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Cinthia Pacheco

Cinthia Pacheco Profile Photo

Cinthia Pacheco

Cinthia is the owner and founder of Digital Bloom IQ and is passionate about helping Therapists and other Health + Wellness brands grow their businesses and heal more of the world through SEO (Search Engine Optimization). After five years of corporate experience working with companies like Avon, Sears, and Hyundai, she transitioned into the small business world, focusing on her SEO and Google Analytics services. She is on a mission to inspire Health and Wellness businesses to be more intentional about their SEO marketing and share more of their healing talents.
When she’s not working, you can find her walking her dogs, chilling with her daughter and boyfriend, or watching Gilmore Girls on her couch.

Sept. 8, 2023

Choosing the Right Business Model for Entrepreneurs with Chronic Illn…

Delve into an enlightening conversation with Cinthia Pacheco, a trailblazing SEO and health wellness marketer. Cinthia unveils her transformative journey with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, showing how her personal experiences ...

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