Oct. 3, 2022

The Endgame

The Endgame

Orbit in Sonic Gravity and view the universe through the eyes of a madman--see through the Rosetta Stone of the Universe, that the Sonic Gravity Theory of Everything places our consciousness on the 2-D holographic surface of the black hole containing our universe.  And, if Stephen Hawking was correct that all black holes emit Hawking Radiation--heat, where the laws of physics require that all Hawking Radiation be quantumly entangled to all future and past Hawking Radiation, in the madness, you will see that you are the Universe's mechanism for the Law of Conservation of Quantum Information, and when you die, your soul leaves the surface of the hologram as Hawking Radiation, quantumly entangled to your ancestors and your progeny through your DNA, just like the laws of physics require.  And when your soul, energy--made immortal by the Law of Conservation of Mass-Energy, carries the information you've recorded in your memory and DNA in fractal ascension to the black hole containing our universe's black hole, then you will know that you are closer to Heaven than ever before, and your death on Earth is just the beginning, and that is a fact.