Sherapy Sessions: Cutting Toxic Family Ties

Her books and podcast are incredibly helpful!

I have made the decision to go no contact with my father and his psychologically and emotionally abusive covert narcissist wife. She snapped him up when he was vulnerable after my mom died and has done all the toxic manipulations discussed here. I’m the scapegoat. My father has been brainwashed by her and has now begun to behave towards me like she has. I tried for 30 years to get along with her because I love my dad and he used to be a great dad before my mom died. This woman he married has been unleashing poison and toxicity on his kids (mostly me) for 30 years now. I’m done. This podcast and two books by Sherri Campbell are helping me feel validated and that I’m not crazy or imagining things. She is also helping me to understand toxic personalities and why I need to stay strong in my decision to go no contact. No-one should have to suffer through toxic family abuse. I’m glad I found her books and her podcast. I wholeheartedly recommend delving into both the podcast and her books if you’re currently in a similar situation.

Dec. 2, 2023 by paminy on Apple Podcasts

Sherapy Sessions: Cutting Toxic Family Ties

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