Orbit in Sonic Gravity and see the universe through the eyes of a madman, and you will realize that as Senator Marco Rubio, Representative Mike Gallagher, and the world attempt to rationalize the revelation that alien life is present on Exoplanet Earth, and has been time immemorial, in the last 2.5 years, we predicted everything that the whistleblowers answering Congress' call have disclosed in the last 6 months. Everything is unfolding as foretold in Sonic Gravity Episodes like: The Real Prime Directive, Story Time, Theories of Everything and Exoplanet Earth, The Madman's Curse, Critical Thinking Part 11, 12, and 13, Death Before Disclosure, and Disclosure Supremacy--every revelation shared with the global population has been foreseen in the mind of the madman . . . and that is a fact.