Season 1

Jan. 24, 2024

Do You Exhibit a Cheesey Sales Spiel or a Classy Sales Skill?

Get ready to dive deep into the world of sales on the 'Sell the Sizzle' podcast! In our latest episode, we unravel the fine line between authentic sales skill and cringe-worthy sales spiel. Ever encountered a pitch that felt ...

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Jan. 17, 2024

Einstein, Flux Capacitor & Time Travel for Sales Success

In this episode, Mick Holly shows how by time warping your prospect into the future you can overcome any sales barriers. i He delves into future-visioning and collaborative exploration with prospects, discusses emergent think...

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Dec. 27, 2023

Closing Confidently

How to turn sweaty palms into powerful handshakes! If the mere thought of sealing the deal makes you break into a cold sweat, fear not – you're in the right place. I'm your host Mick Holly, and in today's episode, …

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Dec. 20, 2023

Unlock Your Sales Potential: Transform Frustration into Success with …

If you are a sales professional who finds themselves in a frustrating slump, struggling to close deals without knowing where you are falling short. If you're yearning for a breakthrough but can't quite pinpoint the problem, this episode is your...

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Nov. 15, 2023

Your Net Worth is your Network

Strap in for this podcast as Mick Holly drops truth bombs on why networking is the key to success. Forget the old-school cash-is-king mentality—Mick spills the beans that "your net worth is equal to your network." He dishes out gritty …

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Nov. 8, 2023

Why Underpromising and Overdelivering is Underwhelming

Welcome to the most unconventional podcast on sales and marketing, where we're here to shatter the myth that underpromising and overdelivering is the path to success. In this episode, we'll show you how to break free from the monotony, grab …

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Oct. 25, 2023

Progress is Better Than Perfection

In a world that often celebrates flawless outcomes, we're here to remind you that it's the journey, the lessons learned, and the small steps forward that truly matter. Better to stumble than not begin. Here are some tips you can …

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Oct. 18, 2023

How To Get A Meeting With The CEO

today's episode is nothing short of thrilling. We're diving into the elusive world of securing a meeting with the top brass, the big cheese, the CEO. In the vast realm of sales, it's often the ultimate decision-maker, the CEO, who …

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Oct. 11, 2023

5 Secrets to Mastering Objections

If you can't master objections you cannot start or advance the sale. If objections derail your ability to build value with the prospect you can't close the deal. In this episode I reveal 5 secrets that will pave the way …

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Oct. 4, 2023

What the heck happened to your leads?

How can you be a sizzling rainmaker when you have no leads? Where are they and why isn't your organization delivering them to you so you can close them? In this episode I will clarify where your leads are slipping …

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Sept. 27, 2023

5 Ways AI Can Grow Your Sales

Welcome to the future of sales! In a world where business moves at the speed of thought, you need more than just strategies; you need a revolution. Get ready to unlock the secrets of skyrocketing your sales with cutting-edge technology …

Episode page
Sept. 13, 2023

The Secret to Mastering Sales: Take Control of the Process

In the world of sales, where every conversation, every negotiation, and every decision can make or break a deal, the power to control the process is like a hidden treasure chest waiting to be discovered. We've all been there—the uncertainty, …

Episode page
Sept. 6, 2023

Why Offering Too Many Features Can Kill the Deal

Prospects search for features, but they buy advantages and benefits. They equate features with price perception, thinking more features mean a heftier price tag and complexity. On the flip side, they associate benefits with value. In this episode,...

Episode page
Aug. 30, 2023

Too Much Choice Can Kill Your Sales Deals

"🎙️ Uncover the Hidden Pitfall: Too Many Choices in B2B Sales! 🛒 Are too many options drowning your sales deals? Dive into the surprising science behind buyer overload. Join us as we reveal real-world case studies and expert insights that …

Episode page
Aug. 23, 2023

How to Make More Money

This is the episode you've all been waiting for: "How to Get More Money." And let's be real, who doesn't want more money? Especially if you're a sales dynamo, craving more excitement, more experiences, and more cash to splash. You've …

Episode page
Aug. 16, 2023

How Sherlock Holmes can Teach us to be Rainmakers

Join me in this captivating episode as we draw parallels between the intriguing world of Sherlock Holmes and the high-stakes realm of sales. Just like Holmes meticulously unravels mysteries, salespeople navigate the enigmatic landscape of prospects...

Episode page
Aug. 9, 2023

Why You Need a Coach or Mentor

No-one ever achieved anything spectacular in life or business on their own. The most successful athletes and business moguls all had great coaches or mentors. Today I discuss the power of having a grate coach and what it can do …

Episode page
Aug. 2, 2023

33 Sales is a Verb Not an Adjective!

You can have all the sales talent in the world, charisma, gift if the gab, silver tongue. But you will be beaten by those who take more action--the hustlers, the fighters, the Sizzlers. Today I discuss why sales is a …

Episode page
July 19, 2023

How to 10X Your Life & Your Sales

Incremental improvement wont help you achieve success. Real progress only comes when you set goals to tenfold your sales, finance and life. In this episode I'll bring the power of 10X goal setting to life through my own personal ambition.

Episode page
July 12, 2023

How to Double Your Sales in 12 Months

At any point in time only 3% of your audience are ready to buy. 7% are open but the other 90% are not listening. The trick to doubling sales is for you to be the person they think of when …

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July 5, 2023

The Emotional Abyss Between No and Yes

As a salesperson you will need to take your prospect on a sales journey that goes from No yo Yes. In between is an abyss. We often fear the abyss as it is filled with emotion--your prospects are not robots …

Episode page
June 14, 2023

28 How to Use Storytelling to Sell

Great salespeople don't do different things. They do things, differently. One of those thing is they don't give sale presentations, they create great sales performances. They entrance, engage and enchant through powerful stories that compel their...

Episode page
May 31, 2023

How to Exceed Your Wildest Expectations

Whether it is in sales or life, you can aspire to greatness. First, to exceed your wildest expectations, you need to have wild expectations! In this episode I contrast a life of "being comfortable" to one of growth and achievement …

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