The Drew Thorpe debut shines a favorable light on the future of the White Sox rotation, but makes the unfavorable light on their lack of hitting all that more glaring. Steve Paradzinski of On Tap Sports Net talks about Garret Crochet's adjustments an...
The Drew Thorpe debut shines a favorable light on the future of the White Sox rotation, but makes the unfavorable light on their lack of hitting all that more glaring. Steve Paradzinski of On Tap Sports Net talks about Garret Crochet's adjustments and Brian Bannister's impact. White Sox media continues to make an Ozzie Guillen dugout return a story that feels like it needs to come true.
Brought to you by Cork And Kerry At The Park! Listen. Subscribe. Share. Call 708-459-8406 and leave your comments and questions for the next episode! Chris Lanuti and his buddy Ed Siebert sit at his 9-foot homemade oak bar in a basement on the South Side of Chicago to discuss their favorite team - The Chicago White Sox in a podcast "For Fans, By Fans!" SUBSCRIBE NOW on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, everywhere podcasts can be found and always at!