In this episode, I talk to Shara Jones who is a 52 yo mom of 2 adult children.
Hear how she lost her husband and why she describes herself as being part of a club sandwich.
But that’s just the beginning of the story of this extraordinary mom.
From celebrating 30 years with the same employer to traveling solo, listen as she relates her desire for Gen X women and what she has checked off from her bucket list.
Join me now as we hear the story of Shara Jones.
“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling” (Psalm 68:5)
If you would like to tell your story on SoloMoms! Talk, send us an email at jen@solomoms-talk.com. Thank you.
Visit: www.solomoms-talk.com for tips you can use.
Follow me on IG/Twitter: @jrosemarie1
**Intro song: Damien Ellison from his single “Desperate”. Check it out on iTunes.
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