A Podcast Featuring Sri Aurobindo Studies
Nov. 12, 2023

Readings in Savitri: a Legend and a Symbol, Book XI The Book of Everlasting Day, Canto 1 The Soul's Choice and the Supreme Consummation

Readings in Savitri: a Legend and a Symbol, Book XI The Book of Everlasting Day, Canto 1 The Soul's Choice and the Supreme Consummation

Reference: Readings in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri: a Legend and a Symbol, Book XI The Book of Everlasting Day, Canto 1 The Soul's Choice and the Supreme Consummation, pp. 688-692

A link to the ongoing series of readings in Savitri is available at https://sriaurobindostudies.wordpress.com/2023/08/28/readings-in-sri-aurobindos-savitri-a-legend-and-a-symbol/