Sonic Gravity thanks you. In the last 60 days, you visited, 7,200 times, and streamed or downloaded 2,800 episodes. Thank you for listening and sharing.
If you have insomnia, or a child that does, you're in luck. As a token of gratitude, on Sonic Gravity's YouTube page (Sonic Gravity), video podcast episodes will be populating, and there are Sonic Gravity white noise videos (intended to put my infant niece to bed), but available to everyone for free, of course, to use for their kids too. There is a crackling fire, an underwater whale song, a forest stream, waves at the beach, a wind storm, and a thunderstorm. All of them are about an hour, except there are 2, 10 hour versions: the thunder storm, and the wind storm.
There are also 30 second versions posted on TikTok at @sonicgravity, where you can just like and follow, and watch them on a loop whenever you want.
Also I have 5 invitations to the relatively new social media platform, Clubhouse, which has (as of yesterday, May 8) opened to android users. So DM me on Instagram at sonic_gravity with a mobile number and I will send you the invitation so you can get on the app, to meat Frances Frei, Marty Callner, and Dane Cook.