Meet Julie Riga

Stay On Course and learn to lead your life. Do you know your purpose in life? Are you guided by a foundation that is rooted in self-awareness?

Join host Julie Riga, best selling-author and ICF leadership coach as she explores different topics in leadership, personal development, and faith. Julie Riga is the daughter of renowned chef to the stars, Ennio Riga. Ennio Riga razzle dazzled the kings and queens of Hollywood, like Frank Sinatra, Liberace, and Joan Rivers with his scrumptious Italian-inspired cuisine. As a little girl, Julie sat in the front row of her dad's larger-than-life persona. Julie was witness to her father's stories, recipes and purpose-led life.

This is a podcast that examines the lives and experts who are seekers. These stories are of people who know their life is meant for more. This is a podcast about abundance and faith. Julie was never supposed to be a best-selling author. Julie was never supposed to have an MBA. Julie, at a young age, was met with physical and emotional challenges that should have suppressed her from reaching her potential

These are the teachings of Ennio Riga. These are the words of his legacy. Julie's father was a testimony that speaks to the power of one person believing in you can help you Stay On Course. In this podcast, you will hear unbelievable stories of challenges. You will bear witness to the spirit of humanity and the tenacity of leadership. The most difficult person to lead is ourselves. However, in every Stay On Course episode you will be motivated to become a leader. In every episode, you will know that you are not alone in the challenges you face. This is the key ingredient to success: Stay On Course.