Welcome to Self Talk, Full of Spirit and Truth
July 25, 2023

The Assignment: An Interview with Domenic Fusco

How did the church stray from the great commission commandment to make disciples? Dr. Ray Self interviews Domenic Fusco, movie producer and the author of The Assignment, who has a fascinating answer to an enormous problem in the modern church. ...

How did the church stray from the great commission commandment to make disciples? Dr. Ray Self interviews Domenic Fusco, movie producer and the author of The Assignment, who has a fascinating answer to an enormous problem in the modern church. 

Domenic Fusco’s contact information –


Visible Light Ministries -www.visiblelight.org, www.theassignment.org 


Provide any donation, and we will provide The Assignment Book ($17 on Amazon) and 3 packs of Quick Notes ($4.65). www.icmcollege.org/donate

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Show host bio -

Dr. Ray Self founded Spirit Wind Ministries Inc. and the International College of Ministry. He holds a Doctorate in Christian Psychology and a Doctorate in Theology. He currently resides in Winter Park, Florida. He is married to Dr. Christie Self and has three sons and a daughter.



Dr. Ray: Hey, welcome to my show, Self Talk, with Dr Ray. Self. I'm him, Dr. Ray Self. Today is going to be really interesting. I'm interviewing Dominic Fusco who is an amazing guy. He's actually produced a number of films, uh, just finished the documentary on Murph the Surf with Ron Howard. Uh, the guy has done Ministry since the 70s but he's written a fascinating book called The Assignment which is actually about how to make disciples using small groups, which really is how the church began, and how we got off of that track. But the book The Assignment and these topical resources he has are really fascinating so if you're interested on how to have a effective small group, how to make disciples, or just learn how to help your church, this is a fascinating interview. Again, thank you for listening to today's show. Don't forget to check out International College of Ministry at icmcollege.org. If you want to get a college degree that is accredited and Holy Spirit-filled and fulfill your call, International College of Ministry is the school for you. God bless you.




Dr. Ray: Hey everyone, and welcome to Self Talk. I'm your host, Dr. Ray Self. Today I'm excited. I have a very special guest that on board with us today - Dominic Fusco - and he is the author of an amazing book, a very important book for this day and age and I want to talk about this book. I want him to– in just a minute I want him to introduce himself. One of the most interesting guys I've met in a very, very long time. I mean, sometimes you talk to him and he goes “Yeah, me and Ron Howard the other day were producing this movie and, and then I was down in South America and making this thing for the government,” and I mean, just incredible stories. Um, but fascinating, fascinating man, and yeah, he did do a production with Ron Howard. Um, it's like, pretty amazing. And but I want to talk today– I want him to introduce himself, tell a little bit about himself and I want to talk about a book that I think is very, very, very important for the church called The Assignment: a Prophetic Message and Mission. A call to the church. A call for us today. And I think it's just critical that we get back to what he's talking about. This is a critical message for you, for your family, for your church uh, and for the kingdom of God. So again uh, welcome Dominic uh, Dominic Fusco. He's here right now so welcome, Dominic. How you doing today?


Domenic: Thank you, and it's my pleasure to be here. This is a going to be an enjoyable time together. Um, a little bit about myself, I usually joke around and say I was born at a very young age but I won't say that this time. Um, I grew up in– uh, I was born in Connecticut, grew up there until through the 40s, and then we moved to New York City and my family was very troubled. They, they ended up getting divorced and they put us in homes for a couple of years uh, where we'd see them maybe three hours a month. And so out of that came three troubled kids and um, we ended up when I graduated high school we had I guess around 15 arrests for various things. And so uh, started off in trouble. But I accidentally– my stepfather who was a bookie from Hell's Kitchen– uh, we thought he was an airline pilot for a year but it turns out he was going away for three days a week and he’d come back with money. Uh, he literally got me into Catholic school. I don't know why because he didn't get my older brother or my younger brother there. And so in Catholic school, they expect you to go to college, graduated high school, and in short, I got a poverty scholarship because we were blue collar poor people to the University– to a uh,  to Farmingdale State University. So I ended up getting a two-year degree and then I– and, and then headed off to uh, Tennessee to get my four-year degree because of my accomplishments and as a tech. They said you really need a four-year degree. 


So that's how the basic troubled life was. Lots of violence, lots of trouble. Um, I didn't drink much– my brothers drank, the whole family uh, pretty much alcoholics uh… But, so out of that trouble I just, I met a woman. I met a gal, a girl in Tennessee, the University of Tennessee. I didn't even say hello to her, they introduced me to her and I grabbed her and I kissed her. I didn't know– we didn't– um, not a word was spent and everybody said “Well, what did you do?” She says “I'm here, ain't I?” But anyway, turns out we, we end up getting married and she's a beautiful southern belle. Kind, sweet-hearted, soft-spoken. The opposite of a New York Italian gangster as somebody used to call me. But um, so that was, that's kind of a real broad brush. So the need was there for peace and as it turns out, I ended up going to– I ended up watching a television show and I said the sinner's prayer. I had no idea what I was getting into but I– we ended up going to a church a few months later and uh there began a whole new journey. Uh, the pastor was a great teacher and we had a fellowship group and he gave me a quarter. He said “We're going to Israel in the fall, here's a quarter of seed money.” Well he didn't, I didn't think he believed we'd go there but we miraculously ended up in Israel in ‘76. Had an in tremendous impact on my life to go to the, you know, read the Bible, and there's Jacob's Well and there's, you know, it just it's just amazing how uh, that very small country uh, influenced me. 


So we came back and we had a fellowship group and, and this is, was the motivation really behind um, writing the book and doing these Quick Notes. We had, we had so many people in the fellowship group which is not a good thing because a lot of them become spectators instead of participating. But I ended up, we ended up creating these things called Quick Notes. There's, they are basically the fundamental truths or uh, beliefs of a of a Christian. They’re, they're a Biblical worldview, they're not denominational. Everything's straight out of the Bible um, and basically they cover the things that I believe most Christians today do not know with clarity and that is who is God uh, who wrote the Bible, what does salvation mean, how many messages have you heard on water baptism and what significance that has for us, the communion uh, the gifts that God has given us and how we should use them um, and then The Lord's Prayer, healing, deliverance. And there's nine of them. Nine Quick Notes and they're just one sheet of paper that you open. If you read that you'll have a very good overview, some history, but you'll have the essence of what that truth is out of the Bible. And the Lord says uh…


Dr. Ray: Let me interject something here too because uh, uh, you're, you're– what he's talking about, these Quick Notes he's talking about are incredible. If you want to know the fundamentals of our faith they are absolutely you know, amazing. But you, you have a message that relates to these quick notes. The message I think you have for the church is very, very, very important and so you, you have this and you're developing this stuff here, but you're saying the message that our church– we've kind of gotten a little off track into a man-made organization. And one of the key things– and this is related to Quick Notes– is the Great Commission was to make disciples. And this is, is your heart and you're, you're telling me you don't believe - and I, I agree with you - that the church is making disciples anymore. And you have a solution for that and you see that as a huge problem in the church today and you kind of go back historically how it happened and now you're saying we've got to get back to making disciples. It is, it is critical. It's, it's the message of the Kingdom. It's the message, it's the Great Commission. And we've gotten away from it and you've actually come up with a practical solution for us. So…


Domenic: That's the absolute truth. I mean we uh, what are the last four words or sentences in the four gospels of Jesus? What did He say? Go ye make disciples. Follow Me. You know, go make disciples of the nations. Basically, He's given us a charge to go and replicate what He did with the disciples over three and a half years– I mean, or three years in a few months or whatever. So He asked, I mean, He's, His command was to go make disciples. And the problem was, and when I was studying for my master's in theology I, one thing that's really stuck in my mind is all great leaders who prayed and uh, and the miracles would happen, people would gather around them and within one generation or two or three generations, they would organize the Holy Spirit right out. It's kind of symbolic in the Dead Sea, in the Gali– Sea of Galilee. The Sea of Galilee is, Galilee is teeming with fish. Live fish which represent, you know, the, the redeemed. And you, so you, you have this beautiful body of water but it flows into the Jordan and it's restricted, and then finally into the Dead Sea. And what happens with leadership is they control and they restrict the flow of God's movement in a body and it gets down to the Dead Sea and maybe they have a very large church but it's dead. And that's, that's not for all large churches, there are some wonderful large churches that preach the gospel and they all– most of them have small groups where people are accountable and learn the basics. 


So that's, that was the uh, motivation for doing– the motivation was the group I had had. We're about 30 40 people every, every week we got together. Very few of them– these are all people who just came out of the Jesus Revolution– very few of them knew the real basics which I, I listed before, so we created these Quick Notes and gave them to them and discipled them. Over the last 43 years, we've had a number of different groups, small groups, large groups, Zoom groups uh, that we've been involved in since then. And uh, these, these uh, Quick Notes are very, very powerful. If we don't get it– I'll tell you a little story. Um, went to Italy in ‘99, met my family– I have 40 members over there– and while I was there, one of the members uh, had a problem with his leg so I said “Well, can I pray for you?” And I did and God instantly healed him. So he calls his father who ends up being the head of the internet and fo– and um, what was the other thing? The internet and um, one other thing uh, travel I believe it was, for the Vatican. So he said, “You must come stay with me, Domenico.” So we get there, he said “Get your suit on, we're going to a meeting tonight.” We went to this meeting and it was all people– high-end people, cardinals from the Catholic Church. And so after about 15 minutes of eating spaghetti, and they're all drinking vino and you know, and they're kind of slowing down and so um, I said “Well what's the meeting about Johnny?” and he said, “Well it's uh, it's about church growth.” I said, “Yeah, we have the same problem in the Protestant churches.” “Oh, Domenico wants to speak!” So he got me up and God put this in my mind from an article I've written 15, 20 years before. I said to, I said to him “You know, we in the Protestant Church go back to men. We go back to Luther, we go back to Wesley, we go back to this one and that one, but the truth of the matter is if we don't go back to the upper room where Jesus gave us the charge and, and, and um, and gave us the power– dunamis power– to be witnesses you know, go be witnesses, then, then– and we, you can even use the highest technology of the day like He did. What did He do? He sat in a boat offshore, let the moisture of the air carry his voice to 5,000 people on the amphitheater-shaped hillside. “So,” I said, “if we don't do that, you and I are going to be very old men 10 years from now, asking ourselves the same question; and that is teach the gospel, train, and disciple people, and send them on their way. And let the holy spirit guide them.” 


These groups, when they get together, if they just take these Quick Notes and cover like, who is God, you know? Or just like the Bible; who wrote the Bible? If you ask a hundred Christians “Who wrote the Bible?” you may get three or four of them that tell you who wrote the Bible. I mean, the fact is that over 3,800 times God, or three thousand times, God said uh, the, the disciples said “I'm writing down what God told me to write down.” So it's God's word. God's Bible. And so we need to, they need to know that this is God's word, not just written by some old men in sackcloth and ashes. 


So basically that was, that, that was uh, that meeting in Italy was an eye-opener for me, and out of that came the book which we call The Assignment. And The Assignment is for all of us; every one of us. Anybody that’s listening to me, if you claim to be a Christian, if you believe that Jesus died for your sins, if you, if you, if you believe that the word of God– we are supposed to disciple others. And, and you know, you can have a full-time job and get together once a week or once every two weeks or however you arrange it and uh, we make– the Quick Notes make it very easy to um, very easy to, to, to get a discussion going. And everybody learns. And basically, the Holy Spirit teaches you– in, in a group like that.


Dr. Ray: So I wanted to, to interject this because it just ties in. So Jesus in Matthew 18, because this is really what you're talking about, Jesus in Matthew 28 verse 18 uh, I think it’s the New King James Version. Uh, it's, “and Jesus approached and spoke to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on Earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I've commanded you; and behold, I am with you all the days until the end of the age.’” He said “therefore go and make disciples and teach…” and so that was the last thing Jesus said before He ascended. Go and make disciples and teach them. And so I think the institution, many people - and I don't mean it's critically because God loves the church and I love the church - but the only teaching is whatever comes out in the sermon on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.


Domenic: Yeah. It’s a Sunday, it's a Sunday affair really in, in a way. That, we have some very derogatory uh, labels for it but– and by the way, whether you're a big church, whether you're a small church, whatever denomination you are, if you have small groups, that's where accountability occurs. You have prayer partners, you have people that support you. This day and age where there's such uh, uh, I mean, suicides and all these things. If there's any time that you need friends, uh, or you know, relationships, this is the time to do it, so…


Dr. Ray: Well, so what you're saying though; what I hear you're saying is that small groups is the place where disciples can truly be made. And where in a larger church it's difficult to make disciples but a small group which is actually very scriptural, it lines up with Acts, the book of Acts, meeting in homes. But small groups is where you can get accountability. Uh, teaching a small group is where you can make disciples. I have a history in small groups and I've been a small group leader for years and went to small groups back in the 80s and um… And… some of the greatest moments of my life were in um, small groups.


Domenic: Amen.


Dr. Ray: I remember some of them; how God touched me in small groups. But um, to make disciples… and let me tie into this real quick because your topics, these Quick Notes, I wish you could– if I had a video y– people could see these. These are like um, cards. They're pieces of you know, very thick postcard-type paper um, but your notes are who is God, the Bible, salvation, water baptism, communion, prayer, God's gifts, deliverance, healing, it's the essentials of our faith. And you have it, and you have it all laid out and each one of these topics can be the focus of a, of a home group, you know? 


Domenic: Exactly.


Dr. Ray: For that, for that season. And disciples– and I think as you're a pastor, uh, we're called to make disciples. You can't do it from the pulpit, you cannot do it. But if you have home group leaders, you can make disciples and still grow your church.


Domenic: Yeah, small groups are– you don't uh– really success of a small group is, is not dependent on somebody being, they’re knowledgeable, who teaches, who preaches. It's, they, they're facilitators and what they do is ask questions and then everybody discusses it and they'll come to the truth that God has them. So it's very important to realize that if you want to start a group, just take one of these notes and say okay, let's talk about who is God and let– “Why don't you read the first line of uh, the first paragraph and why don't you read the second,” and go through it that way. The Holy Spirit will teach you. And then what they do– go away and they do more studies and before you know it– I mean, I personally think if you finish these in whatever time is allotted you'll, you'll be… I don't think– I know you've all heard of George Varna. He's kind of uh, uh, the pollster of the Christian faith, and the statistics are horrendous. So only 37 percent of Evangelicals believe in uh, have a Biblical worldview. That means 63 percent do not. And some of them are you know, just totally taken in. And what did Jesus say and– what’d happen in the end times? To be not deceived. 


And so using this truth and then these– and by the way, there's a lot of wonderful churches out there that do discipleship um, these are just aids, this is not a course or anything like that. We purposely did not restrict what you do and how you do it, let God do that. But just take these, read them, and be inspired. And you'll have friends I mean, my wife– I got a call from a gal, and her um, I think was cousin was in the hospital, dying. So Charlie said, “Well is, he saved?” No. “Well, take the Quick Notes that we gave you on salvation and read, read it to him and uh, then if he's willing, to say the prayer with him.” She calls back, he got saved. She said, “I never did that before.” Well, she's not any– she's been saved two years herself, knows very little. So then she gave him the one on healing and the guy walked out of the hospital healed and saved and it's amazing how God will move. Now this is a woman who has very little knowledge of the Bible, and knows what to do and doesn't know how to spit and strut like us good, you know, preachers. But um, but anyway, I just it's so powerful, the word. You know, the, we don't live by bread alone but every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Joshua, the first scripture I ever got is, it says “Let not the law depart from your mouth–” “...of this book depart from your mouth but meditate” it “meditate on it day and night and be careful to do according to all that's written,” and “for then you will be successful and then you will prosper.” So the word is so important, that's half of it. The other half is, is spirit. Spirit and truth. Spirit is uh, really walking in the Spirit and that's a long conversation we don't need to– we can’t get into now– and then the Word is the truth. “I'm the [truth, the way] and the life.” 


Dr. Ray: …uh, word and truth, the Holy Spirit is a great teacher. You know when you pray and you ask the Holy Spirit to, to work with you and guide you as you're studying these notes, studying the Bible, all of a sudden you get, you gain understanding you could never have without Him. 


Domenic: And like–


Dr. Ray: Uh, the author of the word of God is able and willing to teach you, you know, His, His word. Um, I’ll also tell you a quick story. Years ago, I was pastoring a little church in uh, Mississippi, North Mississippi, near Memphis. And you know I'm gonna… I've been saved since 1961. John Kennedy was president when I was saved, I'm, I’m telling my age. And uh, and so you know, I'm preaching and teaching and we got the gifts flowing and people were getting healed, there's prophetic words coming out all this kind of cool stuff. And then, oh, one day I did a sermon about redemption, and one of my members who've been saved for about 25 years comes up to me afterwards and you know, he said “Dr. Self, I, I didn't know what redemption was.” And so I started asking some basic questions uh, “What about justification?” “No.” And then I began to realize that we believe we think that the body of Christ understands the basics of our faith but many of them do not and so the– A couple of years ago I was at a home group meeting. There was about eight teenagers sitting on the floor and I asked them, I said “Well how many of you are saved?” They all raised their hand. I said, “Well, can you tell me what is salvation?” And not one of them, not one could tell me anything about what salvation was. And so I think what I'm trying to say is we assume that everybody who is a Christian understands the basics of our faith. But many people don't and as a pastor, we need help. We've got to get this approach to them, to be a disciple.


Domenic: Absolutely. I, I'm… when I finished the, the work with Ron Howard on Murph the Surf - it was a documentary and we're doing a feature-length film after - when I finished it then my workload went to, to nothing for a while until I spin up the, the feature-length film. And I said Lord, what do I do? And He said, “Finish what you began in the 70s”. And we built in the 70s– we had a series called uh, Complete in Him which was– addresses this problem. We had a hundred people on our list but at least 40 to 50 showed up every week and they did not know the gospel. And so we created the Quick Notes and then booklets on each one which went into it deeper, and a video on each one. And so uh, that was the charge. And we've had such incredible reception this last month. It's only been three months that the book has been out but we have, we have it in the hands of, of um, Chuck Missler's group uh, Mario Murillo's group, and all these other people. You know, they lead all these people to the Lord and unfortunately, they'll take the baby when it's born, find a neighborhood, leave it on a, on a porch and leave. And that's it. That's, that's what you do if you don't disciple. You have to, you have to feed them or the birds come as you know, the parable, and pick off the word of God and they're lost. 


So um, but we've had such an amazing response from, from actual salvations. The healings and, and we have one guy who we call him, we call him our Uber evangelist. He throws a pack of the Quick Notes in his back seat, they get in, they look at it, “Oh, what's this?” “Oh, I can't talk to you about it because it has to do with religion.” And they say “Well, unless you're okay…” “Yeah, let's talk about it.” He ends up praying with them and, and, so we have an Uber evangelist. Then we met two guys in California that were involved in the Jesus Revolution with Chuck Smith and um, Frisbee, with uh, with Frisbee. And then the other gentleman is involved with Haight-Ashbury and these two guys have started up Jesus Revolution 2.0. And their question is what do we do? These people get saved and then they go into a church and then just kind of die. That's their vid– that's their observation. Not that that's true, but it is their observation. And so they have a little saying, “If you,” “If you just get totally involved in the Spirit you blow up, and if you, if you just literally read the word without the Spirit then you'll dry up. But you need both to grow up.” That's their saying. But they're still questioning how do you do it? They just have to recognize that you have to let go and let God lead. But men are not that way. They want to control and teach and want to be heard and all that stuff. And in these fellowship groups, if, if you want to teach and preach and all that stuff, forget the fellowship group. You need to be a facilitator. You need to learn how to listen and you need to learn how to build people up and send them out. Look what Jesus did. He asked them– He was the greatest teacher, salesman ever because He told stories and He asked questions. And then as we say in the business, you shut up. You shut up and listen. The first one that talks loses. So uh, honestly this has been so exciting. Just– since Easter - we got the first books thrown on our porch on Easter uh, this year - and so many good things are happening. Anyone who's listening um, if you would like uh, you can get it on Amazon but if you– uh, the information will, will be left here. I s– I suspect that– where they can contact us, right?


Dr. Ray: Uh, for The Assignment? You're talking about the book The Assignment…


Domenic: Yeah.


Dr. Ray: Will be in the notes. 


Domenic: Normally it's– normally it's $17 but uh, what I really would like you to do is get the Quick Notes which are not on Amazon. If yo–u and if you buy, if you buy the book from us directly, I'll get three packs of the Quick Notes for you to just, just hand out and just see what people think. So anyway, that's my–


Dr. Ray: Yeah, why don’t you give us your email– or I'll tell you, there's two ways you could– but guys, folks, if you want these resources you can email me. Uh, mine is drrayself, d-r-r-a-y-s-e-l-f, @gmail.com. Um, that's the easy way. Or your email is domenic at what now?


Domenic: domenic@dominicfusco.com. My first name and it's spelled differently. It's d-o-m-e-n-i-c @ d-o-m-e-n-i-c f, like Florida, usco.com. Um, or you can go to theassignment.org online and uh, and find information there. We’re just building the website out. Everything has been so new and so exciting, I– we're still putting the pieces together but probably Dr. Ray or myself, if you contact directly, directly, will get you some of these Quick Notes. And if uh, if you uh, if you don't have any money um, fast for a while and, and purchase them. Or if you really don't, just email me a message and we'll help. We're, we're not selling, we're really not selling these for the sake of making money. We don't, we haven't made a penny on it and we're not– we're planning on just getting these in hands of, the hands of people to go and make disciples.


Dr. Ray: Right, right. Um, this is so important folks. Sometimes when you hear discipleship, I got to be honest, and you go oh, that just sounds so boring. Actually, it's incredibly exciting. Um, and it's, it's, and it's critical to your life. You want your children to be discipled, you want your church members to be discipled, you want your neighbors to be discipled. Discipleship, it helps you to grow in the Lord and it helps you maintain your, your, your, your walk. I mean, without knowledge, without the knowledge to keep you when things get tough and things get hard and you're under attack, you have to have this knowledge to survive. Um, if you don't have knowledge of salvation, every funeral, every funeral you go to is devastating. If you don't have knowledge of who God is, you, your relationship, it's just not, it's just not there. It's there but you don't understand it. Um, how to pray and deliver the spiritual gifts, the Holy Spirit; so much is available to us and it's, it's all life-changing and it's wonderful. You say “I'm an equipper, I'm a teacher and I'm passionate about this,” and what you– the motto of our ministry is spirit and truth. You know, I love to flow in the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit, prophesy and tongues, and discerning of spirits and deliverance. Just went to a big mass deliverance deal over in Alabama - my gosh - with John Kilpatrick, just got back from that. But, I also have a foundation in the word of God and it keeps me balanced and it keeps me going. And I guess I'm getting excited because these Quick Notes, these topical resources, and this book, The Assignment, can change your church, can change your family, can change your life. I encourage you to get these resources.


Domenic: I want to– one last thing. The Assignment is one of the easiest reads you will ever engage in. You'll sit down– I've had people, I had somebody call me and say “I opened your book and I didn't know what to expect. Aat down and I didn't even get up to go to the bathroom. I finished the entire book.” And half the book is, is kind of history and what you do with groups and stuff like that. It's not a, it's not a– that's– a discipleship course. It's just a discipleship resource. And then the other half is the Quick Notes. The first half will take you an hour to read, the last half will take the rest of your life to finish. But basically, it's a very easy read, and it, and, and this is no fluff it's all meat and potatoes. Straight out, uh, to the point, straightforward, not– and it's not influenced by any denomination as well, so… Anyway… look– we have one university um, uh, and I hadn't even talked to you about this uh, this is how fast things are happening. Uh, the university is requiring every person to– they, they're asking me to do a 10-week course and video. They're requiring every person to take The Assignment before they go and get a degree because so many people uh, graduate - you know, they're not even called uh, you know, they're called cemeteries, not seminaries by some people - they don't even know the gospel when they finish getting their degree so that's another exciting thing that's happened. 


Well, I can talk a long time about it but basically get the book, get the Quick Notes, get the Quick Notes. If you don't– if you, you know, I'll send you the Quick Notes. If, if you don't have any money don't worry about it, send me a note, I'll get it to you. But the, the book is uh, just a great resource. A very, very easy read. And you know–


Dr. Ray: It is. I just read it. It is easy to read and I think this is a book that we're going to adopt at the International College of Ministry– just got really convicted –victed on that. Let me say this too: if you've ever thought about having a home group, if you get these resources, you have a way to have a home group. You have– one of the challenges of being a home group is well, what are we going to talk about? What are we going to do? Well, these Quick Notes, these topical resources give you - I'm holding it up to the camera even though this is not a video thing. Anyway, these Quick Notes give you what you need. They give you something to talk about in your home group. And so talk to your pastor about, you know, starting a home group. If you're a pastor, consider starting home groups. Home groups is where disciples can be made. That's what we're trying to say. Home groups is maybe the most effective way, and it's a scriptural way, to make disciples which we're commanded to do by our Lord and Savior.


Domenic: Yeah. Exactly. You know, most, most Christian churches have uh, probably 80, 90 percent of what they believe is identical to the other Christians. And they cover these, these basic tenets of the faith that are in the Quick Notes. They have some other ordinances and things that they do but we're one body, we're one bride; there's only one church. When somebody says uh, “you go–” “Where do you go to church?” And I say “I am the church. What do you mean where am I going?” And, and you are the church. We're one bride and, and the unity and… I've ministered and Dr. Ray has too, in so many different denominations. They're full of loving people, compassionate people, serving people. And there's no better group to belong to and I, I'm, I'm just really encouraging you to think about starting a group. And if you don't feel… uh, find somebody that you might know that would like to and join his group or something but… you know. Or, or support him or her. So anyway, that's, that's our call, that's our vision and uh, we're at it. And I want to thank you, Dr. Ray, for having me here today uh, to, to share it with other people, and um, let's move forward and on up.


Dr. Ray: Amen. All right. So uh, you got your emails. Uh, what's your email again? One more time…


Domenic: It's domenic@visiblelight.org. Domenic, d-o-m-e-n-i-c @ visible, v-i-s-i-b-l-e light, l-i-g-h-t, dot org. You send it there… um, I know I gave my personal address… either one, it doesn't matter.


Dr. Ray: Okay, that's fine. Well, why don't you just close us with a word of prayer? Could you do that? And uh, thank you, everybody, for listening today to Self Talk and uh, God bless you; I hope this show was a blessing to you and we'll have a closing prayer with uh, Domenic.


Domenic: Father, in the precious name of Jesus we um, approach You with a request. There are so many people out there hurting. There are so many people that are lost, especially in this day where there are no more absolutes that uh, people are confused. And we look at what, what's happening in the schools with even the concept of sex, people not even knowing their sex. They need the word of God. They need the love of God in their life to support them through the, all of the, the fire and all of the troubles they will have ahead. So Lord, we just ask You right now to touch the hearts of those listening and to um, give them peace. Shalom peace which is more than just peace, it's, it's an overall command to give them health and happiness and… Lord, we know that we find that in the word of God so we just ask You right now to touch the hearts that are listening and um, we'll, we're here to support them. And um, as always, when the, the be– when it's– all the dust settles, we will give You all the praise and all the glory, Lord. In Jesus’ name we pray.


Dr. Ray: Amen. Well, thank you so much uh, Domenic Fusco. Thank you so much, thank you, everyone, for listening. Again, this has been Self Talk with Dr. Ray Self and Domenic Fusco. Amen.


Domenic: Amen.




Dr. Ray: Thanks again for listening to Self Talk with Dr. Ray Self. It's always an honor to have anybody listen to, to my podcast. So in the show notes is Domenic Fusco's contact information, Visible Light Ministries, visiblelight.org, and of course, his book. You can find that on theassignment.org. If you provide any donation to this ministry, which helps us continue the podcast by the way, um, any donation, we will send you the, the book called The Assignment and three packs of Quick Notes or topical notes which will help you do your small group. So the best way to donate is go to icmcollege.org/donate. icmcollege.org/donate. And I'm going to ask you, please go to our website, icmcollege.org/selftalk and subscribe, write a review, share this show with your friends. This helps us get this message, message out so thank you so much. If you have a suggestion for the show, email me at drrayself@gmail.com. drrayself@gmail.com. Don't forget International College of Ministry is now enrolling. There are free courses available if you want to try it before you enroll. Take a course in counseling, uh, Healing the Memories is a great course. Click the link in the show notes or go to icmcollege.org and click on free courses. Maybe you want to know what it would take to get a degree but you're not ready to enroll. Click Free Evaluation. It's free. We'll send you an evaluation of exactly how much it will cost you, what your courses are, what you need to do to get a degree, and that's all free. So love you much. Thank you again for listening to my show. This is Dr. Ray Self; you've been listening to Self Talk with me, Dr. Ray Self.