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Stories That Inspire Us / The Author Series with Stacey Webb - 09.20.22

Stories That Inspire Us / The Author Series, welcomed to today’s podcast, Tuesday, September 20, 2022. Stacey Webb. Stacey works as an Intuitive Trauma Release Mentor and Author. Prior to being an Intuitive Trauma Release Mentor, Stacey was a Detective within the Police Force for 16 years.

Stacey’s book, ‘The Intuitive Detective’ details how listening to her intuition and following her guidance not only helped her on her own purpose but also helped and supported her own healing journey and nervous system empowerment.

She realized that the stories of her life were always directing her in some form or fashion. Although she did not fully understand many of them at the time, she realized that she could no longer push them away.

Part of the healing journey for anyone is almost like peeling the layers away from an onion. Each separate and distinct layer carries with it a chapter. It’s important to not only “hear” what each layer signifies but to “listen” intuitively. Sometimes, we may not as we fear what the outcome will be - the fear of the unknown.

As Stacey explains in great detail, she not only has experienced these modalities and applied them to her own self-care process, she coaches her clients to do the same. It’s about knowing when to “tune in” to your intuition.

From Stacey’s book: “Everyone can access intuition if you are willing to receive it.” So true and as Stacey pointed out, we must have the strength and courage to regulate our intuition. It’s also important to point out “Intuition does not have a timeframe to work by.”

Stacey is extremely passionate about guiding and supporting people on their healing journey, by helping build a flexible autonomous nervous system to allow the release of fear and trauma from within to live an embodied life.

To connect with Stacey further and purchase her book ‘The Intuitive Detective’, please click the Amazon link below. Also you may reach her through her website and various social media platforms:






Are you tuning into your intuition? What have you learned about yourself in the process?

Let me know what you thought of today’s episode. Also, do you have a story you want to share? Your story, like Stacey's, will certainly inspire others! If you are interested in sharing your story, please go to my website and “register as a guest”.


Thank you Stacey! Your book is amazing and of course, these are Truly the Stories That Inspires Us!!