Philosophy & Education Episodes

June 27, 2021

Critical Thinking Part 9: The Crime of the Century

Enter my mind, and view the universe through the eyes of a bipolar autistic psychopath who is a compulsive intuitive and see your own reflection as a victim the crime of the century. The deafening silence of an undeniable pan...

Episode page
June 21, 2021

Critical Thinking Part 8: The Crime of the Century

Enter my mind, and view the universe through the eyes of a bipolar autistic psychopath who is a compulsive intuitive and see your own reflection as a victim the crime of the century. The deafening silence of an undeniable pan...

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June 15, 2021

Critical Thinking Part 7: UFOs, UAPs, and the Key to Immortality

Enter my mind and see the universe through the eyes of a madman. Looking in on the surface of a 2D bubble governed by quantum mechanics, enveloping the 3D universe ruled by the theory of relativity, you will glimpse immortali...

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June 11, 2021

Critical Thinking Part 6: UFOs, UAPs, and Zero Point Energy

Orbit in Sonic Gravity and see the universe through the eyes of a madman. See the quantum echoes of our future technology, understand the quantum physics and know that the Zero Point Energy driving the craft of the future, a...

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June 1, 2021

Critical Thinking Part 5: UFOs, UAPs, and the Nature of the Universe

Orbit in Sonic Gravity and see the universe through the eyes of a madman. See the quantum echoes of our future technology, understand the quantum physics and technology, currently in its infancy, that creates the future tech...

Episode page
May 22, 2021

Critical Thinking Part 4: UFOs, UAPs, and Quantum Field Theory

Enter my mind and see the universe and our recent validated encounters with Unidentified Flying Objects and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and experience the critical thinking required to unpack what we are seeing, who is doin...

Episode page
May 17, 2021

Politics Part 7: Holy Wars

Enter my mind and see ancient history of Israel and its modern echo in the eyes of a madman. Discover that the crusades were launched in the name of Jesus by the people who wield the very same authority they …

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May 10, 2021

Wellness Part 6: Sonic Gratitude

Sonic Gravity thanks you. In the last 60 days, you visited, 7,200 times, and streamed or downloaded 2,800 episodes. Thank you for listening and sharing. If you have insomnia, or a child that does, you'...

Episode page
May 5, 2021

Leadership Part 6: Negotiation Supremacy through the Physics of Lead…

Enter my mind and see the art and science of negotiation through the prism of The Physics of Leadership. Psychopathically wield silence, mirror, and bind your adversary with the psychological vulnerability of their own cogni...

Episode page
April 26, 2021

Leadership Part 5: Thinking Critically about Leadership, the Physics,…

Enter my mind and see the interests and motives of human beings reduced to mathematical vector representation according to Leadership Vector Theory. While you are orbiting in Sonic Gravity, you will re-translate your own ex...

Episode page
April 19, 2021

Politics Part 6: The Politics of Hate, Lovecraft Country, and the Ct…

Enter my mind and see what I see when I observe the politics of hate at work in America. When leaders ignore kneeling at football games and protestors are shot or run down by vehicles in the street, I see …

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April 12, 2021

Cooking Part 2: Chicken Breast Insanity

Enter my mind and see the culinary, biology and thermodynamic principles that govern boneless chicken breast preparation through the eyes of a madman. Enter my mind and taste the most succulent chicken breast you have ever ta...

Episode page
April 8, 2021

Cooking Part 1: Cheeseburger Madness

Enter my mind and see a cheeseburger through the eyes of a madman. Surrender your consciousness and orbit in Sonic Gravity for 7 minutes and 22 seconds and look into madness. When you look into madness, madness looks back in...

Episode page
April 4, 2021

Wellness Part 4: Rounding The Corner Into The Event Horizon

I invite you into my mind, to see what I see as our politicians have told us every day for the last year, that we are turning the corner in our global fight with COVID-19. And through the eyes of …

Episode page
March 29, 2021

Leadership Part 3: Killer Conviction and the Cure for Impostor Syndr…

Enter my mind and see the universe through the eyes of a madman. When you look into the abyss, the abyss looks back into you--and when it does, only then will you see a reflection immune to Impostor Syndrome. In …

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