Welcome Solo Mom!

Work With Me

Shift. Heal. Empower. (S.H.E.)

I discovered that unless we have a mindset Shift and begin to Heal from the trauma it's hard to be Empowered to build the life we want. 

I help Christian solo moms redefine who they are, recognize God's role in their lives, learn how to heal, and realize their true potential in purpose and relationships.


Schedule a free consultation here.

My Story

As a Christian solo mom of 3 adult sons, I know how hard it is to navigate this journey with grace and confidence when you feel like all the odds are against you.

But here's the thing: God doesn't want us to stay that way. He wants to help us recognize His role in our lives and learn how to heal so we can realize our true potential in purpose and our relationships.

"Then the nations that are left all around you shall know that I am the LORD; I have rebuilt the ruined places and replanted that which was desolate. I am the LORD; I have spoken, and I will do it." Ezekiel 36:36

As Christians, we are called to be lights in the darkness, shining our hope on those around us who need it most. We are called to lead by example, showing others what true faith looks like when we walk through life with our heads held high and smiles on our faces despite the challenges we face daily.

Remember Jesus says…
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation but take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

That's why I created this program—to help you redefine who you are and learn how to make the transformation from wounded to heal so that you can reach your full potential as a Christian and as a mom.


Schedule a free consultation here.



Does this sound like you?

  • Are you tired, exhausted, and feel like you have no options?
  • Do you feel powerless to change things for the better?
  • Are you a solo mom who is ready to let God show you how to make the transformation from wounded to healed?

As a Christian solo mom of 3 adult sons, I know how hard it is to navigate this journey with grace and confidence when you feel like all of the odds are against you.


Schedule a free consultation here.