From the get-go, I really appreciated that you clarify the cluster B personality traits. It was so eye-opening when you said, “Toxic parents will quit parenting as soon as they can.” The clarity that one statement brought is life-changing. I also just never put two and two together, or realized that my mother was using guilt in so many different forms from suicide threats, death and dying talk, to bringing up things from the past, always making me feel less than because of child hood transgressions and continually bad-nothing everyone in my life. It took me 56 years and I’ve been no contact for over two years. I finally drew the line when she became a toxic, great grandparent, and started badmouthing my daughters . It’s never too late to heal.
Dec. 14, 2022 by nellas04 on Apple Podcasts
Sherapy Sessions: Cutting Toxic Family Ties