If you are a sales professional who finds themselves in a frustrating slump, struggling to close deals without knowing where you are falling short. If you're yearning for a breakthrough but can't quite pinpoint the problem, this episode is your...
If you are a sales professional who finds themselves in a frustrating slump, struggling to close deals without knowing where you are falling short. If you're yearning for a breakthrough but can't quite pinpoint the problem, this episode is your compass to success. Join me as I provide easy yet powerful diagnostics to identify and elevate your sales game. Discover actionable insights and expert advice to propel you out of the slump and into a realm of consistent, game-changing success
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Welcome Sizzlers. This is your host, Mick Holly, and I'm back. I'm back. And, this week's episode is all about how you diagnose your sales performance and then use that information to propel yourself to higher success. I'm, bursting with, with energy and positivity. I attended our mastermind last week, as you know, I'm part of the Grant Cardone 10X business coach community.
So I was there with 60 of my closest friends who were all thrusting and driving their own individual businesses and helping business owners propel their success. And it was high energy, lots of new techniques, ideas on how to accelerate and make 2024 a great place, which is what I want to do for you.
One of the, uh, one of the speakers there, talked about, we're not always operating at our highest potential in sales. Sometimes we fall off a little bit and you may be looking at your numbers and thinking, Oh, you know, I'm working hard, but I don't seem to be getting the results that I want, or you're a little frustrated, or you want to do a little bit more.
You might be doing okay, but you want to be the salesperson of the year. So I'm going to give you some techniques to be able to diagnose the areas that you can focus on in order to drive further sales success.
I've shared an acronym, A3. There are three A's that you can look at. And if you aren't performing at the level that you want, one of these three A's is not going to be, working as well, or maybe one or two of these areas.
So the first, I'll give you the three A's. The three A's are:
Approach, and
All right, so let's take Attitude. I love my old mentor, Zig Ziglar. He had a great phrase about tood. He would always talk about your tood. And his phrase was
Your Attitude determines your aptitude, which ultimately determines your altitude.
How about that? So your attitude ultimately determines the altitude. How high you're going to fly, how well you're going to do, how successful you can be. So your attitude is very, very important, and that attitude varies greatly from day to day. If you've got a very upbeat, powerful attitude, you attract people.
People are interested in you, they wanna hear what you got. If you're a bit of a negative Nelly, they don't want to be around you and , they not excited about what you're talking about. So, some simple things that you can, think about about your attitude. Firstly, when you're talking, even if you're talking on the telephone, before you get on the telephone to talk to a prospect, put a big smile on your face and think good things about the prospect, because a smile, even though it's invisible on a telephone, It exudes, it changes your posture, it changes your body chemistry, changes your aura, and it comes across electronically.
So you always must smile if you're in person, smiling when you first meet somebody, but also smiling when you're giving your presentation or your handling objections. Don't grimace when somebody gives you an objection, smile and say, that's an interesting point. So first of all, make sure that you're smiling.
Secondly, we talked about positivity. Oh man, if I could bottle the positivity that was around last week, it'd be genius. People want to feel that positive. If you're not going to be positive, how do you expect them to feel positively about you, your product or your, your company.
The third thing about attitude is we must see problems as opportunities. , when a prospect says, I've got a problem, right? You want to be doing something to try and help them overcome that problem. Even objections, right?
Objections are signposts on the way to the sale. Because they've told you what their problem is.
They've told you what their problem with buying your product is. And if you overcome that objection, it's a signpost to moving towards the sale. And then be grateful. A good exercise is on a daily basis is think about all of the things that went well in the previous day, the previous week, you may even have written those down.
And when you are in a frame of being grateful, you can't be Negative. And then the last one is a killer. It's a killer if you don't do this and is that one of the single biggest techniques in attitude that will influence your sales destiny. And that is:
always, always. agree with the customer.
I've talked about this before in episode 23, the magic of agreement.
If you haven't listened to that episode, you must go and listen to that one. Simply put, um, It takes, it takes two people to be in disagreement. If you're in agreement, there can be no disagreement and you can't close a sale or move the sales process forward if there is a lack of agreement. So agree with the prospect when they raise, , a concern.
It might be the price. The price is too high, Mick. It's ridiculous. I agree. I understand. Many of my customers said the very same thing now they're enjoying, using the product and getting tremendous value out of it. But I understand. I agree with you. The price, you know, it is a lot.
So, do you see what I did there? I agreed. with it. When, somebody is always raising something, you must agree with them first, because if you try and disarm it and say, no, it's not, you're going to get into a fight. And that's going to stall the sale.
So those things about attitude, I want you to check your attitude, make sure that you're, you're smiling, make sure you're positive, make sure you welcome problems, you're grateful, and you always, always agree.
Now let's look at the approach. The sales process I've talked about before, you know, has five simple steps, right?
Close, and
Follow up.
So when you meet somebody or you're talking to them on the phone, you know, just tell them who you are. Very, very positive. Again, smile as you say it.
This is Mick. What information can I share with you today? Very positive, very upbeat, right? Secondly, Qualification. You've got to qualify your prospect. You've got to ask questions. Look, people buy when you solve their problems. But firstly, you have to identify what their problem is. And often, they might not know what their problem is.
They might not be able to articulate it well. So by you asking questions, you pull problems out on the table so that you can demonstrate how you can solve them. So the power of good questions in the qualification step is important.
The third step present, right? Have a clear script to present your, product or service, talk about the benefits and address the concerns or the dominant buying motive you found in the qualification step.
And then you're into the close, right? Most salespeople don't get the close because they don't ask for the close. So you must ask for the order, ask for the close, ask more than once and ask regularly.
And then when you, once you have closed them. When you put the proposal on the table, always give them a proposal in writing. People believe things that are in writing. So make sure that you get that in front of them.
And then lastly follow up, right? They might not have inked the deal.
When you made the close, you put the proposal. They've got the written proposal. They've left the meeting. Now there's a potential of that radio silence. So make sure that you, that you follow up and here's a couple of stats. And there was another episode on, uh, on the followup, which is number 17. Do you show up or throw up with your followup?
Another great one to, uh, to, to look at.
Look, here's the stats.
48 percent of salespeople don't follow up and
80 percent of sales are made between the 5th and the 8th contact.
The average salesperson makes only two follow up calls. So they're going to miss out on 80 percent of the business. So you must, must, must follow up.
So, so in the approach, Think about where, where are you falling down? Are you falling down on the greeting, the qualification, the, the presenting the offer, closing, or follow up? Just give yourself, um, you know, take a look at that. And then the last A is activity. Now quantity is senior. to quality. A lot of people think I can't, I'm not ready. I can't make calls. I don't quite have my technique perfected. I need to wait. I can't post something. I can't write something. I'm not ready.
You'll never ever be ready. Perfection is the enemy of progress, right? You've got to be able to get as many reps in as possible. You've got to make as many calls as you can, because every time that you make a call, right, you build that sales muscle.
One of the interesting things that I heard when I was down there at Cardone U, they have a sales team that's making calls, selling Cardone University, Cardone Capital, all of their Cardone real estate, their training. They said that it takes about 20, 000 calls before their team member, a new team member, gets really, really good.
Remember, they're pounding the phones every day, making hundreds, and they're on the phone about four hours a day, making hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of calls. And only when they're in the thousands do they actually get any good. So, don't fear, making calls, you know, getting in front of your prospects, emailing them, just, just do it, do it in volume, because if you don't have massive activity, you're just not going to succeed.
So think about that, then you give yourself a score, and when you look at the attitude Approach and activity, give you a score yourself a score out of 10 for each one of those three, and that will very, very quickly tell you where you need to spend a little bit more time. It might be. You need to work on being a bit more positive.
You might. Stop watching the news because the news is always bad. It's gonna make you feel bad. So don't do it. It might be you're surrounded by negative people. Get those people out. So think about what you can do in terms of attitude. In terms of your approach, you need to make sure that you're following a good disciplined sales process.
Those five steps. Make a note of You know, where, where you're falling down, make a note of where you're getting objections in which stage so you can enhance each one of those stages and then objectively assess your activity. If you're in sales over 50 percent of your time should be prospecting, whether that's knocking on doors, whether that's phone calls, going to, Events, you need to be out there in front of people.
Get that activity up. If you are, your biggest enemy is obscurity, right? Money , flows where attention goes. If they can't see you or don't know you or don't know what you do, they're not going to spend any money with you. You're not going to get the sales.
Now. Here's a couple of other tips for you in terms of debugging where you might be stuck.
Number one is, you know, checking in with your commitment. So One of the mantras of 10x is reviewing your goals daily. So you've set yourself some big good goals, and most people might do that, you know, at the start of the year, and then they put it in a little notebook and you never ever look at them again.
Whereas A good discipline is to look at those goals on a daily basis. Remind yourself of those goals. And if they're powerful, if your goals are big, you want to make sure your goals are so big, it makes your problems seem so small.
Secondly, it's a commitment to improvement. Are you doing daily training and reinforcement?
So you should be reading books, watching videos. Cardone University sales training is fantastic, you know, review it every day and then reinforce those techniques through daily role play. If you're not , using the muscles, it's like going to the gym and saying, I don't need to do bench work. I did bench work last year. I did, I did a course on that. Of course, you've got to go and do that. You've got to go and get the weights. You've got to go and push yourself.
Similarly with sales. Don't say, Oh, we went on a sales course last year. I'm trained in sales.
You've learned, you've learned some theory, but in order to build the practice and to use it on a daily basis and be seamless and be, , present with your prospects, you've got to train those muscles. You've got to train those sales. So you've got to do role playing every day. And the other thing is.
Just check that you don't have, you know, a big list of unfinished tasks because they get in your head, right? You don't want a never ending unfinished. Just finish your task, get them done, do it once, get it done, over. And then it's not cluttering your thinking.
Then the second thing to, to check is your conviction about you as a salesperson.
Your ability to command altitude, your ability to be a thought leader, you're bringing something to the table. Secondly, that your product is excellent. Would you buy your product? See, if you wouldn't buy your product, or use your product, then you don't believe in it. How can you convey that over to your prospect?
And then the company? Do you believe in the company? Do you believe in the values? Do you believe in the ethics? Do you believe in the support?
And then a good way to Increase that conviction is to talk to people about the successes they've had in using Your product your company and your advice and use that as fuel to increase your level of conviction and belief so that you can transmit that to your prospective clients.
All right very simply if you're having ups and downs in your sales process, right, do the A3:
, check your attitude,
check your approach,
check your activity.
And then the two C's make sure that you've got:
the right level of commitment, commitment to daily practice daily reinforcement,
and then conviction, your belief system, your mind. Is it in the right place? Do those things, improve those things and your sales will just soar. So I look forward to seeing you next time.