SpaceTime with Stuart Gary

Simply the Best Space radio show and podcast

I was very surprised to discover that Star Stuff had lost it's spot on ABC Radio, but I'm VERY pleased to see that it continues in podcast-form, and with no detriment in quality. I've been listening to Star Stuff since before 1998, and one of my strongest memories of it, is tuning into ABC Newsradio and Star Stuff being the first thing we listened to after setting-up the stereo in our newly acquired home. I have some vague memories of listening to Star Stuff before 1998, during the hour-long drive home from my then girlfriend's home on the opposite side of Melbourne; thanks to this program (and a nice "bonus cup" of coffee), I managed to stay awake and alert as I negotiated Melbourne's late-night Sunday traffic.
The show is packed with information, interesting and accurate, and Stuart's so well respected within the Astronomical community, his guests are second to none.
Further to this, Star Stuff is largely responsible for my own podcast being quite Space-centric Stuart Gary and Star Stuff are easily my favourite science programs, and an inspiration to many interested in science, astronomy and podcasts in-general..

Feb. 11, 2016 by rcktsrgry on Apple Podcasts

SpaceTime with Stuart Gary

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