Welcome to my new website!

Paige Allison

Paige Allison Profile Photo


I am the Breakup with Food Coach for people who want to permanently break their toxic relationship with food to build a connection with themselves, their body and food rooted in lobe, compassion and trust. Helping people with weight to understand the root cause of the weight they carry is amazing work. Using mindset coaching, as well as understand who my client is as a person, including their work/home life, and how they are using food to cope allows me to show them the patterns they have been taught, and how to break those a little at a time. Mindset coaching, as well as learning how to get back in to your body are some of the tools I use. I have carried weight for most of my life, and it wasn't until almost 4 years ago that I found life coaching, and was able to finally understand why I was using food to cope with my life. I now am a coach to help people uncover the root causes of their overeating, emotional eating and/or binge eating, and to show them that these coping mechanisms were taught to them to be able to start to unravel them and learn new ways to cope with their life and emotions.

Feb. 25, 2023

Stories That Inspire Us with Paige Allison - 02.25.23

Stories That Inspire Us welcomed to today’s podcast, Saturday, February 25, 2023, Paige Allison. Paige is the Breakup with Food Coach for people who want to permanently break their toxic relationship with food to build a con...

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