Finding and acquiring new customers is critical for your business. In this episode I share the 5 pitfalls I most frequently see commercial contractors making when trying to attract new business. I'll also share techniques to overcome these...
Established accounts are not as lucrative as in the past.
Therefore, you have to seek new business.
Of course, you know this. You’ve tasked your sales teams to go get it.
Unfortunately, they got so good at farming existing relationships they lost the manual on how to sell.
We see 5 pitfalls that limit lead generation and new business growth:
Easy Button
Invariably we find the first (and sometimes only) place they hunt is to go to Building Connected and look for bids posted by people they have never worked with or met before. What are the chances!!!! Duh!
Click on their website and look at what Building Connected says are the benefits they offer a GC:
“Find the lowest bidder on the fly”.
Look, the software wasn’t built for you, the dealer. It’s designed to screw you. It destroys your margins and minimizes your relationships.
And, this is the pond everyone is fishing in.
A couple of ideas:
Ineffective Prospecting
There are two main sales processes—
Let’s consider the Getting the First Hello:
Clearly, few of us like to cold call. It’s hard. We fear rejection. Yet if you just followed up a 3rd or 4th time you would be in the rarified atmosphere of the rainmaker and your wins would skyrocket.
Yes, yes. I know the problem. You have other things to do—like prepare takeoffs, build estimates, check supply chains to see if you can even get materials for the job, submitting bids, managing change orders, job walks, billing etc. etc.
My own studies have found commercial contract salespeople only spend 6% of their week prospecting for new business.
With this limited time, it is hard for most salespeople to remember to follow up. They have no system to prompt them other than a few pencil scratches on their desk blotter or a quick note in their calendar app. And many fear calling “or bothering” their prospects.
Two improvement ideas for you:
The Leaky Pipeline—the Hello to Close Sales Process
Your pipeline is full of bids that have gotten past the hard part. The Hello has been made. You’ve been invited to bid.
You elected to go after them because you feel you have a fighting chance.
Here’s the thing. Sales is all about the F word
Follow up!
Most of your bids will be competitive and part of an electronic bidding marketplace like Building Connected.
90% of salespeople put their bid in and wait for the GC to tell them whether they won the deal or not.
It’s not the GC’s job to run your sales campaign.
Their job is to get the best quote that mitigates their risk for the best price.
I cover the key techniques for doubling win rate in my book The Ultimate Formula for Winning Work with General Contractors
Here are two:
Poor Planning
“Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, “What road do I take?”
The cat asked, “Where do you want to go?”
“I don’t know,” Alice answered.
“Then,” said the cat, “it really doesn’t matter, does it?”
Very rarely do we see a written sales plan. If you don’t know who you want to sell to then anyone will do. This opportunistic approach has them bouncing around chasing all types of segments and never penetrating any.
Focusing on the Deal Not the Lifetime Customer
We salespeople are predators. We love the thrill of the chase. But once we have wrestled our prey to the ground, we lose interest. The deal is done.
That level of thinking will only yield at best, one deal. Instead think of the lifetime value of a customer. You could sell multiple deals over the years and possibly enjoy a noncompetitive relationship.
The customer is an asset that needs to be nurtured.
I talked to a commercial contractor who had been in business 15 years. I suggested we reach out to the many thousands of happy customers they had worked with in the past.
An embarrassed silence ensued. Turns out they had the billing address and base info but no contact data and tel numbers for the key buyers!
So easy idea for you to implement
Effective lead generation is vital for your business to thrive in boom times as well as lows.
Hopefully these ideas will help you fill your pipeline with healthy high margin business
If you enjoyed the show please give me a review on Apple Podcasts!
Also, check out my new book:
The Ultimate Formula for Winning Work With General Contractors.
It's packed with tips to help you double your sales conversion rates!