Jan. 24, 2024

Do You Exhibit a Cheesey Sales Spiel or a Classy Sales Skill?

Do You Exhibit a Cheesey Sales Spiel or a Classy Sales Skill?
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Sell the Sizzle

Get ready to dive deep into the world of sales on the 'Sell the Sizzle' podcast! In our latest episode, we unravel the fine line between authentic sales skill and cringe-worthy sales spiel. Ever encountered a pitch that felt oily and insincere? We break down the key differences and share tips on how to evolve from a scripted salesperson to a genuine rainmaker. Join us as we cut through the bull and explore the art of selling with confidence, authenticity, and a touch of edginess. Stay tuned for valuable insights that will transform your approach and make you a true sizzle-selling sensation!"

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Also, check out my new book:

The Ultimate Formula for Winning Work With General Contractors.

It's packed with tips to help you double your sales conversion rates!

1 00:00:11,314 --> 00:00:15,414 And welcome to the sell, this is all podcast. 2 00:00:15,919 --> 00:00:20,339 This is the show if you want to sell an idea, a product, or a service. 3 00:00:20,640 --> 00:00:25,804 We're gonna share sales techniques with you so that you can be a sizzling success. 4 00:00:26,265 --> 00:00:27,245 Let's go. 5 00:00:29,385 --> 00:00:31,304 And welcome to this week's show. 6 00:00:31,304 --> 00:00:37,869 This is Mick Holly, your host, and I'm gonna be talking to you today, sir, about the difference 7 00:00:38,009 --> 00:00:41,710 between sales skill and sales spiel. 8 00:00:42,554 --> 00:00:45,135 What do you think of when you think sales spiel? 9 00:00:45,515 --> 00:00:48,655 People talk about, oh, he's got a he's got a sales spiel. 10 00:00:50,060 --> 00:00:51,980 I mean, do you feel positive about that? 11 00:00:51,980 --> 00:00:54,539 What does it conjure up in in your mind? 12 00:00:54,539 --> 00:00:56,380 I know what it conjures up in my mind. 13 00:00:56,380 --> 00:01:00,134 It's it's kind of feels oily and in sincere. 14 00:01:00,835 --> 00:01:01,795 So I thought, you know what? 15 00:01:01,795 --> 00:01:08,260 I'm gonna go and have a look in the dictionary, and I've got merriam Webster's dictionary on my 16 00:01:08,319 --> 00:01:20,064 iPhone, and I put in spiel, s p I e l, and it says a Holly line of dravagant talk, otherwise 17 00:01:20,685 --> 00:01:21,745 known as pitch. 18 00:01:22,765 --> 00:01:28,969 So it's it it implies that it's loud, brash bragging. 19 00:01:29,510 --> 00:01:35,094 It's a and and when you when people have a sales spiel, it feels like they've got a 20 00:01:35,094 --> 00:01:40,155 prewritten script or canned presentation that comes across as insincere. 21 00:01:41,790 --> 00:01:46,510 And you know that you've been in those situations where you somebody's trying to sell 22 00:01:46,510 --> 00:01:53,165 you something at a store or on the phone and they just they they they they you can actually 23 00:01:53,625 --> 00:01:59,269 feel them reading something from a piece of paper, and they go at it so quickly, like a 24 00:01:59,269 --> 00:02:06,075 hundred miles of out an hour in the hopes that all of the features and benefits they've got 25 00:02:06,155 --> 00:02:11,594 listed there, if they say enough of them in a short amount of time, one of them will hit the 26 00:02:11,594 --> 00:02:12,094 target. 27 00:02:12,555 --> 00:02:20,409 And there is no There is no leeway for them to pause to ask questions to reflect. 28 00:02:20,950 --> 00:02:28,784 And so you feel disengaged disenchanted, almost very, very uncomfortable, almost almost 29 00:02:28,925 --> 00:02:29,425 nauseous. 30 00:02:30,604 --> 00:02:34,340 Now compare that to sales skill. 31 00:02:35,039 --> 00:02:38,580 When somebody well, just let's just take skill in general. 32 00:02:38,879 --> 00:02:46,784 When somebody is highly skilled, they seem to be effortless in practicing their craft. 33 00:02:47,405 --> 00:02:55,479 It seems easy, you know, the best swimmers, the best runners, the best salespeople, they they 34 00:02:55,479 --> 00:02:58,039 don't seem as though they're stressed at all. 35 00:02:58,039 --> 00:02:59,259 They just do it. 36 00:02:59,384 --> 00:03:03,564 And they as if they've done it a thousand times before, which, of course, they have. 37 00:03:04,185 --> 00:03:05,784 And I was reading this book. 38 00:03:05,784 --> 00:03:16,129 It's called with winning in Mick, by Lanie Bassham, and he he was a an Olympic rifle 39 00:03:16,129 --> 00:03:23,754 shooter and he's put together this mental management model that allows you to mentally be 40 00:03:23,754 --> 00:03:28,360 at the top of your game right when you need it to be. 41 00:03:28,819 --> 00:03:32,740 So with winning in mind, I I would advocate reading it. 42 00:03:32,740 --> 00:03:35,000 It's it's short book, but very, very powerful. 43 00:03:36,135 --> 00:03:40,235 But here's one of the things that I drew out of it. 44 00:03:41,254 --> 00:03:45,060 Where where does skill reside. 45 00:03:45,439 --> 00:03:48,580 Where'd you draw your skill from? 46 00:03:49,520 --> 00:04:03,419 And he says that your skill resides entirely in your subconscious mind. 47 00:04:05,000 --> 00:04:13,694 And I don't know if you know this, but no 90% over 90% of our thoughts, you know, and and 48 00:04:13,694 --> 00:04:17,629 decisions happen in our subconscious mind. 49 00:04:17,629 --> 00:04:21,870 I mean, we're consciously thinking about something, but in the background, that 50 00:04:21,870 --> 00:04:27,955 supercomputer that is your brain he's doing a 1,000,000 zillion other things. 51 00:04:28,574 --> 00:04:35,269 And so when when when when when you're when you've got a spiel, What it means is that that 52 00:04:35,269 --> 00:04:37,769 that hasn't been built into a skill. 53 00:04:37,829 --> 00:04:44,024 It sits in your conscious Mick, and so you have to think about it And when you think about it, 54 00:04:44,024 --> 00:04:47,004 all you can think about is one thing at a time. 55 00:04:47,064 --> 00:04:52,125 See, the conscious mind can only concentrate on one thing at a time. 56 00:04:52,480 --> 00:04:59,360 And that's, as an aside, if you're thinking positively, at the same time, you can't have a 57 00:04:59,360 --> 00:05:00,339 negative thought. 58 00:05:01,355 --> 00:05:06,235 The corollary of that is if you're thinking negatively, you can't have a positive thought. 59 00:05:06,235 --> 00:05:07,835 So you can make your conscious. 60 00:05:07,835 --> 00:05:12,800 You can be actively controlling and directing your conscious thought to always be thinking 61 00:05:12,800 --> 00:05:14,800 about, positive things. 62 00:05:14,800 --> 00:05:21,824 But if you're if you're new in sales or or or you're not really sure about what you're gonna 63 00:05:21,824 --> 00:05:26,704 say, then consciously, you have to think through the words. 64 00:05:26,704 --> 00:05:28,750 You have to think through the sentences. 65 00:05:29,449 --> 00:05:34,910 You have to think through the pauses, and you think one thing at a time. 66 00:05:36,009 --> 00:05:43,275 So a spiel when you're in that conscious frame of mind where you're reading the script, right, 67 00:05:43,275 --> 00:05:44,875 it it comes over. 68 00:05:44,875 --> 00:05:50,939 It it I mean, there's a number of elements that distinguish it from a a genuine sales skill. 69 00:05:51,720 --> 00:05:58,555 So the first thing would be you know, it it appears to be rote memorization, which leads to 70 00:05:58,555 --> 00:06:02,680 a robotic, very impersonal interaction. 71 00:06:03,860 --> 00:06:07,479 The second thing is is there's an overemphasis on persuasion. 72 00:06:08,180 --> 00:06:09,300 You know, it's oily. 73 00:06:09,300 --> 00:06:10,099 They're pressing you. 74 00:06:10,099 --> 00:06:11,074 They're forcing you. 75 00:06:11,074 --> 00:06:11,975 They're not listening. 76 00:06:12,115 --> 00:06:18,855 It relies too heavily on persuasive tactics without addressing the customer's real needs. 77 00:06:19,980 --> 00:06:22,000 Thirdly, it's a lack of authenticity. 78 00:06:23,100 --> 00:06:25,040 It comes across as unoriginal. 79 00:06:25,500 --> 00:06:26,720 It's like a recital. 80 00:06:28,314 --> 00:06:30,414 Point number 4, it's inflexible. 81 00:06:30,954 --> 00:06:33,354 It doesn't adapt to customer's questions. 82 00:06:33,354 --> 00:06:36,894 In fact, you completely ignore the customer's questions most of the time. 83 00:06:37,229 --> 00:06:39,470 And lastly, it's very short term focus. 84 00:06:39,470 --> 00:06:39,709 Right? 85 00:06:39,709 --> 00:06:45,649 We're going for a close that deal rather than build a a a long term relationship. 86 00:06:46,274 --> 00:06:52,435 So when we very new at something, we're gonna be very conscious, and we do have to use a 87 00:06:52,435 --> 00:06:57,839 script But if you if you haven't practiced it, it's gonna sound like that. 88 00:06:57,839 --> 00:07:04,125 Now when sales, sales skill is The skill of selling is very nuanced. 89 00:07:04,824 --> 00:07:12,009 There are many things that you're doing when you're trying to, you know, work with a 90 00:07:12,310 --> 00:07:12,810 customer. 91 00:07:16,310 --> 00:07:19,529 You're practicing active listening. 92 00:07:20,675 --> 00:07:24,834 You you you're you're trying to understand what is the customer telling you? 93 00:07:24,834 --> 00:07:26,535 You're trying to process that. 94 00:07:26,754 --> 00:07:28,615 You're generating empathy. 95 00:07:29,330 --> 00:07:34,689 You are playing back some of their words and saying that you understand your body language, 96 00:07:34,689 --> 00:07:38,764 your nonverbals, is communicating that empathy. 97 00:07:38,904 --> 00:07:48,779 You're if the call is going in a different direction to where it would be normally, and 98 00:07:48,779 --> 00:07:54,724 you have the ability to spot that and adapt it you are expressing product knowledge. 99 00:07:54,724 --> 00:07:59,944 You're providing the information that the buyer needs in order to come to a decision. 100 00:08:00,360 --> 00:08:03,580 And together, you're solving problems. 101 00:08:04,279 --> 00:08:07,720 Now that's a lot of things all happening at once. 102 00:08:07,720 --> 00:08:12,274 And do you remember what I said about the conscious mind. 103 00:08:12,274 --> 00:08:15,654 The conscious mind can only think of one thing at once. 104 00:08:15,954 --> 00:08:23,930 So unless you have got those things in your subconscious, you're just not gonna be able to 105 00:08:23,930 --> 00:08:29,035 do them all at once, and all you're gonna be thinking about is that next sentence. 106 00:08:29,495 --> 00:08:32,455 Now the subconscious mind is incredibly powerful. 107 00:08:32,455 --> 00:08:34,855 It's managing hundreds of things. 108 00:08:34,855 --> 00:08:36,715 It's managing your body chemistry. 109 00:08:37,095 --> 00:08:40,019 It's managing your your nervous system. 110 00:08:40,019 --> 00:08:42,120 It's managing your breathing. 111 00:08:42,259 --> 00:08:45,299 It's managing everything that's going on. 112 00:08:45,299 --> 00:08:50,144 It's it's it's it's it's it's absorbing through your eyes. 113 00:08:50,144 --> 00:08:55,429 All of those images and testing to see does that image look like something threatening. 114 00:08:55,490 --> 00:08:57,029 Is it something that I recognize? 115 00:08:57,490 --> 00:08:59,669 It's putting those images into boxes. 116 00:08:59,730 --> 00:09:06,595 It's forming ideas and feelings, and it does all of this In the background, it's like a a a 117 00:09:06,754 --> 00:09:08,855 it's it's a program that runs. 118 00:09:09,235 --> 00:09:14,929 And like any program, you know, it can be it can be it can be coded. 119 00:09:14,929 --> 00:09:15,990 It can be trained. 120 00:09:16,370 --> 00:09:20,855 But the beauty of it is is that that subconscious is doing all of that. 121 00:09:21,014 --> 00:09:21,754 Is listening. 122 00:09:21,815 --> 00:09:22,554 It's adaptability. 123 00:09:22,934 --> 00:09:24,054 It's providing project. 124 00:09:24,054 --> 00:09:26,074 It's doing all of those things at once. 125 00:09:26,294 --> 00:09:31,660 You know, when I find that I'm in a flow state and I'm using my skills. 126 00:09:32,279 --> 00:09:39,000 I actually, it it feels a little strange, but I I can sometimes, like, I have an out of body 127 00:09:39,000 --> 00:09:46,125 experience whereby I seem to be looking on the conversation that I'm having with a prospect 128 00:09:46,125 --> 00:09:48,205 from up on, you know, the ceiling. 129 00:09:48,205 --> 00:09:53,899 And I'm looking down, and I can actually see my body language and whether I'm in sync, I've got 130 00:09:53,899 --> 00:10:00,174 ideas going through my brain about what kind of message are they trying to express Where are 131 00:10:00,174 --> 00:10:01,714 they in the sales process? 132 00:10:02,414 --> 00:10:07,720 My subconscious mind is doing all that because I've built a skill. 133 00:10:08,500 --> 00:10:13,540 And the beautiful thing is you can you can do this. 134 00:10:13,540 --> 00:10:16,004 You can build this this sales skills. 135 00:10:16,004 --> 00:10:26,470 So, okay, how do we go from having an oily, unintaging sales spiel to a rainmaker sales 136 00:10:26,610 --> 00:10:27,110 skill. 137 00:10:27,649 --> 00:10:34,904 Well, you'd be surprised when I tell you that the first thing that you need is a sales 138 00:10:35,044 --> 00:10:35,544 script. 139 00:10:36,004 --> 00:10:36,745 I know. 140 00:10:37,444 --> 00:10:38,565 You're reading the script. 141 00:10:38,565 --> 00:10:39,704 It sounds wooden. 142 00:10:39,845 --> 00:10:40,664 I know. 143 00:10:41,179 --> 00:10:45,980 But you have to start with a script, whether you're a newbie or you're a veteran. 144 00:10:45,980 --> 00:10:51,705 I bet many of you, you know, you don't have a script for a for a cold telephone call. 145 00:10:51,705 --> 00:10:54,585 You don't have a script for a follow-up call. 146 00:10:54,585 --> 00:10:59,800 You don't have a script for a a customer onboarding call. 147 00:10:59,860 --> 00:11:00,840 You need 1. 148 00:11:00,980 --> 00:11:01,480 Why? 149 00:11:02,259 --> 00:11:10,154 Because you have to be able to have a standard process. 150 00:11:10,375 --> 00:11:18,409 So if you can map that standard process and you know those steps, it can be duplicated. 151 00:11:19,509 --> 00:11:25,274 And if you can duplicate it, it means you can deliver it with consistent see. 152 00:11:25,975 --> 00:11:36,659 And when you've got sales process consistent, see, it leads to winning So I've been in 153 00:11:36,659 --> 00:11:43,745 organizations where, you know, the top salesman is selling 10 to 20 times more than everybody 154 00:11:43,804 --> 00:11:44,304 else. 155 00:11:44,764 --> 00:11:52,129 And because they have a sales skill and they've imprinted, they've they've out those steps, and 156 00:11:52,129 --> 00:12:00,585 they follow those steps every time until it becomes innate So what you need to do, this is 157 00:12:00,585 --> 00:12:01,304 how you need it. 158 00:12:01,304 --> 00:12:08,830 You start with that script, but you have to but you have to imprint So the conscious mind, 159 00:12:09,289 --> 00:12:14,269 right, folk, what you want to do is get the conscious mind focusing on that process. 160 00:12:14,330 --> 00:12:20,764 You've mapped the ideal sales process, the ideal sales steps, the ideal sales thought. 161 00:12:21,144 --> 00:12:21,464 Right? 162 00:12:21,464 --> 00:12:28,910 Now you want to imprint that conscious thought in to your subconscious. 163 00:12:29,210 --> 00:12:35,370 So every time you do it and you rehearse it, when you rehearse it, don't just be reading it, 164 00:12:35,370 --> 00:12:38,904 but enbibe how it feels? 165 00:12:38,904 --> 00:12:44,365 How does it feel when you say that with conviction so that you're training your 166 00:12:44,424 --> 00:12:51,669 subconscious on all of those feelings and emotions around those steps so that your 167 00:12:51,669 --> 00:12:54,855 subconscious mind starts to learn. 168 00:12:55,235 --> 00:13:04,440 And the more that you imprint, the more indelibly it sits in your subconscious. 169 00:13:05,139 --> 00:13:08,179 And then it's no longer wrote. 170 00:13:08,179 --> 00:13:17,144 It has become a skill you can draw upon it anytime that you want with consistency. 171 00:13:18,070 --> 00:13:21,450 So you need to be thinking about training. 172 00:13:21,830 --> 00:13:23,350 So it doesn't sound canned. 173 00:13:23,350 --> 00:13:28,764 I've talked about this before, but what I want you to think of, it's almost less of a role 174 00:13:28,764 --> 00:13:35,410 play and more of a rehearsal in a rehearsal you want to know how you're projecting into the 175 00:13:35,410 --> 00:13:35,889 audience. 176 00:13:35,889 --> 00:13:39,509 You want to feel how your message resounds. 177 00:13:39,730 --> 00:13:45,394 You want to feel the dialogue that's going on with your role playing partner. 178 00:13:46,095 --> 00:13:51,929 So you can really, really program that supercomputer So it becomes an innate 179 00:13:51,929 --> 00:13:58,029 subconscious routine that you can rely on every single time. 180 00:13:58,330 --> 00:14:01,034 Now The brain is plastic. 181 00:14:01,735 --> 00:14:05,914 By that, it means the computer can be programmed and reprogrammed. 182 00:14:06,649 --> 00:14:12,509 So if you start thinking negative thoughts and, you can't do things and you start practicing 183 00:14:12,649 --> 00:14:18,745 some things that are not the best way you'll still imprint that on the brain. 184 00:14:18,745 --> 00:14:20,924 Let me give you an example of how that works. 185 00:14:22,424 --> 00:14:24,745 Let's, you know, play a play a bit of golf. 186 00:14:24,745 --> 00:14:30,370 You might be a tennis player or something, something else that he might, you know, do. 187 00:14:30,590 --> 00:14:33,384 But when you hit a bad shot, Right? 188 00:14:33,384 --> 00:14:34,825 You go, oh, damn it. 189 00:14:34,825 --> 00:14:35,884 That was terrible. 190 00:14:36,105 --> 00:14:37,785 Oh, what what did I do? 191 00:14:37,785 --> 00:14:38,825 I did this wrong. 192 00:14:38,985 --> 00:14:40,285 Came down too steeply. 193 00:14:40,740 --> 00:14:42,339 You know, and I I Mick the ball. 194 00:14:42,339 --> 00:14:44,039 All I wasn't looking at it. 195 00:14:44,740 --> 00:14:50,774 That's not helpful because you're imprinting all of those negative process thoughts and 196 00:14:50,774 --> 00:14:52,375 steps into your brain. 197 00:14:52,375 --> 00:14:54,794 It's like you you you're looking down the fairway. 198 00:14:55,334 --> 00:14:59,914 If you say, oh, there's a bunker on the right, better not hit it right. 199 00:15:00,519 --> 00:15:02,279 The ball's gonna go right every time. 200 00:15:02,279 --> 00:15:04,139 You you focus positively. 201 00:15:04,679 --> 00:15:06,360 I I can see the center of the fairway. 202 00:15:06,360 --> 00:15:08,540 You can see exactly where it's gonna land. 203 00:15:08,625 --> 00:15:08,945 Right? 204 00:15:08,945 --> 00:15:14,965 So you want to be imprinting the right things so that that subconscious routine is always 205 00:15:15,504 --> 00:15:20,179 manifesting the right level of repeatable dependable skill. 206 00:15:20,879 --> 00:15:22,000 So how do you train it? 207 00:15:22,000 --> 00:15:22,639 How do you train? 208 00:15:22,639 --> 00:15:25,700 Well, it's it's determined by the quality of the training. 209 00:15:25,995 --> 00:15:26,235 Right? 210 00:15:26,235 --> 00:15:28,415 Where are you getting your sales training from? 211 00:15:28,715 --> 00:15:30,235 Are you getting it from me? 212 00:15:30,235 --> 00:15:31,855 Are you getting it from a book? 213 00:15:31,995 --> 00:15:33,615 Does the trainer have experience? 214 00:15:33,835 --> 00:15:36,169 Do you understand what what they're saying. 215 00:15:36,230 --> 00:15:37,669 Do you even do any training? 216 00:15:37,669 --> 00:15:39,269 Do you even do any reading? 217 00:15:39,269 --> 00:15:41,269 Or you think, oh, no, I got it. 218 00:15:41,269 --> 00:15:41,830 I'm there. 219 00:15:41,830 --> 00:15:42,490 I'm good. 220 00:15:42,945 --> 00:15:43,184 Right. 221 00:15:43,184 --> 00:15:46,304 You don't get to be an Olympian by standing still. 222 00:15:46,304 --> 00:15:46,465 Right? 223 00:15:46,465 --> 00:15:53,620 You you you've gotta continually reinforce reprogram, retrench, make those skills 224 00:15:54,159 --> 00:15:57,839 indelible and perform at higher and higher levels. 225 00:15:57,839 --> 00:15:59,279 You just gotta keep doing it. 226 00:15:59,279 --> 00:16:06,184 So if you haven't done any sales training, for for years, then, you know, you need to you need 227 00:16:06,184 --> 00:16:12,060 to get me involved so I can give you some exercises and some training So quality of the 228 00:16:12,060 --> 00:16:13,899 training material is important. 229 00:16:13,899 --> 00:16:20,735 You want to be programming the right kind of experiences into your subconscious And then the 230 00:16:20,735 --> 00:16:26,975 quantity of the training, people will tell me, yeah, we went on a sailing we had a sales 231 00:16:26,975 --> 00:16:31,720 seminar, you know, last year or last quarter, you've gotta be training every day. 232 00:16:32,980 --> 00:16:34,980 Europeans don't stop training. 233 00:16:34,980 --> 00:16:41,465 I think somebody told me the other day that Michael fell swam every day for 6 years to win 234 00:16:41,465 --> 00:16:43,785 those all those medals every day for 6 years. 235 00:16:43,785 --> 00:16:45,420 That's what you should be doing with sales. 236 00:16:45,420 --> 00:16:49,360 Every day, you should be roleplaying, you should be rehearsing, should be studying. 237 00:16:49,420 --> 00:16:54,215 In fact, every day, you should you should wake up If you're in sales and you should open your 238 00:16:54,215 --> 00:17:00,629 success journal, your personal log, and look at your goals, so that they inspire you. 239 00:17:00,629 --> 00:17:05,190 There should be big goals that inspire you, and you know that that's and if your goals are big, 240 00:17:05,190 --> 00:17:10,994 they they overpower any problems that you might have And, you know, you write down your 241 00:17:10,994 --> 00:17:15,335 thoughts and actions in that in that log, and you need to do those daily practices. 242 00:17:15,394 --> 00:17:19,490 You need to go through your role plays your rehearsals, your script. 243 00:17:19,789 --> 00:17:20,990 Keep on practicing it. 244 00:17:20,990 --> 00:17:23,329 So it goes from spiel to skill. 245 00:17:24,190 --> 00:17:27,384 And then the efficiency of the training Right? 246 00:17:27,684 --> 00:17:33,285 You don't wanna be watching videos and and and and then being distracted by something else on 247 00:17:33,285 --> 00:17:34,880 on YouTube or your half. 248 00:17:35,039 --> 00:17:35,680 You're half in. 249 00:17:35,680 --> 00:17:40,339 When you're there, when you're training, you need to be totally focused because that 250 00:17:40,640 --> 00:17:49,265 conscious thinking is now gonna imprint itself on your subconscious So, hopefully, you've got 251 00:17:49,265 --> 00:17:53,490 something out of that in order to build sales skill Right? 252 00:17:53,490 --> 00:17:59,670 It requires you to program your powerful supercomputer so that skill can be applied 253 00:17:59,890 --> 00:18:02,549 consistently, dependably in the background. 254 00:18:02,610 --> 00:18:05,305 Those skills reside in your subconscious. 255 00:18:05,845 --> 00:18:11,545 The only way those skills can build in your subconscious is if your conscious mind programs 256 00:18:11,684 --> 00:18:16,880 it So your conscious mind needs to do those rehearsals and practices, and you need to be 257 00:18:16,880 --> 00:18:21,335 thinking about the positive thoughts and actions so that that goes into your 258 00:18:21,335 --> 00:18:21,835 subconscious. 259 00:18:22,134 --> 00:18:23,335 You do that enough times. 260 00:18:23,335 --> 00:18:28,555 You do that repeatedly, and it will become a rock solid skill. 261 00:18:29,240 --> 00:18:34,119 Hey, if you want somebody to role play, rehearse, you need sales training, you wanna 262 00:18:34,119 --> 00:18:38,265 take your game to the next level, I'm the guy. 263 00:18:38,644 --> 00:18:39,545 Sell the sizzle. 264 00:18:40,085 --> 00:18:43,785 I'm here until I see you next week.