To find success over the next few seasons, new White Sox head honcho Chris Getz has to ignore player valuation from before his tenure as the boss. Who is Yoan Moncada? What value is left in Tim Anderson under this contract? How many legit starting pi...
To find success over the next few seasons, new White Sox head honcho Chris Getz has to ignore player valuation from before his tenure as the boss. Who is Yoan Moncada? What value is left in Tim Anderson under this contract? How many legit starting pitchers do you really have? Only an honest assessment (and his manager working towards the future over the present) can get this team back on track in "30 Minutes of Sox!"
Brought to you by Cork & Kerry At The Park! Listen. Subscribe. Share. Call 708-459-8406 and leave your comments and questions for the next episode! Chris Lanuti and his buddy Ed Siebert sit at his 9-foot homemade oak bar in a basement on the South Side of Chicago to discuss their favorite team - The Chicago White Sox in a podcast "For Fans, By Fans!" Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, EVERYWHERE podcasts can be found and ALWAYS at!