July 6, 2021

Critical Thinking Part 11: UFOs, UAPs, and the American Chrononauts

Critical Thinking Part 11:  UFOs, UAPs, and the American Chrononauts

In contemplating Roswell, it becomes clear that if the 1997 Roswell closeout report is true, that the eye witnesses who maintained they saw gray aliens with 4 fingers removed from the wreckage, either saw them or they didn't.  If things were as the Air Force reported, and they were actually seeing crash test dummies in gray jumpsuits that had had fingers broken off during the crash, then we must accept that humans are already a time traveling species because in 1947, anthropomorphic crash test dummies were found at a crash site, but complex crash dummies like that were not even invented until 1949 by Samuel Alderson.

And it's no coincidence that Samuel Alderson was a theoretical physicist, who was in the government's inner circle of highly cleared and trusted scientists who worked on the Manhattan Project and who would have had access to the Roswell crash data--and who invented crash test dummies in 1949, so how could crash test dummies be involved in Roswell in 1947, 2 years prior to their invention in 1949 . . . by a scientist, Samuel Alderson, who was privy to classified government information and had worked on the Manhattan Project a couple years earlier and was definitely within the inner circle of the government's cadre of scientists at the time, and was in government service, and would have been called in to advise back in 1947.

And by the end of this episode, after orbiting in the mind of a madman, you'll see that either aliens were removed from the Roswell crash site, or Americans are already navigating through time as American Chrononauts.