The Dawn of the Rig Veda is clearly a symbolic representation of the opening of the consciousness to the higher Light of the Divine. Sri Aurobindo writes in The Secret of the Veda: "The Rishi prays for the full epiphany of the Dawn of the light of Truth in all its lavish splendour, with all the bountiful companies of its gods and seers, the shining herds of its thought, the rushing steeds of its force, the luminous impulsions with which it comes -- companioned, as they are, by the burning rays of the Sun of gnosis. Let the Dawn arrive and the work will no longer be long and tardy."
The recordings were made at Sri Aurobindo Ashram in 1973. Sanskrit recited by Sri Vinayak. English translation and any excerpts from Sri Aurobindo's commentary recited by Santosh Krinsky. (Secret of the Veda, pp. 524-526)