying, I'm discerning. Sometimes I'll take a little anointing oil, you know, I don't think anointing oil is magical or anything but I may anoint the windows and anoint the doors. Doesn't hurt; could definitely help.


As I'm walking through this house, I didn't really feel anything, I didn't sense anything dark and you, you, Spirit-filled Christians, you know what I'm talking about; how you can walk into a place and the hair on your hands just stands up. You, you sense a chill in the air, you sense something dark and foreboding. You can sense it, you really can sense demonic presences, especially if you know the Holy Spirit. This is called the discerning of spirits. Discerning what's of God, what's not of God.


So I walked through this house and the house felt very peaceful. I was praying the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, the covenant of Jesus, commanding anything not of him to get out of this house. And everything just seemed very, very peaceful. All of a sudden, I walked by a hall closet and I felt like I should open this closet. I open up this closet and there was this- as soon as I opened it, there was this dark, evil presence in this closet. You could feel it, you could sense it. And being kind of a little sarcastic, I went, “Ah, there you guys are. In the name of Jesus Christ, get out. Get out now. I don't know if the demons were hiding in the closet but I do know I did not sense a demonic presence anywhere in that home until I got to that closet. I kind of thought to myself, because, you know, kind of sometimes I have a funny imagination, ha, ha, they must have run and hid in the closet.


So I cast them out told them to get out, spoke with authority, and the next day I called the lady and said, “How did your son sleep ?” and she said, “Perfectly. Perfect peace. He slept all night with no fear”, and see, you can believe this or not believe this but Jesus dealt with demons constantly. Not constantly, but many times. He told us to deal with demons.


I believe as Spirit-filled Christians, we have a responsibility and also we should have the wisdom to protect our home. Protect our home from demonic influence. You don't want demons in your house and we need to protect- yeah, we're Christians, we're spirit-filled, we're, we, you know, we have the anointing, we have the Holy Spirit which is great news, that's fantastic news. But if you're passive and unaware, I believe, and my experience has shown, that they will come into the house. They, they will come into the house and you know this but I think the audience that I have here are pretty mature, you know there are things that we can do that invites demons to come join our house. You know, sometimes by the movies we watch, by the books we read, by occultic objects that may be in the house, by practicing things that give an invitation to the devil to come into your house. 


And you know, I'm not going to do a whole teaching on objects to look for but if you've ever studied any form of deliverance, if you've ever read any deliverance material, there is a list that every deliverance minister puts out. These are objects you should not have in your house, they can be, remember dream catchers for instance, um, remember the ouija boards and remember the old magic, magic eight balls, Harry Potter books, books on yoga, and I did say that, yes, books on yoga. Objects that could be, I'm not saying- the object themselves do not carry any power, but what the objects do in my opinion is they are like an invitation telling the demon that “Hey, you're welcome here. I have things that you may like,” and I have seen over the years that demons tend to attach themselves to objects. I cannot tell you how many times I've removed an object from a home and literally solved a demonic problem.


Some years ago, I was asked to go over toward Cocoa Beach and pray over a house and again, this was a teenage son who just was scared and was having horrible anxiety and fear -could not sleep- and these people, I would say they're Christians, I wouldn't say they were Spirit-Filled Christians, and I don't know how devout they were, but they said “Could you please come and pray for my son because he's having trouble sleeping.”


So I go to the- I said “Would you mind if I look through the house and maybe look at his bedroom?” So I go into his bedroom and right over his headboard was a picture that you put on the back of skateboards and it was a goat head, a very evil looking goat head that like the Satanists use as symbols, and this goat head was a p- a painting or a photograph of this evil looking goat head, right over the, you know, with the horns, with the big swept back horns right over his bed and also in the room was a dream catcher. Now, these dream catchers are these things that the Native Americans build to catch spirits in the evening. 


So let me tell you something, it's really simple. If you're dealing with the spirit and it's not the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, it's demonic. So I looked at that and I said “Guys, you need to get this picture out of the house”. And they agree, they said “Yeah, okay, I can see it does look kind of dark, it looks a little evil.” So the mother and the son agreed to remove the picture from the house, I prayed over the house, and you know the rest of the story. The kid began to sleep and anxiety left him, you know. It did not, you know, it did not return. 


So you know, I don't want to get into an exhaustive study of all the demonic objects. I can tell you something very simple to do. If you pray and you say “Holy Spirit, if there's something I need to see in this house, show it to me. If there's something that you want to draw my attention to that may be displeasing to you, please show it to me”, and he will literally show you if you're saying- if you ask him to do that, he will show you. Sometimes it will surprise you. There are things that you did not know.


A story of a, my, my pastor I was working with some years ago, went to a lady's house. Again, she was having some demonic manifestations and problems in her house. And he looked around the house, couldn't see anything wrong. They looked really closely, there was a mirror and there was a frame and it was a hand-carved mirror frame but the objects in the frame of the mirror -it was a wooden frame- were very evil looking. Looked like, I think he said, like gargoyles that were carved in the frame and he said “You need to get rid of that frame”. She got rid of the frame, problem solved. Claim forgiveness, claim the name of Jesus Christ. We have a responsibility to protect our home from demonic influence. I have the Holy Spirit, demons are not going to possess me but they sure will harass me. You have the Holy Spirit, you're saved, demons are not going to possess you but they will definitely harass you and you know it's true because you've been harassed by them before.


Periodically I walk around my house and I'll just say something like this. I'll walk through my house and go “this house belongs to Jesus Christ. I clean this house, I proclaim this house under the covering of the authority of the covenant of Jesus Christ,” something like that, and walk through the house. “Anything not of Jesus, you, you cannot stay here. You must go.” And I protect, especially when I leave…speaking of that, another, another quick story.


So you know I do a lot of travel and minister, ministered at many churches and some nations around the country. And sometimes I, we not- my wife and I noticed a problem that sometimes when I would leave, we were doing some elder care- she was taking care of her father who had dementia so my wife couldn't always travel with me- but we noticed from time to time when I traveled and left her alone with her father, all kinds of problems occurred. It's almost like Murphy's Law; things would start to break, uh, things would manifest or maybe even her father who had dementia would all of a sudden go into a rage for no reason. Just, just odd things just happening. And what had happened was what I think, looking back, was that I'm the spiritual covering over the house. I left, I didn't pray, I didn't pray a hedge of protection around the house and I left on a ministry trip and I kind of left my home exposed so of course, Christie and I, my beautiful wife, we figured it out pretty quick and from then on, whenever I left, before I left, I would pray with my wife.


I pray for the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to protect our home while I am not there. I claim the name and the power and the authority of Jesus Christ over our home and then the problem stopped, did not have the recurring problem. Now, what's important to understand, the bible says these signs will follow those that believe and they will cast out demons. Now here's the tricky part. So many times we're asking God to cast out the demons and God's saying “No, the bible says you will cast out the demons”, and so this is why…I do pray and I do ask God a lot of things and I petition God for a lot of things but I also realize that God has given me authority to do things and God's not going to do something for me that he already told me to do in the bible and one thing he told me to do was to be the head of my home and he also told me to cast out demons. So instead of saying “Oh, God, please, please cast these demons out while I'm not there”, “In the Name of Jesus Christ, I take authority over these demons. I do not allow these demons into my home”. And I pray over my home and I proclaim over my home the word of God and it literally puts protection and things, and home’s protected. 


Also, in, in the same point, when you travel and you leave your house unoccupied, it's very important to pray over the home and say “In the name of Jesus”, something like this. I'm not trying to give you, I really just despise these canned prayers everybody wants you to pray. I really think prayer should be from our heart, that's a whole other topic again. But my prayer be something like this, and I'll start off petitioning God, “Lord, I thank you. Lord, I praise you for this time to travel. Lord, I thank you for this opportunity to go with my wife and I just give you praise. Lord, I give you honor. Now, Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I proclaim protection over this house. I proclaim the blood of Jesus Christ over my home. I proclaim that this property belongs to Jesus Christ. This property, this home is set aside for Jesus Christ. No dark or evil thing will come near this property in the name of Jesus Christ.”


And it really does put out a protective covering over the home. Yes, we should petition God and yes, we should ask God for protection but also, remember the authority he has given you and the things he's told you to do, just like with your kids. You're not going to do something for your children that you ask them to do because you told them to do it and there are certain things God told us to do and one thing he told us to do was cast out demons. He said, in, in Luke he said “I've”- talking to his disciples- “I've given you authority. I give you authority over snakes and scorpions and all the power of the enemy.” He said, I didn't, he didn't say I want you to pray, ‘God’, pray to God and ask God to take care of this, he said I've given you authority over all, over all the power of the enemy.


In the book of James where it says submit to God, which we should always submit to God, you resist the devil and he will flee from you. He didn't say pray and ask God to resist the devil, he said submit to God, which, that's, that means that's a humble submission to God into his power, to his name, to worship him our Father, which we need but taking the power and the authority he has delegated to us, we must resist the devil and when we resist the devil, he will flee. That is a scriptural promise. That's a promise from God. Submission to God is a humble dependence upon the Lord, a humble dependence upon Jesus Christ, but then with boldness, with authority. Resist the devil and he will flee.


So this is what's on my heart today. Maybe things aren't going right, maybe there's strife in the house that shouldn't be there, maybe there's tension in the house that shouldn't be there or maybe there's some blessings that you've been waiting for that are not coming. Maybe you've got some depression or some anxiety, some, some fear, you know, in the house. I'm not, you know, I'm not going to blame every, everything on the spirit realm but hey, the spirit realm is real, the spirit realm is having a large impact upon us and it's real. So, take authority over your home. Walk around your home, turn on your senses, get still, let the Lord show you if there's anything in your home that doesn't belong. He, he will show you. You know how the, you know how the Holy Spirit has an amazing way of convicting you of people you never forgave, convicting you maybe of a sin you never asked forgiveness for, convicting you of something you didn't do wrong? Well, the Holy Spirit also will show you things in your home, objects in your home, that need to be removed, habits that need to be changed, things that may be opening up doorways to demonic oppression. And so we must shut these doors and it's pretty simple. 


You recognize the problems. Okay, here's a problem in my house, this is not of God, I need to get rid of this. “Lord, I renounce this; in the name of Jesus Christ I renounce this. I ask you to forgive me for this, I thank you, Lord, according to your word, if I confess my sins you're faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me of all unrighteousness. So you renounce it, you turn from it, you ask forgiveness, problem solved. That's what the word says and you must believe the word of God. 


So if you're having unusual problems in your home, maybe unusual problems between you and your wife or your children, maybe there's just- the atmosphere, it's just not right in your home, you can sense the atmosphere. Maybe there's no peace, maybe there's no, no love, you just, it doesn't feel right in your home. Pray over your home, cast out any spirit of darkness. Let me tell you something. You have everything to win and nothing to lose. Pray around, walk around your property and pray, walk around your house and pray and not only pray but command in the name of Jesus Christ any evil spirit, “any spirit not of Jesus Christ, get out,” because you see, demons are not of Jesus Christ. “Any demonic spirit, get out of this home. Any spirit not of Jesus Christ”, of course, the only spirit of Jesus Christ is the Holy Spirit, “if you are not of Jesus Christ”, because demons can't claim the name of Jesus, “get out of this house.”


I'll tell you one more funny story then I'll, I'll let you go. You know, I'll let you go. Some years ago, I was invited to minister at a church in, right outside of Gettysburg and if you know anything about history, Gettysburg was one of the largest, bloodiest, costly battles in the Civil War. Thousands of men died. Well, this particular church pastor owned a gift shop that was actually part of an antebellum home and the bottom floor was a gift shop and the top floor was an apartment. Well, they offered me this apartment that was the upstairs of an antebellum home right outside the Gettysburg battlefield.  I asked about the home and he said “Oh, yes, this was used by the Confederates and the Union forces during the civil war as a hospital.” So I'm thinking okay, okay, and this is one of these, I mean, this house looked a little spooky even from the outside but the bottom was a gift shop and the floor is very pretty but the upstairs was this, you know, this apartment is actually a very large apartment with many hallways.


So that night I was staying there by myself and you, like a lot of the old homes, there's a lot of different hallways leading a lot of different directions and this one hallway was really dark and I walked by this hallway and it was literally like something out of a horror movie. The, the hair on the back of my neck stood up, I had this chill come over me, I had this fear come over me, it was really creepy. It was like Halloween but for real and it was all down this dark hallway. And I shut the door to that hall and I kind of walked off real clear, clearly and real quickly, I walked to another part of the house. So I'm sitting there kind of pondering what I had just experienced and thought “God, I think there's ghost in this house. There must be ghosts in this house.” And I thought “Ghost, it's not ghost, it's probably demons.” 


Now in Gettysburg, they do ghost tours. They're always touring these old homes, showing people this paranormal stuff. Well, what a ghost is is demons who are trying to take hu- human forms; that's just my opinion and a lot of other people's opinion. So all of a sudden, I get angry, I get bold, I go back to that hallway, I open the door, and there's that dark evil presence in that dark hallway and I said “In the name of Jesus, Christ, get out of here. In the name of Jesus Christ, get-” I said, “get out, get out, get out in the name of Jesus Christ.” And I spoke it, I proclaimed it, I meant it and almost immediately, the atmosphere changed and a sense of peace came into that home that up, that upstairs of that home. And I really think I was experiencing what a lot of people claim to be a ghost. 


Now remember, this was a Civil War hospital where many people had died, you know, 150, 160 years ago. But I cast them out in the name of Jesus Christ, peace came in there, I had a great night, did some great ministry the next day. Now I'm not trying to be weird or strange here, I'm just saying scripturally, we've given authority over demons. Demons would love to hang out in your house. they'd love to harass you, they love to cause anxiety and fear and doubt. They love to cause strife, they love to cause oppression and depression. You do not have to stand for it. You have authority but you must take authority. Pray for your house, cast them out, don't allow them in there. And I, you know what it's like cleaning house. You know how you um, you know, you sweep and you vacuum your house every few days, hopefully, and you need to do the same thing. Maybe, maybe not every few days, but once a week. Anyway, do a little spiritual sweep of your house and see how much better the atmosphere gets.


I appreciate you listening to me today. I hope this helped you. Let's just pray. Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I thank you, Lord, for your word that's given us authority over dark spirits, but Lord, I thank you more than anything for who you are, for you, Lord, for your Holy Spirit that you sent to us to reside in us, and I thank you, Father, that the Holy Spirit within us is greater than any dark spirit on the outside, Father. Lord, I thank you for each person listening to us. I ask you to bless them, give them boldness, give them the gifting, give them whatever they need, Father, to walk in complete freedom. Freedom, Father, by the power and the authority in the name of Jesus Christ, we proclaim freedom over you and your home. And Father, if there’s anything dark or pressing these, my listeners, Father, set them free now. We rebuke these attacks even against the listeners of this podcast. I rebuke every assignment against the listeners of this podcast. In the name of Jesus Christ, we command it to go and we give you glory and we give you honor in Jesus name, amen. Thank you for listening.




You've been listening to Self Talk. I'm Dr. Ray Self. Please don't forget to go to my website icmcollege.org/selftalk. icmcollege.org/selftalk. You can see all my shows there, you can email me, get on my subscribers' list, you can rate and review which would really help me a lot. I also have a course for you. This month's course is called Foundations of Spiritual Warfare. It's an International College of Ministry six-week course that is yours for $35 donation. Your, your $35 donation goes to our scholarship fund and helps us help pastors in need who want to get a seminary education but honestly cannot afford it. So help our scholarship fund, help me continue this podcast, make a $35 donation and I will send you this course. The way you do it is go to icmcollege.org/selftalk. I think there's also a link to this in the notes, in the show description. Click on store and you'll see this course, make a $35 donation, I'll send you the course. It's a zip file you, you click on it and it downloads to your computer. It's awesome. Foundations of Spiritual Warfare. Great course taught by Dr. Steve Whitmann.


Thank you so much for listening. Again, this is Dr. Ray Self and God bless you.