Welcome to Self Talk, Full of Spirit and Truth
Nov. 4, 2021

The Great Cover-Up

To stand against the scheme of Satan, we need to know what the plan is. If we know what our enemy is up to, we can successfully devise a strategy to defeat him. In my show, I discuss the great cover-up and how to come out in the fullness of your...

To stand against the scheme of Satan, we need to know what the plan is. If we know what our enemy is up to, we can successfully devise a strategy to defeat him. In my show, I discuss the great cover-up and how to come out in the fullness of your anointing. Eph 6:11Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. Would you please download and follow this podcast to help us reach as many people as possible with the healing messages from Self Talk with Dr. Ray Self?

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You can purchase Dr. Self’s books-Redeeming Your Past and Finding Your Promised Landand Hear His Voice, Be His Voice at Amazon.com


Hello, welcome to Self Talk. I'm Dr. Ray Self, your host. What is this show about? It's about getting free. Getting free from what, you may ask. It's getting free from anything that keeps you away from God's plan for your life. Anything that hurts you or suppresses you or causes you harm. That's my heart; that's my passion I want to see you free I want to see you living your God-given dream I want to see you being the person God created you to be stay tuned for our next exciting topic thank you for joining us today God bless you.




Hello and welcome to Self Talk. I'm your host, Dr. Ray Self. I appreciate you being with me today. This show is sponsored by and brought to you by the generous gift of Premier Family Care and Dr. Jess Youngblood, Arab, Alabama, Guntersville, Alabama, and Blountsville, Alabama. If you need medical assistance or medical care of any type and you're in the north Alabama area, Dr. Jess Youngblood is the best uh, Holy Spirit-filled doctor. Great guy. I want to talk to you more about the Great Cover-Up today. What is The Great Cover-Up? Well, it's a diabolical plan that's been going on for a long time that has been victimizing you most likely.


I've noticed for many, many years as a Christian, there are so many of my brothers and sisters that are just incredibly gifted, talented, and anointed, and pretty much, they're just not doing much for the kingdom of God. They're what I call invisible or they've been covered up somehow.


I want to tell you a little bit about myself. I have some trigger points in my things… things that, that hurt me more than they should. And I… my, my… I've been talking about schemes the last few shows. A scheme is a diabolical plan. It's a systematic plan of destruction that Satan has designed specifically for you. Some of the schemes are rejection, fear, pride, rebellion, illegitimacy - that's a big one - you know, you really don't matter, you got to prove yourself. But the big one against me was, you know, I don't matter. I'm invisible. Uh, I'm not even seen or heard. I remember years ago– I like to tell this story because it just demonstrates this scheme so well. I went into a gourmet restaurant - it was called McDonald's Hamburgers - and uh, I walked up to the counter, and the clerk or whatever they call them working there, she had her back to me and I stood there for you know, maybe 30 seconds or so and her back was to me. She was doing something and I was getting a little bit irritated because you know, didn't she know I'm here? Ahem, ahem. I mean, didn't she know that I was here? And so uh, just a minute or so later, she still had her back to me. A lady walks up and stands beside me so finally the clerk turns around and she immediately asked the lady next to me, “Can I help you?” And I'm thinking, What am I? Invisible? How could you not see me? I've been here this whole time. And all of a sudden, I started Hulk out. I became like Dr. Banner, I began to Hulk out. I mean, I felt this rage coming in me. Of course, I didn't say anything, I didn't do anything, but when I walked out I thought, Wow. Why, why'd that bother me so much? And then thinking about it, I realized, Wow, I was invisible to her. She couldn't even see me there.


And I know that's a silly story, but everybody likes to be recognized. Now, I'm not talking about a prideful thing but everybody likes to be to be known; recognized, you know, for who you are. One of the, you know, when they teach you etiquette and uh, How to Make Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, one of the most beautiful sounds to a person's ears is the sound of their own name. Now, you probably know this but if you're trying to make friends and influence people, you should constantly repeat somebody's name to them. Let's say you have a friend named Mike and you meet him at the store. “Hey Mike, how are you doing? Good to see you, Mike. So how's your family, Mike? What have you been up to, Mike?” And that just makes people feel good. 


You know, when they, when they hear the sound of your name, people like to be recognized. But God has put inside of you special gifts, special talents, special abilities, a special call, a special purpose that is unique to you. Nobody on the planet can do what you've been created to do better than you. You're the best at it. You are the one, you're the one created for this. You're the one anointed for this. “Before you're in your mama's womb, I knew you and I ordained you as a…” you fill in the blank. You’re called to something very special and of course, the enemy your entire life has been trying to label you as something other than what God labeled you. He's been trying to distract you, he's been trying to tempt you, he's been trying to cause you to do things you shouldn't do. He's been putting you in the wrong relationships, the wrong jobs. He's been putting you in the wrong church, he's been tempting you with all kinds of stuff because he knows your weaknesses. But I want to tell you something. You're fearfully and wonderfully made. There's a, there's a, there's a plan. It's called The Great Cover-Up. Satan does not want you to be seen for who you really are because that would threaten his kingdom. And so, you're covered up. 


You know me, I felt my entire life– I struggled with this feeling of I don't really matter. Other people matter more than me; other people are more important than me. My self-esteem was really, really low. Back in the old days, they used to call it inferiority complex. But I struggled with that. And the truth is it really was a demonic scheme. I think the devil knew if he could get me to believe within my heart— “as a man thinks within his heart, so is he,” if he can get me to believe that I really didn't matter, I wouldn't do much that mattered, especially for God. But the cover-up is Satan wants to keep you hidden. He wants to hide your talents, he wants to hide your ability, he wants to hide your gifting, he wants to hide who you really are. And he uses– unfortunately, like we talked about in the last show, Jesus was not recognized in His own hometown by his own family as to who He really was. Sometimes your own family and your own friends, your own church, will not recognize you for who you are. It's part of the grand master plan of the devil, which I call the Great and One and Only Cover-Up. Well, folks, it is time to come out from under the covers and be seen for who you really are. 


And you know, I pray that your church will see who you really are. I pray your family and friends will see who you really are. But the first - and they may not - but the first thing we want to do is we want to rebuke, renounce, and take authority in the name of Jesus Christ over every scheme of the enemy. Stand firm against the schemes that– we are not ignorant as Paul said in First– Second Corinthians - of the schemes of the enemy. And in Ephesians 6, we'll stand firm against the schemes of the enemy and this scheme to keep you unknown. I rebuke it. You rebuke it. Renounce it. Refuse to accept it in the name of Jesus Christ. And this is not a prideful thing. You need to be known for God, for what God's called you to do. People need you; people around you need you. You are needed to be known for who you are so you can be used effectively for God. You need to be known, you need to be known. Do I make that clear? 


The Great Cover-Up has got to stop right now. I see this with churches - I talked about in our last show. There'll be a great church in the middle of a city, this incredible church completely unknown. Nobody goes to it, nobody knows anything about it. It's been hidden. They're incredible preachers that nobody's ever heard of. Why? Because they're covered up. They're incredible praise and worship leaders but, nobody's ever heard them sing. Why? Because they're covered up. There are people with a prophetic gift and you have words that could change the nation, but nobody's ever heard the prophetic words because they are covered up… there’re talents that are covered up. It's the Great Cover-Up. It's time for the covers to be taken off, and we do that with spiritual warfare. It's time to be uncovered. You know I love you and I, I don't know you, but you're listening to me and if I were to meet you, I’d love you. I'm a very compassionate, tender guy. I've always wanted people to be all they could be.


You know, so many times when I minister prophetically and I look at people, I see people operating well beneath their potential or they're in a job that they're not called to be in, they're in a place they shouldn't be in, they're in relationships that're not healthy for them. I– you know, I don't know what you're calling or purpose is. It's always, not always quote, traditional ministry. Your purpose could be maybe to be the world's most anointed carpenter. I don't know what it is, but I know that Satan does not want you to do it because God gets too much credit, God's plan is increased, His kingdom has increased, everything about God gets bigger and bigger and bigger. You must be known. You've got to be uncovered. You know, are you the one that's always on the outside looking in? Are you the one that's never selected? Are you the one that's overlooked for leadership positions and you don't say anything but, but it kind of hurts? You don't say anything when they uh, they, they pick somebody over you and… let somebody else lead the music instead of you and even though you have a great voice, or they let somebody preach other than you although you have a great preaching talent. But it could maybe in business. Maybe people are promoted over you even though you have a great leadership anointing. Amen. Whatever it is; maybe… it could be anything. It could be anything God's called you to. It's not always just ministry. But you have to be all God created you to be. Not only is it critical for people around you, people assigned to you is critical for your mental and emotional health. 


You're never going to be fully happy until you're uncovered. So I pray that your gifting will be uncovered; your true identity will be uncovered, uncovered, so people can see you. This great cover-up of talent, the great cover-up of anointing, the great cover-up of skills, the great cover-up of people in churches. It's got to stop. It's got to stop now in the name of Jesus Christ. Paul was very clear, do not be ignorant of a scheme; and if you're listening to me, you know this is a real scheme. You know that Satan is trying to hide the anointing. He's trying to keep some certain churches from being discovered. He's trying to keep your gifts from being known. He's trying to keep your talent from being exposed. And this could be in business, it could be with your family, it could be a lot of different things. But it is a cover-up and it must stop. It is a scheme of the enemy. Can you imagine going– Jesus going back to where He was born as the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, The Chosen One, The Messiah, the One that was prophesied, the One that David and Daniel and Jeremiah all spoke about? The one the scriptures point to? And what it– what does He get? “Hey, isn’t this Joseph's son, the carpenter boy? Yeah, we know him. He's the carpenter boy. Yeah. He used to saw wood, he used to sweep sawdust. Yeah, yeah, we know that guy.” 


You talk about blindness, you talk about a cover-up. I want you to be uncovered. I want your church to be uncovered. If– whatever is of God needs to be uncovered. You know, our nation is blind. God has blinded the eyes of the unbeliever. They can't even see when something good is being covered up but you can because your eyes have been opened, your, your mind has been opened by God. Your mind has been illuminated by God. You have the revelation. You can see what is of God. And Satan wants what is of God to remain covered up. That's the scheme, the great cover-up. But I want to tell you right now, in the name of Jesus Christ, this scheme must stop. It must stop now. No more cover-up, no more cover-up of you. You don't need to be covered up, you need to be all that you're called to be. And see, and, and it's not just a few super-talented Christians that everybody can see, there are millions of Christians that have been hidden and covered up in churches; and ministries have been covered up that need to be uncovered so the world can see the glory and the power and the anointing of God and the truth about Jesus Christ. You are incredible, you're wonderful, and this scheme you see, we can beat it. We have the authority of the Name above all names and in the name of Jesus Christ, every knee shall bow. And we rebuke this, this scheme of Satan under the authority and the power of Jesus Christ. 


Make a decision now. If you're listening to me, make a decision now that from this day forward, no longer are you going to remain hidden. Your gifts, your talents, your call, your purpose no more. Now, you don't have to go to make a big sign, Look, I am this, I am that, put out a neon sign. God will reveal you. God will rebuke this scheme. You have to take authority. You see, He's given us a job to do and that's to submit to Him and resist the devil and make him flee. That's our job. So our job is to make this scheme stop. We have authority to, to make this scheme stop in the name of Jesus Christ. I don't like this scheme. I see too many people living well beneath their potential because they've been covered up too long. And sometimes people cover up themselves. They don't want to see, they don't want to see the truth about themselves. And if you're one of these people that have accepted this, this cover and you don't feel worthy, I pray God will open up your eyes to see the truth you are worthy. You are acceptable, you're a joint heir, a member of the royal priesthood. We're all equal, we're equal, not just the, the superstar Christians on TV. We're all equal. We're children of God. And I say right now, your ministry, your call, will not be covered up anymore. It'll be exposed for the glory of God. It'll grow for the glory of God. No more hiding, no more hiding. I speak to– over myself as well. No more, in the name of Jesus Christ. I proclaim this over you and I thank you for listening.


I really appreciate you. [I] hope this has blessed you. You know, if you can make a donation to help us continue, that'd be great. Go to icmcollege.org/donate, that’d be really terrific; or my Patreon page. I got a Patreon page my media girl set up. It's patreon/selftalkicm. patreon/selftalkicm;  selftalkicm. ICM is the name of my college, International College of Ministry. You know, it's an honor and a privilege to do this. I know that I've got a lot of people downloading this. I want you to know I'm grateful and I bless you and you are exposed… haha… who you really are. For God. Amen. Love you much. Adios. Talk to you later. Bye-bye.



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