March 13, 2020

gnite Your Drive: Crafting Your Motivational On/Off Switch for Unstoppable Success

gnite Your Drive: Crafting Your Motivational On/Off Switch for Unstoppable Success
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Sell the Sizzle

🔥 Unleash the power within! In this electrifying episode of Sell the Sizzle, we dive deep into the art of motivation and unveil the secrets to creating your own motivational on/off switch. Imagine having the ability to ignite your drive at will, propelling yourself towards success with unwavering determination. Join Mick Holly as he explores actionable strategies and mindset shifts that will empower you to harness unstoppable motivational impetus. Discover how to flip the switch, turning your motivation on when needed and dialing it down when it's time to recharge. (0:00) Introduction and Opening Remarks (3:50) Harnessing Stored Energy and Understanding Human Behavior (7:28) The Power of the Mind and Dispelling Myths about Motivation (10:17) Visualization, Goal Setting, and Tips to Release Energy (14:13) Finding a Profound Purpose and Setting High Targets (16:28) Embracing Fear and Overcoming Challenges (18:43) Avoiding Negative Influences and Focusing on Positive Activities (20:21) Starting the Day with Gratitude and the Importance of Knowledge (21:35) Visualizing Success and Achieving Your Goals (22:04) Conclusion and Invitation for Reviews (22:42) Promoting the Website and its Features

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1 00:00:11,415 --> 00:00:15,515 And welcome to The sell, this is all podcast. 2 00:00:15,974 --> 00:00:20,440 This is the show if you want to sell an idea a product, or a service. 3 00:00:20,739 --> 00:00:25,800 We're gonna share sales techniques with you so that you can be a sizzling success. 4 00:00:26,260 --> 00:00:27,105 Let's go. 5 00:00:29,824 --> 00:00:31,524 And welcome back, Sizzlers. 6 00:00:32,118 --> 00:00:34,989 Mick Holly here with a solo sowed. 7 00:00:34,989 --> 00:00:44,655 I wanted to talk today about motivation, and I posit that motivation can be an on off switch 8 00:00:44,655 --> 00:00:47,155 that you can develop for yourself. 9 00:00:48,174 --> 00:00:52,174 So I'm very excited about this because motivation is what gets us out of bed. 10 00:00:52,174 --> 00:00:52,575 Right? 11 00:00:52,575 --> 00:00:55,120 So it it what is what drives us. 12 00:00:55,120 --> 00:01:01,594 If we look into the the dictionary, what is motivation, it says it's a force or a stimulus. 13 00:01:01,814 --> 00:01:02,554 It's incentive. 14 00:01:03,335 --> 00:01:04,534 It's drive. 15 00:01:04,534 --> 00:01:08,715 It's that which, you know, propels us towards our goals. 16 00:01:08,935 --> 00:01:17,229 It helps us develop that muscle to go beyond the pain point and to pursue our quarry until 17 00:01:17,229 --> 00:01:20,045 we've captured it and eaten it. 18 00:01:20,185 --> 00:01:23,325 So motivation is incredibly powerful. 19 00:01:23,625 --> 00:01:27,000 But, you know, some days, I don't feel motivated. 20 00:01:27,379 --> 00:01:29,400 Another days, I do feel motivated. 21 00:01:29,859 --> 00:01:32,519 So how can we channel? 22 00:01:33,700 --> 00:01:37,605 Can we create a spot? 23 00:01:37,605 --> 00:01:39,545 Can we manifest motivation? 24 00:01:40,405 --> 00:01:44,469 That's what this week's podcast is all about. 25 00:01:45,010 --> 00:01:48,150 So let's, let's dig in a little bit here. 26 00:01:50,454 --> 00:01:55,734 You know, I've always people have said to me, you know, you're able to when you set your mind 27 00:01:55,734 --> 00:02:01,420 to something, you you you're really good at being able to accomplish it. 28 00:02:01,640 --> 00:02:07,719 And I've thought about this over the decades, actually, and I look back on my performance in 29 00:02:07,719 --> 00:02:08,860 certain roles. 30 00:02:09,574 --> 00:02:11,974 And I think, yeah, you were really on it there. 31 00:02:11,974 --> 00:02:13,354 You were really focused. 32 00:02:13,414 --> 00:02:19,870 And other times, I was, you know, a cork bobbing on a wave didn't really have much 33 00:02:19,870 --> 00:02:24,905 direction and my, you know, my motivation wax and Wayne. 34 00:02:24,905 --> 00:02:30,444 So I've thought about this quite considerably because you really want to be able to harness 35 00:02:31,469 --> 00:02:35,009 motivation and to be able to generate it. 36 00:02:35,710 --> 00:02:44,704 So I have come up with my position on motivation, mix, maxim on motivation, 37 00:02:48,349 --> 00:02:58,715 motivation like matter can neither be created nor destroyed And you know, you're thinking, 38 00:02:58,715 --> 00:03:03,935 oh, bloody hell, am I on this podcast for if if if if we can't create motivation? 39 00:03:04,635 --> 00:03:05,135 No. 40 00:03:05,194 --> 00:03:16,235 We all have intrinsic motivational energy, and it can either be channelled or it can be 41 00:03:16,534 --> 00:03:17,034 hidden. 42 00:03:17,495 --> 00:03:27,560 So you have this incredible amount of energy that can be used as a motivational force. 43 00:03:29,060 --> 00:03:37,805 I read Bill Bryson's book a short history of nearly everything, and he comically says that 44 00:03:37,805 --> 00:03:42,772 the human body right, the energy stored in a human Holly. 45 00:03:42,800 --> 00:03:49,455 If you could liberate it, it's the equivalent of 30 hydrogen bombs. 46 00:03:50,314 --> 00:03:55,835 So I'd I did a little calculation of, Tina, the capacity of a hydrogen bomb, the energy 47 00:03:55,835 --> 00:04:05,284 equivalent And, you know, the delorean in back to the future, it takes 88 gigawatts of power 48 00:04:05,585 --> 00:04:07,525 to propel that through time. 49 00:04:07,824 --> 00:04:19,319 While 30 hydrogen bombs worth of energy is the equivalent of 79,000,000 88 gigawatt flux 50 00:04:19,319 --> 00:04:19,819 capacitors. 51 00:04:20,519 --> 00:04:22,735 So So think about this. 52 00:04:22,795 --> 00:04:30,610 You could you could take you could take the entire population of the United Kingdom and 53 00:04:32,350 --> 00:04:38,440 propel them into the future in a delorean, and you could get 10% of them Mick. 54 00:04:38,834 --> 00:04:42,435 I mean, it's not enough energy to get everybody back, but maybe you, you Holly want to get the 55 00:04:42,435 --> 00:04:43,555 people that you like back. 56 00:04:43,555 --> 00:04:45,735 So think about that stored energy. 57 00:04:46,149 --> 00:04:52,889 So you've got stored energy in your body in your mind that is hidden unchallenged, 58 00:04:53,990 --> 00:05:01,024 unchanneled that you need to turn from stored energy, from potential energy into kinetic 59 00:05:01,024 --> 00:05:08,210 energy, energy that drives motion, energy drives you forward energy that powers you on 60 00:05:08,210 --> 00:05:09,270 your journey. 61 00:05:09,970 --> 00:05:13,394 So I've read a little bit about motivational theory. 62 00:05:13,394 --> 00:05:18,214 And there are many, many factors involved in motivational theory. 63 00:05:18,675 --> 00:05:28,019 The journal of personality and social psychology says that 70% of human behavior can 64 00:05:28,019 --> 00:05:32,415 be understood through motivational theory. 65 00:05:32,634 --> 00:05:33,355 How about that? 66 00:05:33,355 --> 00:05:36,334 So we're very, very driven by our motivations. 67 00:05:38,100 --> 00:05:47,665 One clever chap whose name escapes me, came up with a expectancy theory, a cognitive form. 68 00:05:47,665 --> 00:05:55,430 In other words, you think about you believe that you can achieve, and that that belief 69 00:05:55,569 --> 00:06:00,449 propels you and that you get value from pursuing your beliefs. 70 00:06:00,449 --> 00:06:05,604 So belief systems very, very critical in driving forward. 71 00:06:06,464 --> 00:06:13,610 In fact, the journal of organizational behavior looked at those expectancy beliefs and noted 72 00:06:13,750 --> 00:06:21,050 that there was a 52 percent productivity improvement in an employee study when their 73 00:06:21,110 --> 00:06:26,444 belief system was challenged and they got those expected results. 74 00:06:27,625 --> 00:06:33,730 So that's kind of the theory theoretical side of it, but you know this story. 75 00:06:34,270 --> 00:06:35,710 You've known this story. 76 00:06:35,710 --> 00:06:37,230 I talk about this a lot. 77 00:06:37,230 --> 00:06:41,314 You know, one of the best book I ever read was the little engine that could. 78 00:06:41,314 --> 00:06:46,034 You remember that a engine that would go up the mountain, and he didn't think that he could do 79 00:06:46,034 --> 00:06:47,290 it, and then he kept scene. 80 00:06:47,290 --> 00:06:48,250 I think I can. 81 00:06:48,250 --> 00:06:49,370 I think I can. 82 00:06:49,370 --> 00:06:50,590 I think I can. 83 00:06:50,730 --> 00:06:51,870 And then he did. 84 00:06:52,250 --> 00:06:58,404 And Henry Ford also said it If you think you can or you think you can't, you're right. 85 00:06:58,625 --> 00:07:07,649 So belief systems have an absolute fundamental bearing on whether you're motivated and you can 86 00:07:07,649 --> 00:07:10,629 accomplish your goals. 87 00:07:11,845 --> 00:07:20,105 And one myth I want to do to dispel is that motivation is, innate. 88 00:07:20,165 --> 00:07:26,490 In other words, it was you know, you either born with motivation or you were an unmotivated 89 00:07:26,789 --> 00:07:27,189 person. 90 00:07:27,189 --> 00:07:28,329 That's not the case. 91 00:07:28,704 --> 00:07:30,004 That's not the case. 92 00:07:30,305 --> 00:07:36,625 David McClelland, who has an achievement motivation theory, says that motivation is 93 00:07:36,625 --> 00:07:41,669 acquired through experiences, and it's not a passive. 94 00:07:42,769 --> 00:07:44,709 It's not a passive and acquisition. 95 00:07:44,849 --> 00:07:51,564 You can you can shape your experiences in order to fuel your motivation. 96 00:07:52,264 --> 00:07:57,170 And here's something I've talked about on earlier podcasts is the power of your mind, 97 00:07:57,170 --> 00:08:03,730 sizzlers, your salespeople, your your go to market people, is your mind is your most 98 00:08:03,730 --> 00:08:05,455 powerful weapon. 99 00:08:06,395 --> 00:08:14,014 So if you can believe that you can achieve, then you're more likely to be able to do that. 100 00:08:14,830 --> 00:08:24,014 And the brain cannot distinguish between imagination and reality. 101 00:08:25,354 --> 00:08:31,839 So you might as well imagine that you can achieve and that you are motivated, and you 102 00:08:31,839 --> 00:08:34,240 will be because the brain can't tell the difference. 103 00:08:34,240 --> 00:08:36,419 So you need to program that supercomputer. 104 00:08:37,735 --> 00:08:43,274 And I'll give you a little example of of that for in my own experience. 105 00:08:43,414 --> 00:08:53,909 I might have shared with you that I've got this rather crazy ambition to swim across the 106 00:08:53,909 --> 00:08:54,730 English channel. 107 00:08:56,044 --> 00:09:04,529 I'm gonna do that in, July or August 2025 when I'll be Mick five years old, and I was looking 108 00:09:04,529 --> 00:09:12,764 at the records, only 1800 people have managed to swim solo across the English channel, twenty 109 00:09:12,764 --> 00:09:18,870 one miles of frigid water stuffed with jellyfish, and it's the most busiest shipping 110 00:09:18,870 --> 00:09:24,970 channel in the world with 600 ships sailing through it, every day. 111 00:09:25,509 --> 00:09:31,434 And so I've set myself the goal of of doing that, and I you need to be motivated to be able 112 00:09:31,434 --> 00:09:32,794 to hit hit that goal. 113 00:09:32,794 --> 00:09:35,230 I gotta be in the pool every day. 114 00:09:35,230 --> 00:09:41,470 I've gotta be motivated to get up at 4 AM every day and swim my 1 to 2 miles and then get my 115 00:09:41,470 --> 00:09:43,089 five mile swims in. 116 00:09:43,174 --> 00:09:43,334 Right? 117 00:09:43,334 --> 00:09:45,834 It could be highly, highly motivated. 118 00:09:46,134 --> 00:09:52,690 But here's the thing that I've trained my mind to believe. 119 00:09:53,230 --> 00:09:57,809 I've already visualized myself on the beach in France. 120 00:10:01,615 --> 00:10:06,195 Eat in a croissant and sipping a cafe ole. 121 00:10:06,894 --> 00:10:08,894 Now I probably won't do that when I get over there. 122 00:10:08,894 --> 00:10:09,615 I'll be too tired. 123 00:10:09,615 --> 00:10:09,774 Right? 124 00:10:09,774 --> 00:10:12,090 There won't be a little cafe on on the beach. 125 00:10:12,230 --> 00:10:16,970 That'll just be me exhausted, and I've gotta get off the beach and get back into the boat. 126 00:10:17,269 --> 00:10:24,804 But nevertheless, I've already imagined, I'm already felt as though I've achieved that goal. 127 00:10:25,264 --> 00:10:33,929 So on a daily basis, Now I'm able to rise my performance to be able to do that, and you take 128 00:10:33,929 --> 00:10:35,529 steps to continue to improve. 129 00:10:35,529 --> 00:10:36,829 I took a lesson yesterday. 130 00:10:37,095 --> 00:10:39,815 Had a lesson, you know, with one of the swim coaches. 131 00:10:39,815 --> 00:10:40,934 I mean, it's a swimming. 132 00:10:40,934 --> 00:10:46,660 It's a very technical thing, and I learned a lot yesterday that are now I can now put into 133 00:10:46,660 --> 00:10:52,580 practice, but without having that motivation and those goals, you're not gonna be, you're 134 00:10:52,580 --> 00:10:57,144 not gonna be able to achieve your your potential. 135 00:10:57,204 --> 00:11:02,504 So that's a little bit about the background and why motivation is important. 136 00:11:04,250 --> 00:11:08,169 And the and the theory supports it and practice supports it. 137 00:11:08,169 --> 00:11:18,860 So how do we then tap this hidden gold mine of energy and challenge it and and channel it 138 00:11:18,940 --> 00:11:24,940 becoming the motivating force that will drive us daily, weekly, yearly, whatever goal that 139 00:11:24,940 --> 00:11:28,965 you've set yourself, right, you can actually get there. 140 00:11:29,105 --> 00:11:31,345 So we need to release that energy. 141 00:11:31,345 --> 00:11:40,799 I'm gonna give you some tips on how we can actually do that So the first thing is the 142 00:11:40,799 --> 00:11:42,820 power of goal setting. 143 00:11:42,879 --> 00:11:43,200 Right? 144 00:11:43,200 --> 00:11:48,144 You want to have some big bold ambitious goals. 145 00:11:48,144 --> 00:11:53,105 Like, like, you know, think about don't think about, you know, improving your performance by 146 00:11:53,105 --> 00:12:04,464 10% think about how would I beat my goals tenfold because that ask that creates that a a 147 00:12:04,464 --> 00:12:09,605 a a a a shift, a complete shift in your thinking, because it's not an incremental 148 00:12:09,824 --> 00:12:10,324 improvement. 149 00:12:10,384 --> 00:12:12,660 It's a step change improvement. 150 00:12:12,660 --> 00:12:13,879 You gotta think differently. 151 00:12:13,940 --> 00:12:15,559 You gotta act differently. 152 00:12:16,019 --> 00:12:22,585 And when you when you create those goals, you need to write your goals down on a piece of 153 00:12:22,585 --> 00:12:23,085 paper. 154 00:12:23,465 --> 00:12:27,600 In fact, you have to write those goals down every day. 155 00:12:28,220 --> 00:12:34,884 Best practice is to write those goals in the morning and then write them in the evening and 156 00:12:34,884 --> 00:12:43,730 look at those goals and believe in those goals and write those goals in a tense, in a format 157 00:12:44,590 --> 00:12:46,769 that you've already accomplished it. 158 00:12:47,549 --> 00:12:47,789 Right? 159 00:12:47,789 --> 00:12:56,375 So I don't say I am going to swim the English channel says I swam the English channel in 160 00:12:56,375 --> 00:12:56,875 2025. 161 00:12:56,934 --> 00:12:58,455 In other words, it's already happened. 162 00:12:58,455 --> 00:13:01,449 It's already happened in my in my head. 163 00:13:01,589 --> 00:13:07,110 I mean, Jack Nicholas, when he was playing golf, he said he he he he always hit this this 164 00:13:07,110 --> 00:13:13,045 shot twice wants in his imagination and wants in reality because you're you cannot discern 165 00:13:13,105 --> 00:13:14,865 between imagination and reality. 166 00:13:14,865 --> 00:13:19,950 It already programmed his brain lets his subconscious takeover, lets his natural swing 167 00:13:19,950 --> 00:13:24,590 mechanics, and all those reps that he's done over the years years, take over trust in his 168 00:13:24,590 --> 00:13:25,649 swing, and boom. 169 00:13:26,205 --> 00:13:29,964 Right, he gets a perfect outcome because he saw it in advance. 170 00:13:29,964 --> 00:13:31,985 So you need to see those goals in advance. 171 00:13:32,365 --> 00:13:37,590 And and goals are something that you need to commit to on a daily basis, you have to 172 00:13:37,590 --> 00:13:42,070 recommit, you know, good Kipps, you know, January writing down your resolutions and then 173 00:13:42,070 --> 00:13:43,509 not looking at them again. 174 00:13:43,509 --> 00:13:45,115 Every day you need to look at those. 175 00:13:45,115 --> 00:13:49,195 That's why you need to put those goals down on paper and then ask yourself, how am I doing 176 00:13:49,195 --> 00:13:50,875 against my goals every day? 177 00:13:50,875 --> 00:13:54,440 And those goals should inspire you. 178 00:13:54,740 --> 00:13:57,240 You should you should celebrate then. 179 00:13:58,019 --> 00:14:03,534 When you make some progress, celebrate those those wins and visualize that success. 180 00:14:03,595 --> 00:14:11,720 So you are infused with those positive thoughts that will enable you to tap and to channel that 181 00:14:12,100 --> 00:14:12,600 energy. 182 00:14:13,779 --> 00:14:16,980 And you need something to really compel you. 183 00:14:16,980 --> 00:14:27,179 You need a more profound fundamental purpose to keep that motivational switch on all of the 184 00:14:27,179 --> 00:14:27,580 time. 185 00:14:27,580 --> 00:14:35,535 So for me, yeah, I've got a 10 x goal to be able to swim the English channel at 65 know how 186 00:14:35,535 --> 00:14:38,735 many people have swum the English channel at 65 or road? 187 00:14:38,735 --> 00:14:40,835 I think it's at least less than 10. 188 00:14:42,335 --> 00:14:49,509 So I'm not I'm a little bit apprehensive, but I believe that I'm gonna do it, and I'm gonna put 189 00:14:49,509 --> 00:14:56,774 in the effort every day to get me to that goal, but the purpose the purpose behind why I'm 190 00:14:56,774 --> 00:15:01,779 doing that, the purpose behind me starting swimming and then having a goal that would 191 00:15:01,779 --> 00:15:11,684 inspire me to swim as best as I can was to be able to continue to be supporting, you know, my 192 00:15:11,684 --> 00:15:15,704 family to be healthy as long as possible, to provide. 193 00:15:16,004 --> 00:15:21,990 And so that purpose then compels me to take that physical activity, which I chose to be 194 00:15:21,990 --> 00:15:28,945 swimming, and then I then created motivation around that activity so that I would spend, you 195 00:15:28,945 --> 00:15:34,865 know, 2 hours every day on that activity to make sure that that goal was accomplished, but 196 00:15:34,865 --> 00:15:36,565 I needed a big purpose. 197 00:15:38,309 --> 00:15:47,455 The second thing is that you you're not going to you're not going to manifest channel, 198 00:15:47,514 --> 00:15:56,799 surface your motivation by setting low targets and meeting them every day. 199 00:15:57,740 --> 00:15:59,419 I know that sounds like, okay. 200 00:15:59,419 --> 00:16:00,700 We set a goal and we achieved it. 201 00:16:00,700 --> 00:16:01,580 We should feel good. 202 00:16:01,580 --> 00:16:01,820 No. 203 00:16:01,820 --> 00:16:03,164 There's not stretching you. 204 00:16:03,164 --> 00:16:05,824 It's not it's not it's not motivational enough. 205 00:16:06,044 --> 00:16:15,350 You need to embrace those things that you are most fearful of or those areas that you have 206 00:16:15,570 --> 00:16:18,149 the greatest concern about. 207 00:16:18,644 --> 00:16:26,325 Coming back to my swimming when I first started swimming in the pool, I was using a snorkel to 208 00:16:26,325 --> 00:16:28,180 swim and I was swimming up and down the pool. 209 00:16:28,180 --> 00:16:33,259 I was swimming, you know, a few miles, and a friend of mine said, hey, there's an open water 210 00:16:33,259 --> 00:16:34,480 swim in the river. 211 00:16:35,414 --> 00:16:38,695 2.4 miles, you know, come join me. 212 00:16:38,934 --> 00:16:41,034 Of course, I can't use my snorkel there. 213 00:16:41,414 --> 00:16:48,690 And so I very apprehensive about that swim, and I was right because I couldn't breathe. 214 00:16:49,149 --> 00:16:51,009 My breathing was not in sync. 215 00:16:51,415 --> 00:16:56,934 So I had to keep putting my head out of the water, which slowed me down, tired me, and I 216 00:16:56,934 --> 00:17:01,990 was the I was the slowest, but I think there were eighty people swimming I came in dead 217 00:17:01,990 --> 00:17:04,650 last, but I had faced that adversity. 218 00:17:05,029 --> 00:17:10,904 And then coming out of that adversity, I recognized that breathing and having a 219 00:17:10,904 --> 00:17:17,144 mechanism to be more effective with my breath and synchronize it with my swimming was what I 220 00:17:17,144 --> 00:17:20,240 needed to work on So I started to work on on that. 221 00:17:20,380 --> 00:17:26,460 And so you need to embrace those things that are really challenging in order for you to get 222 00:17:26,460 --> 00:17:27,680 to the next level. 223 00:17:28,715 --> 00:17:31,455 Now energy has to flow. 224 00:17:33,035 --> 00:17:34,015 It's like electricity. 225 00:17:34,634 --> 00:17:37,775 It has to flow from point a to point b. 226 00:17:38,059 --> 00:17:46,559 And there are things that will accelerate that flow, the potential, right? 227 00:17:47,184 --> 00:17:52,224 The higher the higher the the higher the current, right, if you think about your your 228 00:17:52,224 --> 00:17:56,619 physics, the fire, the higher the current the greater the flow. 229 00:17:57,079 --> 00:18:02,605 So that potential, the potential your amp amperage Right? 230 00:18:02,605 --> 00:18:08,990 The current is built by you channeling that energy, taking it out of that hidden pot 231 00:18:09,150 --> 00:18:13,230 converting into as a kinetic energy, get it manifesting there. 232 00:18:13,230 --> 00:18:18,210 So it's at your fingerprint finger fingertips, and you have that a huge amount of motivation 233 00:18:18,585 --> 00:18:20,744 and you're ready to unleash it. 234 00:18:20,744 --> 00:18:26,044 So you've created that energy, that capacity to be able to exceed. 235 00:18:26,664 --> 00:18:30,890 But like electricity, things get in the way. 236 00:18:30,890 --> 00:18:31,869 That's resistance. 237 00:18:32,649 --> 00:18:40,115 So what resists motivation Well, one thing that kills motivation is if you surrounded my 238 00:18:40,115 --> 00:18:43,289 naysayers and losers who say, oh, you can't do that. 239 00:18:43,389 --> 00:18:44,970 Mick, you're never gonna swim the channel. 240 00:18:44,970 --> 00:18:46,170 You've never swim before. 241 00:18:46,170 --> 00:18:48,509 When, come on, you don't wanna be around those people. 242 00:18:49,130 --> 00:18:50,570 You don't wanna be around those people. 243 00:18:50,570 --> 00:18:51,950 You need to lose the losers. 244 00:18:52,695 --> 00:18:57,654 And if there are family members who tell you things you can't do that, oh, no. 245 00:18:57,654 --> 00:18:59,095 That's way above your potential. 246 00:18:59,095 --> 00:19:02,119 Oh, that's too risky, then you'd stop talking to them. 247 00:19:02,359 --> 00:19:07,740 Or give them a talking to and say, don't bring that language into our discussions. 248 00:19:07,799 --> 00:19:09,559 Just don't just don't talk to those people. 249 00:19:09,559 --> 00:19:13,525 And there are people in your work who you know, they go, no, don't rock the boat. 250 00:19:13,525 --> 00:19:17,605 This is the way we do things, or this is only what we're we're capable of achieving. 251 00:19:17,605 --> 00:19:18,700 Get rid of those people. 252 00:19:18,859 --> 00:19:21,259 We don't we don't we don't wanna talk to these people. 253 00:19:21,259 --> 00:19:23,119 Second thing is stop watching the news. 254 00:19:23,819 --> 00:19:24,319 Right? 255 00:19:24,460 --> 00:19:28,934 Every news program every bit of stuff on the TV, it's all negative. 256 00:19:29,554 --> 00:19:33,474 Even even the weather, they don't have, oh, the sunny weather team. 257 00:19:33,474 --> 00:19:37,490 They have they have the severe storm 9 team. 258 00:19:37,630 --> 00:19:43,615 And even then if there isn't a tornado or there hasn't been one in your neighborhood for a 100 259 00:19:43,674 --> 00:19:48,234 years, they start giving you tornado warnings and start making your panics rubbish. 260 00:19:48,234 --> 00:19:49,130 Stop watching them. 261 00:19:49,529 --> 00:19:52,029 Everybody wants to make news by being negative. 262 00:19:52,410 --> 00:19:53,210 So don't watch it. 263 00:19:53,210 --> 00:19:54,269 Don't read the newspapers. 264 00:19:54,410 --> 00:19:55,549 The same old nonsense. 265 00:19:56,410 --> 00:19:59,464 Just focus on your your activity. 266 00:19:59,525 --> 00:20:06,759 So avoid avoid those negative, elements, and you want to promote that flow. 267 00:20:06,759 --> 00:20:11,559 That flow is gonna be increased by making sure that you've got purpose, making sure that 268 00:20:11,559 --> 00:20:16,224 you've got 10 x goals that you already believe that you've achieved that you review those 269 00:20:16,224 --> 00:20:17,284 goals Holly. 270 00:20:17,424 --> 00:20:18,085 You celebrate. 271 00:20:18,144 --> 00:20:21,960 You start off the day by looking at what did you accomplish yesterday in the last week? 272 00:20:21,960 --> 00:20:24,700 And you start with a mindset of gratitude. 273 00:20:24,759 --> 00:20:28,380 You can't be negative when you're in a mindset of gratitude. 274 00:20:28,759 --> 00:20:31,224 You have a very, very positive outcome. 275 00:20:31,524 --> 00:20:37,944 You program that super supercomputer with visualization, and you celebrate your wins. 276 00:20:38,809 --> 00:20:45,929 And the last thing is read books, you know, the the the the average per I I think that 87% of 277 00:20:45,929 --> 00:20:52,914 Americans read in a one book a year, and most people actually don't get to the end. 278 00:20:53,055 --> 00:21:02,160 And I can't remember which author said the man who does not read has no advantage over the man 279 00:21:02,940 --> 00:21:04,400 who cannot read. 280 00:21:04,704 --> 00:21:11,285 So find yourself some inspirational literature, some sales books, and and read those. 281 00:21:11,505 --> 00:21:12,805 Should read a book a week. 282 00:21:13,039 --> 00:21:17,460 And make notes on that and use that information to help you go forward. 283 00:21:18,240 --> 00:21:19,700 So that's motivation. 284 00:21:20,000 --> 00:21:25,694 It an on off switch, and you can turn it on any time that you want. 285 00:21:25,694 --> 00:21:29,714 You are the little engine that could. 286 00:21:30,399 --> 00:21:31,700 I think I can. 287 00:21:31,919 --> 00:21:33,299 I think I can. 288 00:21:33,679 --> 00:21:34,899 I think I can. 289 00:21:35,440 --> 00:21:36,579 I know you can. 290 00:21:37,200 --> 00:21:38,339 I know you will. 291 00:21:38,974 --> 00:21:40,275 I know you have. 292 00:21:41,055 --> 00:21:44,275 I know I did think about success. 293 00:21:45,134 --> 00:21:51,309 Think about your goals as though you already accomplishment them, your mind does not know 294 00:21:51,309 --> 00:21:59,414 the difference, and you will forever have that ability to create stimulus motivation, and you 295 00:21:59,414 --> 00:22:03,515 can pursue your goals with vigor. 296 00:22:04,880 --> 00:22:06,740 Well, I hope you enjoyed this episode. 297 00:22:07,360 --> 00:22:09,059 I'll see you next time. 298 00:22:10,640 --> 00:22:17,684 And, sadly, we've come to the end of another great show Please, could you go to Apple 299 00:22:17,744 --> 00:22:21,445 Podcasts and leave us a review if you enjoyed this show? 300 00:22:22,360 --> 00:22:32,015 Secondly, if you go to sell the, I've got some fancy artificial intelligence 301 00:22:33,035 --> 00:22:40,289 that will interrogate all of my episodes and give you any of the answers that you need on 302 00:22:40,289 --> 00:22:40,690 sales. 303 00:22:40,690 --> 00:22:42,210 So you have to go to the website. 304 00:22:42,210 --> 00:22:46,609 You can do it on your phone or on your computer, sell the, and you can see 305 00:22:46,609 --> 00:22:48,434 to see a search bar at the top. 306 00:22:48,434 --> 00:22:54,914 So if you type something in there like cold call or objection handling, it'll pull out all 307 00:22:54,914 --> 00:22:58,819 the chat in the episodes that talk about that specific subject. 308 00:22:59,919 --> 00:23:01,059 Have fun with that. 309 00:23:01,119 --> 00:23:04,819 Let me know how you get on, and we'll see you next week.