Star Trek Discovery Pod

Hailing Frequencies Open!

Running a Podcast myself, I have a difficult time finding an hour or two to listen to other shows. But from the minute the Discovery Pod came up on my long range sensors, I’ve made the time to listen to their show.

What I really dig is that each host has a differing level of Star Trek Knowledge. Some have enough to get accepted to the Daystrom Institute with honors, while others have only started watching since Discovery came about. This adds a really fun dynamic.

The DISCO Pod also has an awesome Patreon program that is absolutely worth giving a couple of dollars to. After just one episode, I subscribed. Can’t wait to hear the crew’s thoughts on the rest of the season of Picard, and look forward to their reviews of Discovery Season 3.

Jan. 31, 2020 by Husher315 on Apple Podcasts

Star Trek Discovery Pod

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