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Entrepreneurship Episodes

May 5, 2023

How Your Identity As A Chronic Illness Warrior Affects Your Business …

If you're feeling the overwhelming frustration and disappointment of repeatedly taking action towards your entrepreneurial goals, only to be met with frustration and feeling, here's another way my chronic illness has taken something from me, then you are not alone, …

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April 28, 2023

Unpacking Grief, Power of Community Care & Empowerment with TYSAH Fou…

In this episode, Nikita interviews Gabriela Brown and Alejandra Mejia, two dedicated nonprofit professionals who are committed to promoting community well-being and mental health. Alejandra, who has a background in nonprofit management, communications, and marketing, is a university lecturer in …

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Feb. 10, 2023

Juggling Modern-Day Motherhood, Career, & Entrepreneurship

Tania Cuturi is a French-born, London-based executive coach working with moms . She's a mother of three, so I asked her to team up with me to explore the complex feelings associated with modern-day motherhood and the power ...

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