STL Medical Weight Loss Radio Show with Dr. Joseph Moleski

It’s not too good to be true

I’ve spent thousands of dollars trying to figure out why I was doing all the right things but the weight was creeping up anyway. I had my hormones checked. I tried diet after diet after diet. I bought books. I bought supplements. I tried intermittent fasting. I had tests run. At first the wait but come down, but it would gradually climb back up pretty soon. It didn’t matter what I tried my weight was creeping up. Anyone who tells you it’s just calories and calories out it just isn’t true I haven’t taken in enough calories to sustain my way in years. I was a runner! I had to stop running because my inexplicable weight gain was hurting my joints! I was at the end of my rope when I found Dr. Moleski. My weight is coming down. My blood sugar is coming down. My blood pressure is coming down. This is worth every penny! I am worth every penny! My health is worth every penny!

Aug. 22, 2023 by Evilmom lady on Apple Podcasts

STL Medical Weight Loss Radio Show with Dr. Joseph Moleski

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