Welcome Solo Mom!

Helena Smolock

Helena Smolock Profile Photo

Business Woman

Helena Smolock CPT- RNC, Founder and President of Velocity Athletic Training has over 35 years’ experience in the Fitness Industry. Her journey as a Track Athlete in High School led her to a rewarding career in Fitness. Her original career choice was to become a Criminal Lawyer but after spending six months of work experience at the courthouse in Ottawa, Ontario CANADA (Criminal Division) she quickly shifted her mind and gears. Today, Helena continues her journey as a Fitness Professional and as a Master Athlete. She has assisted corporate clients, semi-pro athletes, clients with cancer, heart disease, and post-rehab clients with injuries in her studio, where she helped them gain strength via resistance training, body-mind connection via mediation and anchoring. She has led thousands of classes of various levels and with the ever-changing industry is certified to teach and lead STEP, SPIN, STRENGTH, AQUA-FIT classes. Participants in each class, as well as, each Personal Training client has experienced her compassionate, firm, technical but comical style of leadership! She continues to remain current in this ever changing industry. Beginning in the Spring of 2022 Helena will embark on a journey toward accomplishing a PhD in Natural Medicine and Wellness.

Nov. 2, 2022

Use Anchoring to Build a Strong Life Foundation w/Helena Smolock

The solo mom experience no matter how long ago it happened leaves a lasting impression. Because that experience gives us the ability to reach into the very depths of our being and pull out the strength and tenacity necessary...
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