Enter my mind, and view the universe through the eyes of a bipolar autistic psychopath who is a compulsive intuitive and see your own reflection as a victim the crime of the century.
The deafening silence of an undeniable pandemic reversal in India and the Global Medical Intellectual Authoritariansim driven by the profit interest of the Pharmaceutical Industrial complex bent on selling us bio-engineered vaccines that could be rotting in our ovaries, in lieu of a natural occurring Nobel prize winning medicinal derivative that has been used to cure parasitic infections, zika virus, denge virus, and the swine flu. And, in April-May 2021, it decisively routed the COVID-19 pandemic in 3 weeks in Dehli, curing 97% of their infections in the span of 3 weeks. A medicine that is in the public domain, universally accessible, cheap, and one of the safest medicines known when taken at the direction of a physician.
And when it did, the silence was broken and the pharmaceutical industrial complex sounded the alarm to quell the response and demand for Ivermectin as a cure, especially for those who couldn't access vaccines . . . and Ivermectin was universally decried by the FDA, the CDC, The WHO, and Big Pharma--the Empire of the Global Intellectual Mental Authoritarian Regime of financial exploitation . . . with only a Rebel Alliance of 10 world renowned elite medical operators in the field, the Front Line COVID Critical Care Alliance, relying on their wits, experience, and reputations continue their attempts to overthrow the Empire.
And tragically, the Jedi Master of the FLCCC, testified before the Imperial Senate in Octover 2020, and gave them the miracle cure on a silver platter, that Ivermectin was the miracle cure . . . which has been crushed, discredited, and suppressed to make way for dangerous, patented, new, expensive therapeutics, that are likely spreading mutant variations like the Delta Strain of COVID-19 as we speak.