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Stories That Inspire Us / The Author Series with Craig M. Porter Rollins - 03.01.23

Stories That Inspire Us / The Author Series, welcomed to today’s podcast, Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Craig M. Porter Rollins. Craig is a Partner Emeritus and “happily former” CEO in the field of Financial Securities. Craig has enjoyed serving in many capacities on professional and University Boards of Directors.

Craig is also the Author of the Book: Pablo The Plate Painter of Mazatlan, which was an NIEA Finalist, 2022 New England Book Festival Honorable Award Mention and won the 2022 Big Book Award and Paris Book Festival for Children’s Fiction!

My obvious first question was how do you go from being a CEO in the field of Financial Securities to being a first-time multinational award winning author? It’s all about “story-telling”. In his business and having written several articles, business books and communicating directions with his staff, he had a way to communicate his message through storytelling.

His book is based on true events as many years ago in Mazatlan and he met a very unique artist who painted captivating artwork on plates. Craig was fascinated by how an artist with such an imaginative talent and creative mind could create an amazing story through the painting on his plate.

Several years later, and “unofficially” retired from the financial/investment industry he decided to write this book. Craig brought us through the writing and editing process and how he found an artist to create the illustrations for his book.

Craig lives in Hawaii but still lectures and consults on various aspects of investing and business. He has turned his attention towards writing children’s books, aimed at building positive and productive stories that help children follow their dreams.

His hope is that when a little boy or girl picks up this book that they see “Pablo” within themselves and he has certainly accomplished that!

Craig is working on his next book entitled The Year I Scared Santa Away. This story is an autobiography. It is a non-fiction and heart warming story of the author’s childhood on the night before Christmas. I’m already captivated and can’t wait to read this book!

To connect with Craig further, please check out his website and various social media platforms:







Your story matters and as Craig stated “storytelling is the best way to convey your message.” How will you convey your message?

Let me know what you thought of today’s episode. Also, do you have a story you want to share? Your story will certainly inspire others! If you are interested in sharing your story, please go to my website and “register as a guest”.


Thank you Craig - there is a “Pablo” in all of us and “Truly” these are the Stories That Inspire Us!!