Overview and Introduction to Flowers and Their Messages by The Mother

Flowers are able to receive and transmit energetic vibrations and can thus help us create a positive atmosphere around us and help us attend to and receive the vital forces that can aid in our growth and well-being.
The Mother codified many hundreds of flowers as to the specific vibrations they were able to receive and transmit, and she also codified the various effects of different colors.
The book published by Lotus Press includes a systematic presentation of flowers by botanical name, along with an index and reference to the text by common name and by spiritual significance. An overview of the action of flowers and the symbolism of colors is also included.
Published by Lotus Press in the USA: Flowers and Their Messages by The Mother: https://www.lotuspress.com/products/flowers-and-their-messages-us-edition-990505?_pos=3&_sid=8fcb5db84&_ss=r #flowers #significance of flowers #meaning of flowers #occultism #mysticism #vibrations of flowers #The Mother #integral yoga #yoga