I’m going, to be honest, last year was a mix of emotions. Last year I was stretched in every direction. I'm super excited 2020 is gone and then 2021 started off kind of crazy, too. So here’s my State of the Union, if you will, when it comes to what to expect for your creative entrepreneur journey going on into 2021. Here is my humble opinion of what I think will be trending, what are things that are going to light you up, and what are things you're going to see differently in the marketing space.
Subscribe to the Chronically Profitable: The Flare-Proof Path to $100K, A free exclusive weekly email series designed for creatives and women with chronic illnesses. You'll learn how to make a liveable income with your hobbies, professional skills, and innate talents by building a successful online coaching business with simple strategies that work for you, even on flare days and feel better living with chronic illness.
Here are some great episodes to start with.