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How to Manifest Your Dream Business with Danielle Mendoza
March 15, 2022

How to Manifest Your Dream Business with Danielle Mendoza

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So many women have things they want to bring into the world, but they kind of feel like if it's not big, like all of the other extraordinary ladies are growing six figures or more, maybe it's not worth it. And that's why I'm so excited to have Danielle Mendoza, a business development consultant, is on the show, and she's here to shine a light on the ladies who feel this way and empower them to share their gifts.

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Are you someone who has a dream of starting a business? So many women have things they want to bring into the world, but they kind of feel like if it's not big, like all of the other extraordinary ladies are growing six figures or more, maybe it's not worth it. And that's why I'm so excited to have Danielle Mendoza, a business development consultant, is on the show, and she's here to shine a light on the ladies who feel this way and empower them to share their gifts. She'll share how you can manifest your talents into a business you love.

In this Episode:

  • How to bring your big idea to life while being living a busy life.

  • The importance of values when it comes to setting boundaries.

  • How battling Skin Cancer inspired Danielle to leap into sharing her gifts.

Visit and use the code THRIVE to get it Free! That’s my special gift to my podcast tribe! Okay, it’s time to hop into this new episode. Enjoy!

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Danielle Mendoza Profile Photo

Danielle Mendoza

Business Development Consultant

Danielle Mendoza is a SoCal native who’s crazy about cats, yoga, and connecting over a hot beverage. After years of ignoring the call to be more than a mom, she’s finally ready to use her expertise. By marrying years of experience in energy work with her business education, Danielle is helping women manifest the success they deserve!