WINNER: I Am Trying to Break Your Heart wins The All-Time, Indisputable, Totally-Your-Own-Opinion, Greatest Songs Of Wilco Bracket
Feb. 6, 2024

Hidden Wilco

Hidden Wilco

How well do you know Wilco? Because you are listening to this podcast, you probably know the band very well. But, in this episode, Todd and Tim reach into the vault and share some of their favorite "hidden" Wilco songs.

Granted, nothing is hidden anymore on the World Wide Web and on digital music catalogs, but this episode celebrates the Wilco tracks that were previously unreleased, the rare tracks that were once "hidden" from public ears.

There's no question - many ardent and hardcore fans might already be familiar with these tracks, but it's always fun to unpack the songs and offer a fresh perspective.

What are your favorite "hidden" Wilco songs? Share your thoughts by emailing the show: