At any point in time only 3% of your audience are ready to buy. 7% are open but the other 90% are not listening. The trick to doubling sales is for you to be the person they think of when they are ready to buy. In this episode I'll show you how...
At any point in time only 3% of your audience are ready to buy. 7% are open but the other 90% are not listening.
The trick to doubling sales is for you to be the person they think of when they are ready to buy.
In this episode I'll show you how to appeal to more of your audience through a strategic education based approach
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The Ultimate Formula for Winning Work With General Contractors.
It's packed with tips to help you double your sales conversion rates!
How to Double Your Sales in the Next 12
Quite a bold claim, don't you think? But think about it. It's not that challenging. If you want to double your sales in the next 12 months, you just need to be in front of twice as many people who are ready to buy your product or service.
Now, that doesn't seem to be too much of a stretch now, does it? So I'm going to give you an idea that you can put into play to get more qualified buyers into your funnel now.
If you think about the population of people that you are talking to, sometimes you have an offer, you express it to somebody and you just get crickets.
Why? Because they're not ready to buy. They're not interested. They don't feel that they have a problem. They don't want what you are offering at that particular time, and everybody else is competing for their attention.
We've talked about this before and so you are just noise in the background and you don't receive any attention. Now there's a distribution of interest when you're looking at your audience. Let's say that you could get, , a hundred people in a room who your ideal customers and you, had a pitch you would put to them.
What we'll find is that only 3% of your target audience is ready to buy right now. They've been thinking about it. They have a problem, they know they've got a problem and they're looking for a solution.
A further 7% are, open to the idea. So you've got 10% of people who you might be ready to get into some form of contract, some form of buying.
Now, the other 90% fall into three categories.
The next category would be 30% of the people are not thinking about your product or service or whatever problem you are addressing.
30% think that they're not interested and
30% are definitely not interested in hearing anything to do. They're quite happy with, with their, let's say, They’re a, they're a factory manager and you sell roofs.
30% of them are saying, no, my roof is fine. Yeah, there might be a couple of leaks, but quite happy with it, probably last another five to 10 years. Definitely not interested in something coming to talk to me about selling me a new roof as opposed to the 3% at the top,
their roofs are falling apart. They're leaking, , they've got the energy costs are going up because they're leaking heat or. Or, Even getting too hot in, in the summer.
So when we express our value proposition to them, let's say you had a hundred people in a room and you announce what it is that you're about to do, it's likely that if you're too specific, 90% of the people are going to walk out.
Let me give you an example. Let's say you are selling hVAC systems to hospitals and, , medical facilities, who need, pretty much co controlled environment. You've sold to them in the past. It's, quite lucrative. They're prepared to pay decent margins because they want the job done quickly. They don't want any noise pollution. They're looking for a tried and trusted person who can install HVAC systems. They're going to give them all of those benefits.
So you've run a campaign and you've got a hundred people in your room. Might be a hundred people on a webinar. It might be a hundred people clicking on an ad. It might be a hundred people at an event. And they're all, facilities managers, directors,officers s in medical facilities.
They're your ideal audience. Well, only 3% of them are thinking about getting a new HVAC system right now, today when you are speaking. So if you stood up and said, okay, ladies and gentlemen the title of my talk is how our HVAC system is going to give you clean air at an affordable cost, 90 people are going to walk out the room because they're not, in the market for that. So you've lost them.
You're left with 10 people who you can sell to, but you really want to be able to, sell to that other 90%.
Certainly you want to build a relationship with them and you want them to know you and your capabilities so that when they are ready, when they do need your services, that they're going to be thinking about you and not somebody else.
So what we need to do at this point is to articulate something that would appeal to the entire audience. You've got, in this audience, will continue with this analogy, a hundred healthcare professionals who were looking at their operations.
And you're going to say the title of my talk today is
the five most dangerous trends facing hospitals and medical facilities.
Now, don't you think that all the people in that audience, oh, I wonder what those five trends are? Dangerous, dangerous trends. we're all about risk mitigation. We're all about compliance. We, don't want to get sued, we don't want to have problems.
What are these five dangerous trends? I'm going to stay around and listen to, to this, to this talk. Then in the talk right now, you've got a hundred people who are in communication with you and you can start to do education based selling to bring them on the sales journey because only 3% are going to buy today.
Another 7% you might convince in a couple of you know, meetings and the rest, they're going to evolve their understanding and their need is going to mature over time.
If you are intelligent and clever, you can start seeding them with the thoughts they might need to consider to expand their understanding of the problem.
Until it becomes an acute problem, it becomes painful. They feel that they need to do something about it.
So you might put together a, presentation, with the five most dangerous trends facing hospital and medical establishment. You know,
number one, staffing shortages. Always difficult to get people.
Number two, high occupational risk, you know, access to PPE equipment.
Number three, the challenge of providing enhanced comfort, for patients and staff.
Number four, infection control.
Number five, climate and working conditions.
Now you can then start to talk about some of the issues and you can use market data around staffing shortages, and they'll all agree with you and, oh yeah, that's really insightful, and you can say that, you know, one of the reasons staffing it's difficult to get staff is, it's very stressful working in that kind of environment. So providing a clean, warm, air conditioned healthy environment will encourage more of your staff to be in place and will also reduce the risk for, for both your staff and your patients because the filtration around climate control systems is very, very important.
You can talk about some of the elements of particulate size and, and infection and dust and the impact that it has on staff and patients. And you can talk about the, , the comfort of , having your patients in, an environment that is very consistent, the temperature is well controlled.
there's no noise. Your, filtration systems are very quiet and it's a very calm environment, which obviously benefits patient, attitude and health. And in terms of infection control, you can really get into how pathogens are propagated around large buildings where they tend to accumulate and why good airflow and filtration will dramatically reduce that.
You would go and find some statistics around the types of particulate the types of impact. There'll be studies on there, just Google it on circulation and airflow and how that increases and reduces pockets of stale air where pathogens might collect. And then lastly, , the climate control and working conditions they can talk about.
There are definitely studies around clean air increases employee productivity. Studies have been done, so you could use a 15% improvement in productivity by having good, clean air, good filtration reduces employee sick days by 8%.
Again, studies have been done on this. And more people will come to work when the environment is , cool and clean and fresh.
, what you've done now is that you've educated that whole group of a hundred people and they think that you are an expert in risk management you know hospital procedures, cleanliness, infection control, pathogen, elimination, and you've also seeded lots of ideas around how the HVAC system will mitigate all of those and the benefits that it will bring.
So the, the 3% who are ready there, Chomping at the bit, the 7% who were thinking about it, they're ready to go. And some of the people who didn't think that they were had a problem, that next 30% I didn't. I'm, I'm not really in the market for it. Go. You know what? Those are some good points and we do have those issues. I do need to consider this. Let's have some further conversation.
Now, those people might not convert today, but we're talking about doubling your sales in the next 12 months and what we've done.
Think about this in the original pitch. Was, let me tell you about our HVAC system. It is only going to appeal to the 3% of people who are ready to buy an HVAC system today. They've already decided they're going to do that on, and you might be able to tip the other 7% who are open to the idea. So you've got 10% of your, of your audience.
By taking a bigger, more strategic positioning for your pitch. You, you are now able to engage 100 people in that. So when you are putting your emails or marketing or advertising, or even in your phone calls, let's say, , I'm, I'm an HVAC salesperson. I could go around and knock on the door and, talk to the facilities manager and say, Hey, you want to see the latest in HVAC equipment? We've got the best.
As opposed to calling up the facility administrator and saying, Hey, , we've conducted a survey. We've done a study on the five most dangerous trends facing hospitals, and I'd like to come to talk to you about that. They would be more open to have that conversation. You can have that similar conversation and at the same time inform them what part an HVAC system would play in that scenario.
So do you see how we can expand? Don't just think about what your product or service does. You know the attributes of your floor, the benefits of your mechanical system, and how it's, automated and it has a backup system. Think about what are your prospects worried about most.
Take it up another level so that you can actually start building relationships with those people. You can start talking to those people. People will pick up the phone more frequently, so you're going to get more conversations. They're going to be more engaged because you're talking about issues that are relevant to them, and you now have the opportunity to drive them with an education based campaign through your funnel, keeping in contact with them.
So that when they are ready to buy, they don't go outside. They go oh yeah. That Mick Holly , he understands risk, he understands all of the issues associated, they're definitely the people that we want to go with. We want them to give us a quote and get those people into audience.
So the way to double your sales it is to get twice as many people who are ready to buy from you into your funnel and be in front of them at the right time.
The way that you do that is you broaden your message so that it would appeal to a hundred percent of your audience. That way, more of the pie is going to be eaten by you.
We all want more pie. This is going to give you more of pie.
It is going to double your sales!
If you want help in building that pitch, expanding your thinking, coming up with creative ideas to go to your ideal audience or indeed, how to define and how to attract the right audience so you've got the right 100 people in the building or in your seminar or on your call list.
I can help you with that. Just reach out to me.
I hope you enjoyed this podcast and I look forward to hearing about your success stories when you double and triple your sales over the the next year.
See you next time.
Well, we've come to the end of another great episode. Hope you enjoyed that.
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See you next week.